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Max Richter spring-cleans Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, Tom Service, Guardian Unlimited, 10/22/2012
Janai Brugger Discusses Her Approaching Met Debut, Zachary Woolfe, New York Times, 10/21/2012
Remixing Philip Glass, Zachary Woolfe, New York Times, 10/7/2012
Bruce Mather, the Constant Composer , Louise Bail, 10/1/2012
Lang Lang: ‘We need to take responsibility to inspire kids’, Gloria Galloway, Globe And Mail, 9/21/2012
Peter Oundjian revs up Toronto Symphony Orchestra for season opener, Trish Crawford , Toronto Star, 9/21/2012
Philippe Sly: A New Star , Renée Banville, 9/1/2012
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau: A Legacy Like No Other , Richard Turp, 9/1/2012
Remembering Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau , Joseph So, 9/1/2012
Pauline Oliveros: Strange Sounds Led a Composer to a Long Career, Steve Smith, New York Times, 8/13/2012

(c) La Scena Musicale