LSM Newswire

Friday, April 24, 2009

Laudate Singers present VIVA VIVALDI! May 22

Laudate Singers present



Nancy DiNovo, violin

and Baroque instrumentalists

Friday May 22, 2009 at 8:00 pm

St. David's United Church, West Vancouver

(Taylor Way @ Hwy 1)

Tickets $25 / $20 / Free for ages 17 & under (reservation required)

604.729.6814 or

Laudate Singers and artistic director Lars Kaario bring their 14th season to an exhilarating close, as they join forces with violinist Nancy DiNovo and an ensemble of Vancouvers finest Baroque instrumentalists for Viva Vivaldi! The choir and orchestra will present such beloved Vivaldi masterpieces as the joyful Gloria, the refined Beatus Vir (both featuring soprano soloists Catherine Crouch and Heidi Ackermann and mezzo-soprano Jennifer Stephanson) and the Credo. DiNovo will also perform the glittering Spring movement from Vivaldi's most famous work, The Four Seasons.

Viva Vivaldi! provides a brilliant, spirited conclusion to a season that in true Laudate fashion has ranged from the very old to the brand new, including several world premieres of new pieces by Canadian composers. The choirs varied programming has spanned centuries, cultures and musical styles, taking audiences on a journey through the ancient mysteries of the medieval mass, the colourful sounds of the tango and, now, the beauties of a Baroque Venetian spring. Hearts will be lifted and ears dazzled, as Laudate Singers, Nancy DiNovo and friends give virtuoso performances of some of the most popular works in the Western classical canon.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vivaldi's Four Seasons

Vivaldis Four Seasons with the VSO and the Canadian debut of violinist/conductor Duncan Riddell

Vancouver BC Vivaldis Four Seasons is a timeless classic and a fundamental staple for the Holiday season. This year, Duncan Riddell will lead the orchestra from the violin in his interpretation of the piece, as well as chamber works by Mozart and Mendelssohn. The concerts take place on December 19th and 20th at the Chan Centre for Performing Arts and, NEW this year, the VSO returns to Massey Theatre in New Westminster on December 21st for one performance at 7:30pm.

Currently the Concertmaster of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Duncan Riddell has appeared as guest concertmaster with several prestigious orchestras around the United Kingdom including the London Symphony and London Philharmonic. Mr. Riddell is a chamber music specialist and will lead and perform in his element. The VSO welcomes Mr. Riddell in his Canadian debut.

Vivaldis Four Seasons is of course one of the most popular works ever written. Vivaldi played a significant role in many important music developments, most notably the rise of the concerto. He wrote over five hundred concerti(!) for various instruments, the most popular of those being for the violin. Vivaldi was paid the tremendous compliment of having no less a musical titan as Johannes Sebastian Bach transcribe many of his concerti, such a fan of Vivaldis music he was. The Four Seasons are of course Vivaldis most enduringly popular works, probably due both to their exceptional quality and the programmatic, or descriptive, nature of the music. Vivaldi made pioneering efforts in the area of descriptive composition, and was explicit to a greater degree than any of his other compositions in terms of his elaborate description of what the music portrays. The Four Seasons has become an iconic work, standing alongside the likes of Beethovens 9th as the most recognized and loved music ever written. It is now a beloved Lower Mainland music tradition, in its eight consecutive season at the Chan Centre in late December with the VSO.


Bach & Beyond & Specials:

Vivaldis Four Seasons

Friday & Saturday, December 19 & 20, 8pm, Chan Centre

Sunday, December 21, 7:30pm, Massey Theatre

Duncan Riddell, leader/violin

Mozart Divertimento, K.136

Mendelssohn Sinfonia No.9 in C Major

Vivaldi Four Seasons

Tickets for December 19 & 20 at the Chan Centre:

Tickets $35 to $59 (Student, Senior and Subscriber discounts available)

Tickets available ONLY through Ticketmaster outlets, Charge-by-Phone at 604.280.3311 or online at

Tickets for December 21 at the Massey Theatre:

Tickets $37 (Student, Senior and Subscriber discounts available)

Tickets available by phone at 604.876.3434 or online at as well as the Massey Ticket Centre 604.521.5050

The VSOs Bach & Beyond Series Endowed By:

The Chan Foundation of Canada

The presentation of this series is made possible in part through the generous assistance of the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts of the University of British Columbia.

