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Pappano puts his Royal Opera House orchestra centre stage, Tom Service, Guardian Unlimited, 5/1/2015
Emily Hall wins Corinthia Hotel’s artist in residence competition, Katy Wright, Classical Music Magazine, 5/1/2015
Orchestre National de Lille goes digital, Katy Wright, Classical Music Magazine, 5/1/2015
The Met Opera on WRTI: Verdi's UN BALLO IN MASCHERA. May 2, 1 PM, WRTI Staff, WRTI , 5/1/2015
Bringing Classical Music to the Medical Clinic, Tom Jacobs, Pacific Standard, 5/1/2015
BSO Tries To Help the Healing, Joel McCord, WYPR, 5/1/2015
Chan Centre lineup, Early Music season, and more jazz fest acts announced, Francois Marchand, Vancouver Sun, 5/1/2015
DiDonato joins Carnegie Hall board, Katy Wright, Classical Music Magazine, 5/1/2015
UPDATE | The Valentina Lisitsa Rumour Mill Sees No End In Sight (exclusive), Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 4/30/2015
Alice Barker, 102-Year-Old Harlem Renaissance Dancer, Watches Herself on the Chorus Line, Ian Holubiak, Classicalite, 4/30/2015

(c) La Scena Musicale