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Bobby McFerrin gets vocal, John Lewis, Guardian Unlimited, 5/7/2010
Spikes & Strings: Rachel Barton Pine, Musical Chameleon , Crystal Chan, 5/1/2010
Atlanta's Robert Spano, familiar to 'Ring' fans, conducts Seattle Symphony, Tom Keogh, Seattle Times, 4/25/2010
Despite Anxiety and Naysayers, Composer Wins Her Pulitzer, Vivien Schweitzer, New York Times, 4/22/2010
Choral Conductor Erica Phare Leaving Montreal , Patricia Abbott, 4/1/2010
Maurice Forget: 30 Years in Service of the Arts , Wah Keung Chan, 4/1/2010
Composer Peter Eotvos makes modern opera "angelic", Reuters, 3/31/2010
Pierre Boulez a work in progress at 85, Mark Swed, Los Angeles Times, 3/28/2010
Liza Grossman, founder and conductor of Contemporary Youth Orchestra, talks about group's 15th year: Tastemakers, Sarah Crump, The Plain Dealer (Cleveland), 3/27/2010
Danish guest conductor arrives for a weekend of Northern European composers, Tom Keogh, Seattle Times, 3/24/2010

(c) La Scena Musicale