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Just in: Pirates beats Met to steal cinema record for live opera, Norman Lebrecht, Norman Lebrecht : Slipped Disc, 5/22/2015
Richard Kogan: “Resilience is a Skill, You Can Practice It , Robin Roger , Musical Toronto, 5/21/2015
21st Century Symphony: The Las Vegas Philharmonic evolves and rebrands, Kristen Peterson, Las Vegas Weekly, 5/21/2015
Norwegian and Slovenian composers win first prize at IRC, Katy Wright, Classical Music Magazine, 5/20/2015
Janko Kastelic named Kapellmeister at Vienna State Opera, Michael Vincent , Musical Toronto, 5/20/2015
Francesca Zambello Extends Contract With Washington National Opera Through September 2018, Susan Dormady Eisenberg , Huffington Post, 5/20/2015
28 Young Musicians Chosen for Toronto Summer Music Academy , Joseph So, 5/20/2015
Market News: art meets opera, Colin Gleadell, Telegraph.co.uk, 5/19/2015
China National Peking Opera Company Returning to the UK, Opera News Desk, Broadway World, 5/19/2015
Opera Lafayette Premiering, Touring André Grétry's 'L’Épreuve Villageoise' ('The Village Trial') for 20th Anniversary Season , K. Young , Classicalite, 5/18/2015

(c) La Scena Musicale