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Stetch takes classical route to jazz, Cam Fuller, Leader-Post, 3/19/2015
Who Should Lead the New York Philharmonic? Readers Respond., New York Times, 3/19/2015
Guy Mintus: A young pianist inspired by Art Tatum, Turkish music and everything in-between, Peter Hum, Ottawa Citizen, 3/19/2015
David Malouf back to the opera with Fly Away Peter, Ben Neutze, Daily Review, 3/18/2015
Composers find new inspiration in chamber operas, Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Gate, 3/18/2015
20 Questions for Nicole Lizée, Michael Vincent , Musical Toronto, 3/16/2015
Alison Wonderland: from classical cellist to world-conquering DJ, Rose Powell, Sydney Morning Herald, 3/14/2015
Soloists who slalom: Which classical musicians are the best athletes?, Jay Gabler, Classical MPR, 3/13/2015
Heartbeat Opera Presents the ONE ACT FESTIVAL, 3/18-22, Broadway World, 3/12/2015
Who Should Lead the New York Philharmonic? Five Critics Answer., New York Times, 3/11/2015

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