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Down-to-earth diva delves into accessible opera music, Kerri Mason, Windsor Star, 9/23/2009
Mozart as Mozart heard it , Colin Eatock, Globe And Mail, 9/23/2009
The passion and pain of Bernard Haitink, Tom Service, Guardian Unlimited, 9/23/2009
Opera Mafia Style, BBC , 9/21/2009
Cellist Cris Derksen and opera singer Melody Mercredi stay wild at heart, Alexander Varty and Jessica Werb, Straight.com, 9/17/2009
Playing soon: a free spirit, a spirit freed, Elizabeth Withey, Edmonton Journal, 9/17/2009
National Arts Centre's Zukerman says he's caught the opera bug , James Bradshaw, Globe And Mail, 9/17/2009
"I'm a born stage animal": opera star Waltraud Meier, Benoit Fauchet, AFP, 9/17/2009
This tenor has tenacity, Lori Gallagher, Daily Gleaner, 9/15/2009
Cellist Kleinhapl slated for tour of Eastern U.S. and Canada , Rick MacMillan , 9/12/2009

(c) La Scena Musicale