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Oliver Knussen: 'Britten pointed me on the right path in the simplest, kindest way', Fiona Maddocks, Guardian Unlimited, 11/16/2013
'Two Boys' composer Nico Muhly digs online hoaxes, 'Law & Order: SVU', Meredith Blake, Los Angeles Times, 11/10/2013
Valery Gergiev interview: 'Berlioz inspired me long before I ever dreamed I would conduct', Ed Vulliamy, Guardian Unlimited, 11/9/2013
Music in the Cold: The Remarkable R. Murray Schafer, Michael L. Vincent, La Scena Musicale, 11/6/2013
Richard Wagner's dark knight returns to Lyric Opera, John von Rhein, Chicago Tribune, 11/5/2013
Music in the Cold: The Remarkable R. Murray Schafer , Michael L. Vincent, 11/4/2013
Manon Lafrance: Backstage with the new director of the Converatoire de Musique de Montreal , Emilie White, 11/1/2013
Fabien Gabel: A Vision for Quebec City , Caroline Rodgers, 11/1/2013
Boy Story: A Q&A with Nico Muhly, Jennifer Ashley Wright, New York Observer, 10/29/2013
Arts head: Henry Little, chief executive, Orchestras Live, Matthew Caines, Guardian Unlimited, 10/29/2013

(c) La Scena Musicale