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Donald Runnicles - ‘It’s in my bones’, Andrew Clark, Financial Times, 8/2/2008
Profile: How its Quebec-born Maestro is revamping the sound of St. Peter's Basilica, Eric Reguly, Globe And Mail, 8/2/2008
Mostly Mozart: Q & A with Concerto Italiano Founder Rinaldo Alessandrini, PlaybillArts Staff, PlaybillArts, 8/1/2008
Happily playing musical chairs with symphony, ensemble , Valerie Sher, Union-Tribune, 8/1/2008
Vasily Petrenko, the leader of the Russian evolution, Richard Morrison, Times Online, 8/1/2008
Petrenko prepares for Proms date, Vicky Anderson, Liverpool Daily Post, 8/1/2008
Why China's first Olympic superstar will be a pianist called Lang Lang, Clifford Coonon, Independent, 8/1/2008
Ethel Smyth: from prison to the Proms , Geoffrey Norris, Telegraph.co.uk, 7/31/2008
Detroit Symphony Orchestra's eager music director hits town with Meadow Brook on a long to-do list, Lawrence B. Johnson, Detroit News, 7/30/2008
Mostly Mozart Fest Director Leavens Tradition With Innovation , Patrick Cole, Bloomberg, 7/29/2008

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