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10 Questions: Karin Schaupp, classical guitarist, 40, Luke Slattery, The Australian, 2/22/2013
Verdi, Sinatra chat about Metropolitan Opera's 'Rigoletto,' set in 1960s Las Vegas, Donald Rosenberg, The Plain Dealer (Cleveland), 2/9/2013
Allyson McHardy on Dead Man Walking and Sister Helen , Joseph So, 2/1/2013
Metropolitan Opera auditions come to Denver, and it's free, Ray Mark Rinaldi, Denver Post, 1/25/2013
Young composer makes it look easy, Amy Smart, Victoria Times Colonist, 1/24/2013
From violin concertos to Aspen police work, Aspen Times , 1/11/2013
Five Questions for Sydney Festival director Lieven Bertels, Melissa Lesnie, Limelight Magazine, 1/7/2013
1/3-5: Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto at Symphony Hall: Music director Michael Christie talks about the beloved piece, Ed Masley, Arizona Republic, 1/2/2013
A concerted effort: Vancouver’s classical-music talent scout spots the up-and-comers, Rod Michleburgh, Globe And Mail, 12/28/2012
When the rock star joined the orchestra, Bernard Zuel, Sydney Morning Herald, 12/27/2012

(c) La Scena Musicale