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Facing the music: Martin Fröst, Guardian Unlimited, 2/2/2015
Young Israeli violinist an heir to the ‘bagel club’, Rachel Delia Benaim, Times of Israel, 2/2/2015
Karen Keltner Hangs up Her Baton at San Diego Opera, Erica Miner, Broadway World, 2/2/2015
Analekta’s Mario Labbé Predicts the Future , Crystal Chan, 2/1/2015
ATMA’s Johanne Goyette: A Renaissance Woman , Crystal Chan, 2/1/2015
Alexander Brott - The Creator , Boris Brott, 2/1/2015
Sean Michaels: Electric Atmosphere , Lucie Renaud, 2/1/2015
Cléo Palacio-Quintin : Between Humans and Machines , Brigitte Des Rosiers, 2/1/2015
Berlin’s classical kaleidoscope: three contrasting scenes, Alexandra Ivanoff, Todayszaman.com, 1/31/2015
Classical Crossover Star Katherine Jenkins on Going Back to Her Roots: 'Musically I've Come Full Circle', Richard Smirke , Billboard, 1/29/2015

(c) La Scena Musicale