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Back to the person, place and thing that started it all , John Terauds, Toronto Star, 11/19/2009
Conductor Arild Remmereit and pianist Gabriela Montero share improvisatory spirit, Tom Keogh, Seattle Times, 11/19/2009
5 questions with Joseph Schwantner, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, Mark Stryker, Detroit Free Press, 11/19/2009
Youth symphony orchestra plays Aeolian Hall, James Reaney, London Free Press [Canada], 11/18/2009
Ten Questions For A Critic: The State Of Classical Music, Tom Huizenga, NPR, 11/18/2009
Lang Lang's keys to success, Arthur Kaptainis, Montreal Gazette, 11/17/2009
A Chat With: Aprile Millo - Rare NYC Recital Nov. 17, PlaybillArts, 11/16/2009
Spas, stretches and sonatas, Steven Mazey, Ottawa Citizen, 11/16/2009
Long Yu marches home to Shanghai, John Terauds, Toronto Star, 11/14/2009
Yuga Wang plays to her strengths , Robert Everett-Green, Globe And Mail, 11/14/2009

(c) La Scena Musicale