Radio Sponsor:



Duncan Riddell, leader/violin

British born violinist Duncan Riddell studied with Professor Nicholas Roth from the age of eleven and subsequently as a student at Trinity College of Music in London. During this time he became Concertmaster of both the European Community Youth Orchestra under the baton of Claudio Abbado and the International Festival Youth Orchestra with C M Giulini, as well as winning internal college prizes and the silver medal at the first Shell/London Symphony Orchestra scholarship for string players in1978. On leaving Trinity College, he founded the Roth String Quartet with whom he won international prizes, performed extensively around Britain and in Europe and made many recordings for BBC Radio as well as on disc. In 1989, the quartet disbanded and Duncan accepted a principal position in the North German Radio Philharmonic in Hannover which led to recordings and performances as a soloist and with chamber groups in Germany. At the beginning of 1994, he was appointed co-concertmaster of the London Philharmonic Orchestra with whom he also made recordings and concert appearances as a soloist and director.

Duncan Riddell assumes the mantle of [Wolfgang] Schneiderhan with no mean success.

(Gramophone Magazine, Maria Trypticon-Frank Martin)

Duncan Riddell is currently Concertmaster of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra with which he has appeared many times as soloist including a live BBC Radio 3 broadcast of Beethovens Triple Concerto with Andrew Litton. His increasingly frequent appearances as director of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra in both chamber and string orchestra form have elicited considerable critical acclaim.

He also continues to appear as guest concertmaster with many of the orchestras around the UK including the London Symphony and London Philharmonic orchestras and was invited to lead a joint orchestra of the members of the London Philharmonic and Orchestre National de France for Maestro Kurt Masurs 80th birthday concert at the BBC Promenade Concerts in the summer of 2007.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Orchestre Symphonique de Laval

Une soire sous le signe des grands matres du baroque allemand et italien

Bach et Vivaldi sont l'honneur l'OSL!

Laval, 27 octobre 2008 L'Orchestre symphonique de Laval vous propose une fte baroque haute en couleur pour clbrer le gnie de J.-S. Bach, l'effervescence des Quatre Saisons de Vivaldi et la beaut du Concerto pour hautbois et cordes de Marcello. L'orchestre est trs heureux d'accueillir son pupitre pour ce fabuleux concert Mark Fewer, qui se fera galement violon solo le temps des Quatre saisons de Vivaldi et du Concerto pour violon, hautbois et cordes en r mineur de Bach. Chambriste extrmement pris en Amrique du Nord, Mark Fewer tait, jusqu' tout rcemment, violon solo de l'Orchestre symphonique de Vancouver. Ce concert mettra galement de l'avant le talent de Lise Beauchamp, la superbe hautbois solo de l'OSL, qui sera l'honneur lors des concertos de J.-S. Bach et Marcello. Offerte dans le cadre de la srie LES CLASSIQUES DE L'OSL, cette grande fte baroque sera prsente, le mercredi 5 novembre 20 h, la salle Andr-Mathieu. Mark Fewer et Lise Beauchamp vous invitent la confrence d'avant-concert, ds 19 h 15.

Mark Fewer, violon

Originaire de Saint-Jean, Terre-Neuve, o son pre s'est taill une rputation enviable en tant que chanteur et musicien, Mark Fewer joue du piano quatre ans, du violon six et du saxophone dix. Ayant arrt son choix sur le violon, il a tudi Toronto, Londres et Budapest, notamment auprs de David Zafer, Jose-Luis Garcia et Ferenc Rados.

Musicien polyvalent, Mark Fewer a occup jusqu'en 2008 le poste de violon solo l'Orchestre symphonique de Vancouver. Il est directeur artistique du Scotia Festival of Music d'Halifax et du SweetWater Music Weekend Owen Sound (Ontario). Comme chambriste, il est membre fondateur du Trio Duke et membre du quatuor cordes SuperNova. Il s'est rcemment illustr dans l'intgrale des sonates et partitas pour violon seul de Bach. En plus de sa carrire de musicien, il enseigne le violon et la musique de chambre titre de professeur adjoint au dpartement de musique de l'Universit McGill.

