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Who can follow Simon Rattle at the Berlin Philharmonic?, Ivan Hewett, Telegraph.co.uk, 5/14/2015
Gotham Chamber Opera Receives NEA Grant, Opera News Desk, Broadway World, 5/14/2015
Bournemouth Symphony announces 2015/16 season, Katy Wright, Classical Music Magazine, 5/14/2015
Toronto Conductor Nathan Brock Lands Major Gig With Hamburg State Opera, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 5/13/2015
Berlin Phil's Musicians Can't Decide Upon Rattle Successor, Associated Press, ABC News, 5/13/2015
Teddy Tahu Rhodes and Emma Matthews sing together for first time in Opera Australia’s Don Giovanni, Catherine Lambert, Herald Sun, 5/13/2015
No New Conductor Chosen for Berlin Philharmonic, Michael Cooper and Katarina Johannsen, New York Times, 5/12/2015
Berlin Phil's musicians can't decide upon Rattle successor, The Associated Press, Mercury News, 5/12/2015
Bill Eddins ponders a different path, post-ESO, Mark Morris, Edmonton Journal, 5/12/2015
Berlin Philharmonic deadlocked in vote for new maestro, Joanna Slater, Globe And Mail, 5/12/2015

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