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Pittsburgh Opera stages ‘Little Women', The Almanac, 1/19/2016
Lyric Opera 16/17 Season, Lyric Opera of Chicago, 1/18/2016
The Kansas City Symphony announces an eclectic 2016-17 season, Patricia Neas, Kansas City Star, 1/18/2016
The Glenn Gould Foundation Remembers Alan Rickman (1946-2016), Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 1/17/2016
Labadie returns with TSO – Mozart @260, Barczablog, 1/17/2016
Composer-conductor Matthew Aucoin is tapped to join L.A. Opera as an artist in residence, David Ng, LA Times, 1/17/2016
Sydney Opera House cordoned off in Australia police operation, Farah Jamil, Pakistan Ki Awaz, 1/15/2016
Violons du Roy founder Bernard Labadie prepares for emotional homecoming, Arthur Kaptainis, Montreal Gazette, 1/15/2016
Boulez, The Rite and the National Youth Orchestra, The Arts Desk, 1/15/2016
Lyric Opera of Chicago Announces Schedule for General Chorus Auditions, 3/7, BWW opera world, 1/15/2016

(c) La Scena Musicale