Lise Beauchamp, hautbois

Ne Montral, Lise Beauchamp a dcouvert la musique l'ge de neuf ans. tudiante au Conservatoire de musique de Montral, sous la direction de Bernard Jean, elle obtient en 1985 son diplme d'tudes suprieures et un premier prix. Elle s'est ensuite perfectionne avec Elaine Douvas la clbre Juilliard School of Music de New York, y terminant sa matrise en 1990. Hautbois solo l'Orchestre Mtropolitain du Grand Montral et l'Orchestre symphonique de Laval, Lise Beauchamp est reconnue comme une excellente hautboste.

Depuis 1985, Lise Beauchamp a jou au sein des ensembles les plus rputs du Qubec : l'Orchestre Mtropolitain du Grand Montral, les Violons du Roy, I Musici de Montral, l'Orchestre Baroque de Montral et plusieurs autres. Elle fut hautbois solo de l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Mexico en 1988 et elle a reprsent le Canada au sein de l'Orchestre Mondial des Jeunesses Musicales trois reprises. Elle enseigne la Facult de musique de l'Universit de Montral et au Conservatoire de musique de Montral.


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Concerto Brandebourgeois en sol majeur, BWV 1048

Les six Concertos Brandebourgeois tirent leur appellation de l'oncle du roi de Prusse, le Margrave Christian Ludwig von Brandeburg, une ddicace de la main de Bach, accompagnant la partition, lui tant adresse. Le troisime Concerto Brandebourgeois en sol majeur, BWV 1048, a t compos selon le schma traditionnel des concertos italiens (vif-lent-vif). Les cordes sont divises en trois groupes qui dialoguent (violons, altos et violoncelles), accompagns et soutenus par la basse continue. L'adagio, le deuxime mouvement, est form d'une courte succession d'accords, qui sert traditionnellement de support une cadence pour le clavecin.

Allessandro Marcello (1684-1750)

Concerto pour hautbois et cordes en do mineur

Compositeur assez mconnu, et surtout moins clbre que son frre Benedetto, Allessandro Marcello consacra sa vie tant la musique qu'aux mathmatiques, la peinture et la philosophie. Son Concerto pour hautbois est sa plus grande uvre; elle fut attribue quelques autres compositeurs, dont son frre, et mme Vivaldi. Bach en fit une traduction pour clavecin solo (BWV 974). L'uvre vous sera interprte dans sa tonalit originale, mais elle est aujourd'hui plus souvent joue en r mineur. Le premier mouvement est un andante d'un style un peu austre. Le deuxime mouvement laisse toute la place la soliste, dans une cantilne d'une grande beaut. Le finale est un change endiabl et trs vivant entre la soliste et l'orchestre.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Concerto pour violon, hautbois et cordes en r mineur, BWV 1060

Bach a crit une version de ce concerto pour deux clavecins. Le style d'criture nous laisse cependant croire qu'il a d'abord t crit pour deux instruments diffrents et mlodiques, ce qui appuie l'hypothse que l'uvre originale a t crite pour violon et hautbois. On retrouve comme dans le Concerto Brandebourgeois la forme vif-lent-vif. Les premiers et troisimes mouvements sont la fois nergiques et dynamiques, mettant en valeur la virtuosit des deux solistes. Le mouvement lent leur permet, quant lui, un dialogue d'une grande beaut.


Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

Les Quatre Saisons

Considre par plusieurs comme une des premires uvres de musique programme, illustrant des vnements ou sentiments, Les Quatre Saisons Opus 8, no 1 4, ouvrent le recueil de La bataille entre l'harmonie et l'invention . L'uvre est accompagne de quatre sonnets attribus Vivaldi dcrivant le droulement des saisons. Sur la partition, le compositeur note avec exactitude certains dtails du texte (noms d'oiseaux : coucou, tourterelle et pinson dans les partitions de trois violons solistes, au 1er mouvement du printemps ; aboiements de chien dans la partie d'alto au 2e mouvement du printemps). Ces quatre concertos pour violons et orchestre cordes sont parmi les uvres les plus aimes et joues du rpertoire.

