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Boston Lyric Opera to leave Citi Shubert Theatre, Jeremy Eichler, Boston Globe, 10/11/2015
Robin Ticciati appointed music director of the DSO Berlin, Classical Music Magazine, 10/9/2015
TSO Taps Adrian Fung for New Role as Vice-President of Innovation, Michael Vincent, Musical Toronto, 10/8/2015
Iceland Symphony Orchestra appoints Tortelier as chief conductor, Classical Music Magazine, 10/6/2015
Plan to Revive New York City Opera Has Creditors’ Backing, Michael Cooper, New York Times, 10/6/2015
Gotham Chamber Opera Announces That It Will Close, Michael Cooper, New York Times, 10/2/2015
Other Competition Winners , Shira Gilbert, 10/1/2015
Industry News , Shira Gilbert, 10/1/2015
Sakari Oramo extends BBCSO contract, Classical Music Magazine, 9/26/2015
Seattle Opera executive director moves north, Jack Stone Truitt, Seattle Times, 9/26/2015

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