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Queens of opera offer royal take on ‘Maria Stuarda’ at Covent Garden, Euro News, 7/25/2014
London Symphony Orchestra trumpeter killed in A1 crash, BBC , 7/22/2014
Re:Sound Tariff 8 could make Canadian musicians some of the lowest paid in the world , Michael Vincent , Musical Toronto, 7/19/2014
How Western music conquered the world, Ivan Hewett, Telegraph.co.uk, 7/19/2014
San Diego Opera settles with former director Ian Campbell, David Ng, Los Angeles Times, 7/18/2014
Memo to Composers: Orchestras Are as Relevant as Ever, Mason Bates, San Francisco Classical Voice, 7/15/2014
Lorin Maazel, an Intense and Enigmatic Conductor, Dies at 84, Allan Kozinn, New York Times, 7/13/2014
Lorin Maazel, 1930-2014, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 7/13/2014
Pitfall for Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra as workplace accident nets $5K fine, Dean Pritchard, Winnipeg Sun, 7/10/2014
A cost-cutting San Diego Opera ready to regroup, David Ng, Los Angeles Times, 7/8/2014

(c) La Scena Musicale