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Five questions for . . . Tasmin Little, Sophie Hern, Metro, 7/16/2008
Former Butler piano student living Olympic spirit, Shari L. Berg, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette , 7/13/2008
Bridging the gap, part two, Ed Vulliamy, Guardian Unlimited, 7/13/2008
'The barn' lands world-class voice, Valerie Hill, Waterloo Record, 7/9/2008
Nicole Cabell on her Covent Garden debut as Musetta plus recording projects, Dominic McHugh, Musical Criticism, 7/7/2008
Mark Morris puts his creative twist on a 'new,' less tragic 'Romeo & Juliet', Iris Fanger, Christian Science Monitor, 7/6/2008
Adès on Adès, Nicholas Wroe, Guardian Unlimited, 7/5/2008
On tour with Symphony Youth Orchestra member, Chronicle Staff Report, San Francisco Chronicle, 7/4/2008
20 (plus) questions with: Pianist David Greilsammer, Albert Imperato, PlaybillArts, 7/3/2008
Portrait of the artist: Danielle de Niese, soprano , Laura Barnett, Guardian Unlimited, 7/1/2008

(c) La Scena Musicale