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The Dutoit Affair / L'affair Dutoit

2002-04-19: With the Dutoit Affair seemingly concluded with yesterday's announcement, the MSO is now trying to turn a new leaf. It is quite interesting to look back to a quote from an interview Dutoit gave LSM in July 2000, "To justify our [MSO's] position in the music world, we need to prove that we are still good. It's hard to build excellence, but it takes no time to destroy it." Let's hope that these words are not a premonition.

Read also a reflection on Dutoit by LSM New York correspondent Philip Anson.

2002-04-18: NEWS FLASH: OSM accepts Dutoit's resignation
The MSO announced this afternoon that the board of directors have accepted with regret Charles Dutoit's resignation after the musicians abstained to vote on the question of whether the musicians wanted Dutoit to come back as musical director. According to Jean-Marc Leblanc, spokesperson for the musicians, after a discussion of 1.5 hours the musicians voted in a secret ballot with a strong majority to support the resolution to abstain from the question. Read the press release : English | Français.

2002-04-17: La Scena Musicale Editorial
The Dutoit Affair: Cause and Solution

2002-04-11: After accusations of being a tyrant were made public this week, Charles Dutoit has announced that he will be quitting as the artistic director ot the Montreal Symphony Orchestra effective immediately.

According to the official press release signed by Dutoit, "It is with great sadness that following hostile declarations made by the President of the Quebec Musicians' Guild, Mr. Emile Subirana, shared by a majority of the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal's musicians, I see no other choice but to announce my resignation as Artistic Director of the OSM, effective immediately."

« C'est avec énormement de tristesse qu'à la suite des propos hostiles du Président de la Guide des Musiciens du Québec, monsieur Émile Subirana, cautionnés par la majorité des musiciens de l'Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, je me vois aujourd'hui dans l'obligation d'annoncer ma démission à titre de Directeur artistique de l'Orchestre, avec effet immédiat. » - Charles Dutoit.

How will this affect the remainder of the year and the programming for next season?

Read the press releases from April 9th and the April 11th reaction of the Musicians' Guild.

Follow the story as it unfolds.

Join our Discussion: Dutoit leaves OSM

> La Presse's Coverage of the Dutoit Affair (en français)

Charles Dutoit Discography at Amazon.com

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