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Jan Lisiecki at the Bristol Proms, Rebecca Franks, BBC Music Magazine, 8/1/2015
Andris Nelsons conducts Shostakovich, James Brawn plays Beethoven, Jonathan Blumhofer, The ArtsFuse, 7/31/2015
Prom Math: One Night, Five Prokofiev Concertos, David Allen, New York Times, 7/30/2015
Yo-Yo Ma: Bach, Big Bird and me, Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian, 7/29/2015
Vic Firth, noted BSO timpanist, drumstick maker, dies at 85, Jeremy Eichler, Boston Globe, 7/28/2015
Inviting the Audience to the Party, Dan Visconti, Huffington Post, 7/27/2015
Arts: Appreciation of the arts doesn’t recharge like an iPhone, David A. Smith, Waco Tribune, 7/23/2015
As a composer I want people to hear live music – but we shouldn’t just give it away, Kerry Andrew, The Guardian, 7/23/2015
KY Opera’s Roth recalled as artistic risk-taker, Elizabeth Kramer, Courier-Journal [Kentucky], 7/21/2015
“What Did You Bring to Play for Me Today?”, Hilary Hahn, Slate, 7/21/2015

(c) La Scena Musicale