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Fernand Lindsay - Bringing Live Classical Greats to Thousands , Anaïk Bernèche, 6/29/2002
Karita Mattila - The Passion for Art , Wah Keung Chan, 6/29/2002
Bryn Terfel - In his Own Words , Wah Keung Chan, 3/30/2002
Jazz Tracks - Dave Douglas , Marc Chénard, 3/30/2002
Russell Braun encounters Don Giovanni , Joseph So, 2/3/2002
Richard Margison - In Constant Motion , Wah Keung Chan, 2/3/2002
Marc-André Hamelin - Beyond Virtuosity , Lucie Renaud, 12/1/2001
Profile: Renée Fleming , Philip Anson , 11/1/2001
St. Lawrence String Quartet : The Fifth Dimension , Lucie Renaud, 11/1/2001
Théâtre Lyrichorégra 20 - 25 years of promoting , Wah Keung Chan, 11/1/2001

(c) La Scena Musicale