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Eerily Composed: Nico Muhly’s sonic magic, Rebecca Mead, The New Yorker, 2/8/2008
Naxos - one forte to another, Stephen Moss, Guardian Unlimited, 2/8/2008
Conductor Vasily Petrenko - the Russian bombshell, Tim Ashley, Guardian Unlimited, 2/5/2008
Yannick Nézet-Séguin: Talk about orchestral manoeuvres, Robert Everett-Green, Globe And Mail, 2/4/2008
Alexander Briger conducts `From the House of the Dead', John Terauds, Toronto Star, 2/2/2008
Pop singer had doubts about Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra collaboration, Robert Everett-Green, Globe And Mail, 2/2/2008
Pipa at the gates of dawn, Michael Church, Guardian Unlimited, 2/1/2008
Nigel Kennedy, Clare Morgan, Sydney Morning Herald, 1/30/2008
Sarah Chang on Shostakovich, The Four Seasons and loving London, Musical Criticism, 1/28/2008
Robert Gupta: At 20, his experiences reach far beyond his years, Steve Lopez, Los Angeles Times, 1/28/2008

(c) La Scena Musicale