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Nikolai Petrov, a Top Soviet-Era Pianist, Dies at 68, New York Times, 8/8/2011
Critic Robert Finn shared his love of music, bold opinions with readers: An appreciation, Donald Rosenberg, The Plain Dealer (Cleveland), 7/31/2011
George Lascelles, Lord Harewood, Dies at 88; Wrote Opera Reference, Margalit Fox, New York Times, 7/27/2011
Jill LaForty: An unsung musician says goodbye , Steven Mazey , Ottawa Citizen, 7/26/2011
Pierrette Alarie-Simoneau, Canadian Soprano, Dies at 89, Margalit Fox, New York Times, 7/20/2011
Cornell MacNeil, Verdi Baritone at the Met, Dies at 88, Jonathan Kandell, New York Times, 7/18/2011
Breaking: Much-loved American singer dies, Norman Lebrecht, Norman Lebrecht : Slipped Disc, 7/17/2011
Canadian soprano dies – rare pics from a half-forgotten past, Norman Lebrecht, Norman Lebrecht : Slipped Disc, 7/15/2011
Breaking news: Blue-blood opera boss dies, Norman Lebrecht, Norman Lebrecht : Slipped Disc, 7/11/2011
Composer evokes sounds of a country, Murray Charters, Branford Expositor, 7/9/2011

(c) La Scena Musicale