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Leo Birnbaum, The Telegraph, 5/4/2008
Tan Dun - of musical import , Ian Buruma, New York Times, 5/4/2008
Classical director Kent Nagano keeping score, William Littler, Toronto Star, 5/3/2008
Measha's opera moment is now, Colin Eatock, Globe And Mail, 4/26/2008
Pierre Boulez - 'I am not shy', Nicholas Wroe, Guardian Unlimited, 4/26/2008
An interview with Tacoma Symphony Orchestra maestro Harvey Felder, Matt Nagle, Tacoma Weekly, 4/24/2008
Philip Glass: The Message in the Music , Elena Park, PlaybillArts, 4/21/2008
Carnegie Hall: Hearing Voices- Jessye Norman and Bryn Terfel, Nick Romeo, PlaybillArts, 4/16/2008
Call it the Brandon boy's concerto, Stuart Derdeyn, Vancouver Province, 4/15/2008
Flamenco Passion, Lorca Inspire Conductor Spano, Warwick Thompson, Bloomberg, 4/12/2008

(c) La Scena Musicale