En rsum

Concert : le mercredi 5 novembre 20 h, la salle Andr-Mathieu

Confrence d'avant-concert avec Mark Fewer et Lise Beauchamp : ds 19 h 15 la salle Andr-Mathieu. Ce concert fait partie des Grandes Soires Hydro Qubec.

Les billets pour ce concert sont disponibles

En ligne :

Au guichet de la salle Andr-Mathieu : 475, boul. de l'Avenir, Laval

Par tlphone, billetterie de la salle Andr-Mathieu : (450) 667-2040

Via le Rseau admission : (514) 790-1245

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Rappel Concerts populaires de Montral

Orgue et couleurs



Cinquime et sixime concerts 19h30,

Les mercredis 23 juillet et 30 juillet 2008

au Centre Pierre-Charbonneau

3000, rue Viau, Montral (mtro Viau)

Renseignements et billetterie : 514.899.0938

Montral, vendredi 18 juillet 2008 - La 44e saison des concerts populaires de montral se poursuit le mercredi 23 juillet 2008 19h30. Laissez-vous conter fleurette et porter par les motions de certaines des plus belles pages classiques et romantiques en compagnie de l'Ensemble Appassionata et du chef Daniel Myssyk. L'ensemble sera galement accompagn par Olivier Thouin au violon.

Au programme :

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Serenata Notturna ; Edvard Grieg : Heart's Wound et The last Spring ; Guillaume Lekeu : Adagio ; Leo Janek : Idyla ; Antonio Vivaldi : Concerto no 10 pour violon en mi majeur L'amoroso RV 271.

Le 6e et dernier concert de la srie se droulera quant lui le mercredi 30 juillet 2008 19 h30. Une soire royale la cour d'Angleterre en compagnie de l'Orchestre Mtropolitain du Grand Montral et de son chef invit Julian Wachner. Deux grands matres, deux poques; sans rvrences, ni courbettes !

Au programme :

Edward Elgar : Pomp and Circumstance Opus 9 no1 en r majeur ; Srnade en mi mineur, Opus 20 ; Variations sur un thme original, Opus 6, Enigma

Georg Friedrich Handel : Music for the Royal Fireworks, Ouverture - Bourre - Sicilienne la Paix - La Rjouissance - Menuets I et II

27$ (rgulier) et 23$ (rduit) pour la section parterre

22$ (rgulier) et 18$ (rduit) pour la section gradin

Service aux tables (boisson et repas lger) au parterre en sus

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

New music for international summer music festival

Calgary, AB Throughout the thirty days of the Morningside Music Bridge festival, works by famous composers, such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Igor Stravinsky and Antonio Vivaldi will be performed at Mount Royal College and around the city.

But this year, newly-written music is also on the agenda. John Abram, an instructor at the Mount Royal Conservatory and music consultant for Morningside Music Bridge, has written a piece especially for the young musicians who will perform in the festivals final gala, taking place July 31 at the EPCOR Centres Martha Cohen Theatre, starting at 7 p.m.

Every year Morningside Music Bridge invites really excellent young musicians from around the world to take part, and you can basically throw the most difficult pieces from the classical repertoire at them. My goal was to write a new piece for string orchestra that will challenge them in a different way, based on ensemble playing versus solo playing, says Abram.

The result is Pluck a modern and fun composition of four movements. Abram describes the first movement as being very intense because of some unusual playing techniques that create a sense of tension; the second, he says, is very easy going at the beginning but becoming frenzied at the end; in the third movement, the music slows down and is quiet, featuring solo playing; the last movement follows without a break and is very fast and energetic, and rhythmically quite complicated.

Abram chose the title with equal deliberation. At its most basic, Pluck refers to the plucking of the strings, but I also wanted a name that reflects the gusty nature of the students and the courage it takes to follow a career path in music, Abram explains.

According to Paul Dornian, director of the Mount Royal Conservatory, Abrams piece is the first of many organizers hope to commission with other composers over the coming years. We, along with the sponsors, decided that it is part of our responsibility to upcoming generations of performers to encourage engaging new works of music that complement the historical repertories of Brahms, Beethoven and Mozart.

As for Abram, he hopes the students and audience will enjoy his work. I had an absolute blast composing the piece and hope everyone who hears it becomes lost in the music.

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