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Film score composers should be treated as 'seriously' as Mozart and Tchaikovsky, Royal Albert Hall director says, Hannah Furness, Telegraph.co.uk, 7/3/2014
How the National Anthem Has Unfurled, William Robin, New York Times, 6/27/2014
The Met's “Klinghoffer” Problem, Alex Ross, The New Yorker, 6/26/2014
Crowdsurfing to Handel's Messiah is a classical error – I know, I tried it, David Glowacki, Guardian Unlimited, 6/26/2014
Stage fright: classical music's dark secret, Ivan Hewett, Telegraph.co.uk, 6/26/2014
Why are salaries so markedly different between British and US orchestras?, Tom Service, Guardian Unlimited, 6/26/2014
The origins of the Canadian National Anthem revealed in Mozart , Michael Vincent , Musical Toronto, 6/25/2014
The Klinghoffer Tragedy: The Met’s Bad Decision on a Controversial Opera, New York Times, 6/20/2014
Iraqi Youth Orchestra Cancels American Trip, Allan Kozinn, New York Times, 6/19/2014
Quebec musicians vote to leave American Musicians Union, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 6/16/2014

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