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The ‘fat shaming’ of Tara Erraught forces an issue in opera, Jaime Weinman, Maclean's Online, 6/15/2014
A Digital Orchestra for Opera? Purists Take (and Play) Offense, Michael Cooper, New York Times, 6/12/2014
Viral video spins classical music world into a tizzy , Michael Vincent , Musical Toronto, 6/11/2014
Classical music has a serious communication problem, Andrew Mellor, New Statesman, 6/11/2014
Cast of homeless people wows opera snobs during two-week residency in Covent Garden, Kitty Knowles, The Independent, 6/8/2014
New York's Met opera house on edge of precipice, says Peter Gelb, Tom Service and Maev Kennedy, Guardian Unlimited, 6/6/2014
The results are in – Montreal International Music Competition winners seal the deal, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 6/5/2014
Strasbourg Music Festival Closes, Cites Poor Ticket Sales, Rebecca Schmid, New York Times, 6/5/2014
Montreal International Music Competition Finals: thunder in the storm clouds, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 6/4/2014
Classical music critics inspire outrage over comments pertaining to Opera singer’s weight, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 5/20/2014

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