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No Regrets on Opera, Gerard Mortier Says, Dave Itzkoff, New York Times, 1/22/2009
Storming out of the diva closet, Fiona Morrow, Globe And Mail, 1/22/2009
Local orchestra hits the inauguration jackpot, Howard Reich, Chicago Tribune, 1/20/2009
Another Eloquent Chicagoan at Center Stage, Daniel J. Wakin, New York Times, 1/19/2009
Masur returns, on a mission for Mendelssohn, Jeremy Eichler, Boston Globe, 1/18/2009
Johannes Debus: A new baton in town, John Terauds, Toronto Star, 1/17/2009
Score one for the Canadian Opera Company, Robert Everett-Green, Globe And Mail, 1/16/2009
Julian and Anton Kuerti: Chip and block make music together, John Terauds, Toronto Star, 1/10/2009
For the Kuertis, music is all in the family, Robert Everett-Green, Globe And Mail, 1/9/2009
San Francisco Opera's Music Director Designate Nicola Luisotti on Covent Garden's Turandot and his plans for his new company, Dominic McHugh, Musical Criticism, 1/8/2009

(c) La Scena Musicale