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Diana Yukawa, Rosie Pentreath, Classical-music.com, 7/3/2014
Malcolm Williamson: Our man at the Palace, Julian Day, Limelight Magazine, 6/28/2014
Christiane Karg: The German soprano on playing Sandrina in Mozart's La finta giardiniera, Rosie Pentreath, Classical-music.com, 6/27/2014
Interview with Seiji Ozawa, Antoine Leboyer, ConcertoNet.com, 6/25/2014
Oliver And His Men , Marc Chénard, 6/1/2014
Soul Sisters: Ingrid + Christine Jensen , Marc Chénard, 6/1/2014
New Orford String Quartet: Playing Well Together , L. H. Tiffany Hsieh, 6/1/2014
Jean-Philippe Tremblay: The Steward of Knowledge , Caroline Rodgers, 6/1/2014
Alina Ibragimova: Getting the balance right, Clive Paget, Limelight Magazine, 5/27/2014
Arun Ghosh: The composer and clarinettist talks about his new piece, Spitalfields Suite, ahead of the Spitalfields Summer Festival, Rosie Pentreath, Classical-music.com, 5/21/2014

(c) La Scena Musicale