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Baritone Finley sings the song atomic, Michael Roddy, Reuters, 1/7/2009
Young violinist sets her sights on the world stage, Tina Depko, Oakville Beaver, 1/7/2009
Heart-warming music, Amy De kanter, Malaysia Star, 1/4/2009
This Euridice Doesn’t Need a Lifeline, Vivien Schweitzer, New York Times, 1/4/2009
Bits 'n' Pieces: Orchestrating a dream come true, The Columbian, 1/2/2009
A Conversation With: Cellist Johannes Moser, PlaybillArts, 12/30/2008
The year of the woman, Mary Carole McCauley, Baltimore Sun, 12/29/2008
The opera singer: Vuyani Mlinde, Michael Church, The Independent, 12/27/2008
Tom Stoppard and Andre Previn on Every Good Boy Deserves Favour, Alan Franks, Times Online, 12/23/2008
Concert is choir's gift to the community, Betsy Reason, Indianapolis Star, 12/20/2008

(c) La Scena Musicale