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Emerson String Quartet: Pals with no strings attached, Steven Mazey, Ottawa Citizen, 1/28/2008
Pianist Calvin Simmons - Arts heroes of Black History, Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle, 1/25/2008
violinist Huang Mengla - Depth of feeling, Michelle Chan, The Standard, 1/25/2008
Christopher Maltman - 'I'm a musical thicky, me', Tom Service, Guardian Unlimited, 1/25/2008
Opera born out of love, Karen Seidman, Montreal Gazette, 1/24/2008
Italian Girl is a good fit for Sandra Piques Eddy, Lynn Mitges, Vancouver Province, 1/24/2008
The Italian Girl in Algiers: 'This opera is a little gem': director Michael Cavanagh, Lloyd Dykk, Vancouver Sun, 1/24/2008
Calgary pianist Hung-Kuan Chen plays through adversity, Eric Volmers, Calgary Herald, 1/24/2008
Ottawa mezzo Kathleen Promane wins New York debut, Steven Mazey, Ottawa Citizen, 1/24/2008
The First-timers at the MET, John Doyle, PlaybillArts, 1/20/2008

(c) La Scena Musicale