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Canadian soprano sees Sieglinde as role of her career, CBC, 1/10/2008
Parker is ‘raring to go’ with Brahms, Channing Gray, Providence Journal , 1/10/2008
Choir director finds Vancouver in fine voice, David Gordon Duke, Vancouver Sun, 1/10/2008
Manchester's Hallé: Knees-up for our oldest orchestra , Ivan Hewett, The Telegraph, 1/7/2008
Simon Rattle: On tour with Rattle, 100 musicians - and a baby , Jasper Rees, Telegraph.co.uk, 1/5/2008
Wandering star, Robert Scotto, Guardian Unlimited, 1/5/2008
Soprano Amanda Roocroft - ‘I don’t really do happy’, Andrew Clark, Financial Times, 1/5/2008
Violinist pulling the right strings, John Terauds, Toronto Star, 1/5/2008
Freelancing tenor proves his ability around world, looks to settle, Tom Murray, Edmonton Journal, 1/4/2008
Violinist Andrew Wan eyes potential future on world stage, Tom Murray, Edmonton Journal, 1/4/2008

(c) La Scena Musicale