- Write all your listings in our required format (esp. all the required fields in each listing), in chronological order.
- Write ***1st of 2 *** (etc.) next to the date in each performance/broadcasts of the repeated event/show.
- Make sure the fields Contents, Performers and Title (if any) for those marked listings are identical, or we won't understand why you want us to consider them as repeats.
example: a concert repeated twice |
Since we expect your listings to be in chronological order within a same Word file, these repeat performance listings will not necessarily be consecutive in your text. The other listings in this example are represented by <etc.> |
2001 6 15 *** 1st of 2 ***
The Big Hall, 555 Cross Road, Sparrowtown, QC
444-555-6666, 777-666-5555
Beethoven: Violin Sonata #5; Mozart: Piano Sonata #6; Violin Sonata #3 "La Pazza della Pizza"; Haydn: Violin Sonata #36 "Die Kranke"
Major Minors Quartet
2001 6 20 *** 2nd of 2 ***
Philanthropist Chapel, 333 Side St., Starlingville, QC
Free admission, voluntary contribution
444-555-6777, 777-666-5555
Beethoven: Violin Sonata #5; Mozart: Piano Sonata #6; Violin Sonata #3 "La Pazza della Pizza"; Haydn: Violin Sonata #36 "Die Kranke"
Major Minors Quartet
<etc.> |
If you have events that are repeated many times, we ask you to
- separate them from your other listings
- use the "varying fields vs non-varying fields" method shown on the right. (This is the only case where we recommend using this old method.)
- put each set of listings in a separate Word file
- attach all files to the same email (if they're ready at the same time, of course; if not, then send each one as soon as it is ready).
In this example:
- non-varying fields: concert title, contents, artists
- varying fields: date, time, venue, price, phone, local series
The Entomologist School
Stamenka: String Trio #15 "The Merry Black Widow"; Dittersdotter: Sonata for Violin and Cello #56 "The Harmonious Cockroach"; Sonata for Two Violins #3 "The Little Russian Potato Bug"
Kings Quartet
2001 6 15
The Big Hall, 555 Cross Street, Starlingville, QC
666-555-4444, 888-777-6655
Starlingville Big Concert series
2001 6 25
Philanthropist Church, 333 Parallel Street, Nixville, NB
666-555-4444, 888-999-0000
Nixville Tiny Concert series
2001 6 28
Philanthropist Church, 333 Parallel Street, Nixville, NB
666-555-4444, 888-999-0000
Nixville Tiny Concert series
etc. |
example: a non-touring musical |
In this example:
- non-varying fields: venue, price, phone, contents, artists
- varying fields: date, time
The Big Arts Centre, 555 Cross Street, Nowhereville, QC
666-555-4444, 888-777-6655
Teacher & High: My Fair Gentleman
Harry Reggison, Andrea Julius, Hanley Stowaway, Robert Ducky, actors/singers; Shmoopy Festival Orchestra, Snoop Schmoop, conductor
2002 6 15
2002 6 25
2002 6 28
2002 6 29
2002 7 8
2002 7 15
etc. |
definition |
A repeated event/broadcast is an event (concert, lecture, workshop, etc.) or broadcast (radio show, TV show) that is given (performed, broadcast) more than once as is. In the listings you send us, this translates as two listings (or more) having the same Contents, Performers, and Title (if any).
The number of performances for a given event/broadcast can range from 2 (ex.: a symphony concert) to 100+ (ex.: some musicals in festivals). It can be performed in the same place or in >40 different places. |
languages |
If your concert is performed in different provinces or in a different language, and you want the listings to be in the appropriate language, please write the listing in the language of your choice. But different texts for the fields Title, Performers, Contents will mean they are not repeats of each other. So you would have to write 1st of 3, 2nd of 3, ... for the English listings, and 1st of 3, 2nd of 3, ... for the French listings.
As always: one language per listing please (English or French).
WE will not translate your text. |
objective |
Our print calendars offer the possibility of linking all the performances/broadcasts of a same event/show within one calendar by using references to other dates, thereby helping readers plan their activities (see below). In order for us to be able to make those links, please make sure that the different performances/broadcasts of the same event/show are easy to spot. Here are two ways, depending on the number of repeats. By the way, this is not optional. |
what it looks like in our printed calendars |
The first performance takes place in the region of Montreal on July 16 at 8pm, The listing shows complete details for works and performers (rose hiliting), and includes a list (green hiliting) of the dates and regions of all other performances ("secondary") of the same concert within the same calendar.
The right arrow means "see also".
the "primary" listing
This listing is of the last performance of that same concert in the same calendar. Contents and performers are summarized in two words (rose hiliting); it includes a reference to the date and region of the first listing (green hiliting). Other fields (in this case date, time, venue, price and phone) are different from the first listing.
The left arrow means "see ... for full details".
a "secondary" listing
examples taken from the July-August 2002 regional calendar |