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Contemporary Music for all Generations , Lucie Renaud, 1/29/2001
Yegor Dyachkov: A Passion for Playing , Lucie Renaud, 1/29/2001
Le Marteau sans maître : Serialism Becomes Respectable , Pierre Grondines, 12/1/2000
Joy to the World! , Lucie Renaud, 12/1/2000
Daniel Taylor, More than just a pretty voice , Wah Keung Chan, 12/1/2000
Nadia Boulanger, That Woman Down the Hall , Don Campbell, 10/30/2000
A wonderfully vocal minority, Norman Lebrecht , The Daily Telegraph, 10/19/2000
The Harmonies of Nature , Jacques Desjardins, 9/28/2000
José van Dam, Master Singer , Wah Keung Chan, 9/28/2000
XXth Century Erik Satie: Première Gnossienne , Stéphane Villemin, 8/30/2000

(c) La Scena Musicale