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New concertmaster, new school approach, Sarah Petrescu, Victoria Times Colonist, 1/3/2008
Climbing to the top of his game, John Terauds, Toronto Star, 1/3/2008
Young tenor sings the praises of opera as 'best-kept secret' of entertainment, Steven Edwards, Montreal Gazette, 1/3/2008
The man taking Handel’s Messiah to a whole new level, Michael Tumelty, The Herald, 1/2/2008
Hamlisch leads symphony in pops, Kyle Lawson, Arizona Republic, 1/2/2008
Magdalena Kozena - Beauty and Grace , Wah Keung Chan, 2/21/2006
Arion – A fresh take on Early Music , Isabelle Picard, 10/18/2005
Natalie Dessay in Conversation , Wah Keung Chan, 5/14/2005
ECM Records at 35 - The Marriage of Sound and Silence , Marc Chénard, 5/14/2004
Isabel Bayrakdarian in Salzburg 2003 , Ingrid Gäfvert , 10/9/2003

(c) La Scena Musicale