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Sir Andrew Davis appointed RLPO Conductor Emeritus, Katy Wright, Classical Music Magazine, 4/24/2015
Valentina Lisitsa Finally Confirms New Toronto Area Venue (exclusive), Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 4/24/2015
Marin Alsop to conduct Last Night of the Proms 2015, Katy Wright, Classical Music Magazine, 4/24/2015
ENO unveils 2015/16 season and lower ticket prices, Katy Wright, Classical Music Magazine, 4/22/2015
Luminato Brings Unsound Festival to Abandoned Toronto Power Station, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 4/22/2015
Charlie Parker to Return to the Apollo Theater in Gotham Chamber Opera Season, Michael Cooper , New York Times, 4/22/2015
L.A. Opera to revive 1961 Italian cult film 'Hercules' at the Chandler, David Ng, LA Times, 4/22/2015
Paris Concert Hall Plays a Different Tune, Lisa Bryant, VOA News, 4/22/2015
Upgraded Dallas Opera Guild Vocal Competition names winners, Scott Cantrell, Dallas News, 4/21/2015
Chamber Music Society Announces First Summer Season, Michael Cooper, New York Times, 4/21/2015

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