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Toronto Symphony Orchestra takes off with Star Trek: The Music, Erich Kunzel, National Post, 6/18/2008
Sirens of the salon, Donald Macleod, Guardian Unlimited, 6/17/2008
Transgender pianist 's new look: Sara Davis Buechner revives performing career at University of British Columbia , William Littler , Toronto Star, 6/14/2008
Seeking stage, Dessay found it through singing, Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle, 6/14/2008
Gounod - this charming man, George Hall, Guardian Unlimited, 6/13/2008
Maria Fuller to tackle Chopin concerto, Edward Willett, Regina Leader-Post, 6/12/2008
New York Philharmonic: A Dream Come True, Robin Tabachnik, PlaybillArts, 6/10/2008
The 5-minute Interview: Alina Ibragimova, Musician, Stevern Dow Kowan, The Independent, 6/9/2008
György Kurtág - notes from the margin, Paul Griffiths, Financial Times, 6/7/2008
Concertmaster Jacques Israelievitch takes his leave, John Terauds, Toronto Star, 6/7/2008

(c) La Scena Musicale