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Christoph Lieben-Seutter on Building a Concert Hall for the Future, Mark MacNamara, San Francisco Classical Voice, 9/3/2015
John Rea: The Butterfly Man , Réjean Beaucage, 9/1/2015
Bandleader Maria Schneider makes her own magic, Juan Rodriguez, Montreal Gazette, 9/1/2015
Gourmet Symphony’s unique pairing to feed homeless, Eric Althoff, The Washington Times, 8/31/2015
Vijay Iyer, on his upcoming musical encounter with Dr. L. Subramaniam , Peter Hum , Ottawa Citizen, 8/31/2015
Miguel Vásquez on Panama, New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall and His Grandpa, Lisa Helfer Elghazi, Classicalite, 8/26/2015
‘When I heard Jimi Hendrix, he made me want to play the violin like a guitar': Why Nigel Kennedy is heading out on the road with the music of the Purple Haze star , Mike Pattenden , Daily Mail, 8/26/2015
Mozart and Messiaen: Alan Gilbert conducts, James M. Keller, Santa Fe New Mexican, 8/25/2015
David Charles Abell, Financial Times, 8/18/2015
‘Bach demands that you give it the best part of yourself’, Michael Dervan, Irish Times, 8/7/2015

(c) La Scena Musicale