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Charles Dutoit -- Stepping Forward and Looking Back , Wah Keung Chan, 8/30/2000
He might be smiling now... - Franz Welser-Möst Returns to Conduct the Proms , Norman Lebrecht , 8/16/2000
Keeping Baroque Fresh at the Academy: an interview with Andrew Manze , Lucie Renaud, 7/5/2000
Ida Haendel - The One They Don't Want You to Hear , Norman Lebrecht, 6/22/2000
Cellist Nina Kotova - From Catwalk to Concert Hall , Norman Lebrecht, 3/15/2000
Roberto Alagna and Angela Gheorghiu – The Singing World's Golden Couple? , Norman Lebrecht, 2/16/2000
Domingo goes solo, Norman Lebrecht, The Daily Telegraph, 2/2/2000
Yannick Nézet-Séguin — A Soaring Talent , Wah Keung Chan, 2/1/2000
Canada's Top Baroque Violinist Becomes Folk Hero As Fiddler , Wah Keung Chan and Tom Holzinger, 12/1/1999
Agnes Grossmann to conduct Montreal Symphony Orchestra , Dominique Olivier, 12/1/1999

(c) La Scena Musicale