Title: Discovering the larynx Speaker: Dr. Françoise P. Chagnon, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology at McGill University and Associae Director of professional services at the McGill University Health Centre Time: 7 p.m. Place: Room C204, Faculty of Music, McGill University, 555 Sherbrooke West, Montreal Admission: Free, reservation required This one-hour lecture introduces the foundations of laryngeal anatomy and physiology. This knowledge base is used to explore the mechanisms of voicing and singing. Common disorders of the vocal apparatus are illustrated and emphasis is made on empowering the vocal performer to prevent vocal injuries through self-discipline and healthy lifestyle choices. The lecture will be followed by an open question period from the audience. The lecture will be illustrated by slides and selected video excerpts. The lecture will be given in both English and French. Biography of Dr. Chagnon Dr. Françoise Chagnon is a medical graduate of McGill University. She pursued post-graduate training in Laryngology at Vanderbilt University. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the ear, nose and throat as well as the care of the professional voice. Her surgical expertise includes microlaryngeal surgery for vocal cord lesions and endoscopic laser surgery. She has lectured at many universities and professional conferences on the comprehensive management of voice disorders. Sponsors: La Scena Musicale and McGill University, Faculty of Music, Voice Area