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La Scena Musicale - Vol. 16, No. 6


Par/by Crystal Chan & Joseph K. So / March 18, 2011

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Queen Elisabeth Competition Candidates Announced

The 2011 candidates that made it through the first round of this year's Queen Elisabeth ­Competition, vocal category, included nine Canadians: Betty Allison - Soprano, Catherine Daniel - Mezzo-soprano, Irina de Baghy - Mezzo-soprano, Sasha Djihanian - Soprano, Leah Gordon - ­Soprano, Sarah Marie Kramer - Soprano, Geneviève Lévesque - Mezzo-soprano, Meghan Lindsay - Soprano, and Isabelle Nicolas - Soprano. The QEC is one of the world's most prestigious musical competitions. CC

Canadians in the Finals of European Opera Directing Prize

A team of Canadian artists—Joel Ivany, Camellia Koo and Jason Hand, all from Toronto—have been chosen to compete with teams from France, Italy and the UK in the Finals of the sixth European Opera Directing Prize, which will take place at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden in London on March 4-6. A total of 181 submissions were accepted into the competition, with the majority coming from Germany (47), Italy (34), USA (22), and France (17). Each team submitted a directorial and design concept for Bellini's I Capuleti e i Montecchi. The winning team will be chosen for the originality of its concept, as well as its suitability to the stages of the nor­thern Italian opera houses (Bescia, Como, Pavia, and Verona) where the opera will be performed in the coming season. The competition is held every two years by the Camerata Nuova e.V. in Wiesbaden in cooperation with Opera Europa. The upper age limit of candidates is 35. Many of the winners in recent years are now working successfully as ­directors and set and costume ­designers. Three prizes will be awarded (15,000, 10,000 and 5,000 Euros). The winning ceremony will take place in Wiesbaden on March 13. jks

Une nouvelle entente de soutien des arts à Montréal

Plus de 1 500 000 $ seront investis à Montréal pour soutenir la création, l’innovation et la diversité des pratiques artistiques. Le Conseil des arts de Montréal, le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, la Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal et le Forum jeunesse de l’île de Montréal signent une nouvelle entente de partenariat. Grâce à cette entente, en vigueur jusqu’en 2013, les partenaires effectueront des investissements totalisant plus de 1 500 000 $, soit une bonification de près de 40 % par ­rapport à la précédente entente. Les deux grands axes de l’entente sont :

» Outiller la relève artistique montréalaise 2011-2013. En cohérence avec la démarche de partenariat ORAM entreprise depuis 2005, les partenaires engagent une somme totale de 974 000 $ pour financer différentes mesures destinées à répondre aux besoins des orga­nismes artistiques et aux artistes de la relève. Consolidation, réseautage, formations, échanges d’information, transferts d’expériences, activités d’intégration et stages de travail sont les différentes actions qui s’inscrivent dans l’un ou l’autre des quatre volets de cet axe.

» La création et l’innovation 2011-2013. Pour aider Montréal à continuer de se démarquer par l'originalité des œuvres et le dynamisme de ses artistes, les partenaires investissent 580 000 $ pour soutenir la création, l’innovation et la diversité des pratiques artistiques professionnelles. À cette somme s’ajoute l’engagement financier du CALQ au Fonds Montréal pour les artistes et écrivains professionnels autochtones.

Canadian Music Week

The 29th annual Canadian Music Week will take place in Toronto from March 9th to 13th. Over 800 music groups will be showcased, and the festival also features an industry convention focusing on sound recording, new media and broadcasting. There will also be a film festival and the handing out of the Canadian Music and Broadcast Industry Awards, Canadian Radio Music Awards, Crystal Awards, and The Indie Awards. CC

Genie awards on March 10

The 31st Annual Genie Awards for Canadian filmmaking will take place on March 10. Including well-known movies and plenty of Quebec ­content, nominees for best picture include ­Barney's Version and Incendies, of which the former has already won a Golden Globe and the ­latter has been nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film (at press time, the Oscar results had not yet been announced. The Oscars took place on February 27th). CC

Opera in 3D

After audiences were wowed by the technological innovations in Robert Lepage’s first Met Ring Cycle opera last year—a production which included, among other things, a high-tech set and multiple projections—the Metropolitan Opera’s 2012-2013 season production of Siegfried, also directed by Robert Lepage, will go one step further and feature 3D projections in its staging. Technology created by Montreal company Réalisations will enable the 3D effects to be seen by audience members without the aid of special glasses. Forget a high-tech, revolving set; now, the singer might walk through no set at all, but instead have the walls of a castle projected in three dimensions around them. 3D in opera is not unique to the Met. Across the pond, the English National opera is screening its cinema version of Lucrezia Borgia live in 3D, and similarly, the Royal Opera House will screen a pre-recorded 3D version of its Carmen. CC

Remote Music Examinations

Canada's first remote musical examination took place on February 17th. A Conservatory Canada examiner in London, Ontario adjudicated the "E-Exam" of three young piano students in Kanata, Ontario through her laptop computer. CC


Les jeunes musiciens ont jusqu’au 11 mars 2011 pour s’inscrire au Concours de musique classique du Chœur de la montagne qui se déroulera les 2 et 3 avril 2011. Les lauréats se partageront des bourses d’une valeur totale de 3000 $ et auront la chance d’interpréter leurs plus belles pages musicales au Moulin seigneurial de Mont-Saint-Hilaire et en première partie du concert « Chants d’amour » offert par le Chœur de la Montagne les 27 et 29 mai 2011. www.choeurdelamontagne.com

(c) La Scena Musicale