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Yo-Yo Ma: Bach, Big Bird and me, Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian, 7/29/2015
Going backstage with Lyric Opera's 'Bel Canto' composer, John von Rhein, Chicago Tribune, 7/29/2015
Facing the music: Susanna Mälkki, The Guardian, 7/28/2015
Unearthing treasures of classical music, Deborah Sullivan Brennan, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7/28/2015
That Iron String: The tortured piano world viewed from within, Michael Johnson, Facts & Arts, 7/27/2015
Barrie Kosky says opera ‘is art, there are no rules’, Neil Fisher, The Australian, 7/21/2015
Buxton Opera House chief looks to the future, Buxton Advertiser, 7/21/2015
Facing the music: Colin Currie, The Guardian, 7/20/2015
With David Bennett in charge, San Diego Opera may get a bit wild -- but not crazy, James Chute, LA Times, 7/19/2015
Soile Isokoski: The Artist as Teacher, Joseph So, Musical Toronto, 7/19/2015

(c) La Scena Musicale