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Hans Werner Henze Dies, Telegraph.co.uk, 10/27/2012
German avant-garde composer Hans Werner Henze, known for operas and symphonies, dies at 86, Geir Moulson, Montreal Gazette, 10/27/2012
Howard H. Scott, a Developer of the LP, Dies at 92, Ben Sisario, New York Times, 10/7/2012
Catherine McKeever, a great voice lost, Ted Shaw, Windsor Star, 10/5/2012
Carlos Moseley, Philharmonic Manager, Dies at 98, Robert D. McFadden, New York Times, 10/2/2012
Fred Begun, National Symphony Orchestra timpanist, Stefanie Dazio, Washington Post, 9/29/2012
William Duckworth, Internet Composer, Dies at 69, Allan Kozinn, New York Times, 9/22/2012
Dennis C. Kain, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra timpanist, Frederick N. Rasmussen, Baltimore Sun, 9/20/2012
Conductor George Hurst dies at 86, BBC , 9/17/2012
Rosina DiLullo Gore, opera soloist, choir director, teacher, Walter F. Naedele, Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/11/2012

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