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Noah Stewart: 'No one gave me the opportunity... I had to work for it', Jessica Duchen, The Independent, 5/7/2012
Six burning questions for Amelia Farrugia, John Mangan, The Age.com, 5/6/2012
Philip Glass: Have a sleep during Einstein on the Beach, David Sillito, BBC , 5/4/2012
Scarborough composer hits high notes in Hollywood, Sarah Taguiam , Toronto Observer, 5/2/2012
Vijay Iyer: the scientist who turned to jazz, Ivan Hewett, Telegraph.co.uk, 5/1/2012
Toronto Symphony Orchestra: Nostalgia, in masterful hands, Arthur Kaptainis, National Post, 4/28/2012
Q&A: Conductor Ilan Volkov, Alexandra Coghlan, The Arts Desk, 4/28/2012
A symphonic life: Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Graydon Royce, Star Tribune, 4/15/2012
An Interview With Opera Great, Jessye Norman, Pamela Tsai, Epoch Times, 4/10/2012
Defending Music , Wah Keung Chan, 4/1/2012

(c) La Scena Musicale