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Louise Forand-Samson and her Club Musical , Wah Keung Chan, 11/1/2001
Borromeo Quartet: Beethoven and Beyond , Lucie Renaud, 11/1/2001
La Bayrakdarian , Wah Keung Chan, 9/27/2001
Louis Lortie: Back to Beethoven , Lucie Renaud, 8/30/2001
As Tristan skates with Isolde to the music of Wagner , Marie Trudel, 6/27/2001
Alma Mahler.: an original but unfulfilled composer? , Ewelina Boczkowska, 6/27/2001
Marie-Nicole Lemieux: the compelling voice next door , Wah Keung Chan, 6/27/2001
Tessa Blackstone - The Red Baroness swoops in , Norman Lebrecht , 6/27/2001
Remembering Heifetz , Lucie Renaud, 6/1/2001
Heifetz as seen by the new generation , 6/1/2001

(c) La Scena Musicale