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Terry Riley’s Maximal Minimalist Music, Ted Gioia, The Daily Beast, 6/20/2015
Composer Elliot Goldenthal Is Experiencing a ‘Dream’ Spring, Marco Guerra, Variety, 6/20/2015
Turandot star Lise Lindstrom explains why opera doesn't need to make sense, Kathy Evans, Sydney Morning Herald, 6/20/2015
Violinist Adrian Justus is building his concert career in Israel., Sarah Hershenson, Jerusalem Post, 6/18/2015
22 Questions for Teng Li, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 6/17/2015
Hungarian pianist mulls Indian, Western classical fusion, Business Standard, 6/17/2015
Honeck's status the big question at the Pittsburgh Symphony, Elizabeth Bloom, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette , 6/17/2015
How Carlos Miguel Prieto (MBA 1992) conducted a post-Katrina comeback for the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchest, Dan Morrell, alumni.hbs.edu, 6/16/2015
Video game music comes to concert hall, Jeffrey Fleishman, Salina Journal, 6/16/2015
Music in the family, Lea Wee, The Straits Times, 6/15/2015

(c) La Scena Musicale