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Organ virtuoso Barbara Dennerlein works her triple-threat magic, Alexander Varty, Straight.com, 7/30/2009
Big voice headed to Big Apple, Steven Mazey, Ottawa Citizen, 7/30/2009
Calgary opera singer puts life before career, Bob Clark, Calgary Herald, 7/29/2009
Young harpist pulls all the strings as Edmonton Symphony Orchestra composer, Paula Simons, Edmonton Journal, 7/28/2009
David Chiu - city supervisor, rock violinist, Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle, 7/28/2009
There's no place like Leipzig, William Littler, Toronto Star, 7/25/2009
Opera idol overwhelmed by opportunity, Janelle Gelfand, Cincinnati Enquirer, 7/23/2009
Sound Bites: Evan Rogister, F. Paul Driscoll, Opera News, 7/20/2009
Organist returns to Newfoundland roots , Halifax Herald, 7/19/2009
Nurture over nature for Measha, Chris Fox, Daily Gleaner, 7/18/2009

(c) La Scena Musicale