Sundays at 4pm; Tuesdays at 11pm Fine Living with Jona Partners with the Orford Summer Festival 2009 Jona Rapoport's radio show, Art & Fine Living with Jona on CJRS 1650 in Montreal, is honoured to announce media partnership with the Orford Summer Festival in 2009. The festival celebrates its 58th anniversary with performances of over 160 outstanding artists and runs from June 19th to August 15th, 2009, in Orford, Quebec.
The Orford Summer Festival has distinguished itself as one of Quebec's major cultural events through incomparable musical performances. More than 60 concerts are given each summer by renowned orchestras, ensembles, guest artists, Orford Academy professors and select students.
Art & Fine Living with Jona is a veritable showcase of some of the world's renowned and emerging talents in music, theatre, cinema, dance, literature, visual and performing arts. The show has been lauded as a unique platform which supports the arts through insightful interviews, cultural news, coverage of upscale lifestyle trends and presentation of new releases in classical music and jazz. The show is also a proud media partner of L'Opera de Montreal and the Centaur Theatre Company.
Art & Fine Living with Jona promotes and celebrates art and culture through insightful interviews with renowned and emerging talents in music, dance, theatre, cinema, visual arts and more. The bi-weekly show covers cultural events in Montreal and in Canada through calendar spotlights, feature segments and new musical releases. It is produced and hosted voluntarily by Montrealer Jona Rapoport on a unique, non-profit radio station, and receives global exposure through extensive marketing and publicity efforts.
More about programming, schedules and ticket information for the Orford Summer Festival at
Visit Art & Fine Living with Jona at
Labels: orford, partnership, radio
Nouvelle directrice des programmes Radio Ville-Marie
RADIO VILLE-MARIE MADAME CLAUDETTE LAMBERT, NOUVELLE DIRECTRICE DES PROGRAMMES Radio Ville-Marie (CIRA-FM) a le plaisir d'annoncer la nomination de Madame Claudette Lambert la direction des programmes. Madame Lambert possde une vaste exprience dans le monde des mdias et connat trs bien l'univers de la radio. C'est une trs belle acquisition pour notre mdia qui ne cesse de se dvelopper. de dire Jean-Guy Roy, directeur gnral. Le rseau de la Socit Radio Ville-Marie est devenu depuis ses dbuts en 1995 un incontournable dans le paysage mdiatique qubcois. Avec ses 306 000 auditeurs (CROP) et ses cinq frquences, ce mdia spcialis est sans contredit l'un des plus culturels du Qubec. L'arrive de Madame Lambert la programmation vient enrichir une quipe qui regroupe plus de deux cents professionnels Montral et en rgions. Journaliste, animatrice, ralisatrice et relationniste, Claudette Lambert a travaill pendant vingt-quatre ans la Socit Radio Canada. Elle s'est fait connatre la radio et la tlvision dans plusieurs sries fort populaires et particulirement la barre de l'mission quotidienne Femme d'aujourd'hui. Elle a t aussi enseignante et jusqu' tout rcemment attache de presse aux ditions Novalis, Bayard et l'Atelier. Elle a effectu des collaborations en journalisme crit dans plusieurs revues dont L'Actualit, Le Lundi et Spiritualit Sant. Femme d'quipe, Madame Claudette Lambert possde galement une excellente formation universitaire en communication, en pdagogie et en sociologie. Rcemment nomme la direction des programmes, Claudette Lambert est toutefois une grande collaboratrice et amie de la station depuis plusieurs annes. Elle a t membre du comit de programmation et du conseil d'administration de la Socit pendant cinq ans. Radio Ville-Marie, tout un monde dcouvrir. Labels: montral, radio, radio ville-marie
Deep Wireless Festival of Radio & Transmission Art
NEW ADVENTURES IN SOUND ART Presents: DEEP WIRELESS FESTIVAL of RADIO & TRANSMISSION ART May 1 - 31, 2009 at Artscape Wychwood Barns and Gladstone Hotel
Toronto, ON, April 1, 2009: New Adventures in Sound Art is pleased to launch the 8th edition of the Deep Wireless Festival of Radio & Transmission Art, taking place May 1-31, 2009. As part of a month-long celebration of radio and transmission art, NAISA presents cutting edge performances, a theatre production, sound installations, new commissions for CBC's Outfront, special radio broadcasts, a compilation CD and the Radio Without Boundaries conference. "In an era when the channels for creative radio are rapidly being extinguished, Deep Wireless returns every May to bring people together from around the world who are continually pushing the creative boundaries of the world's oldest electronic media as well as redefining radio and transmission through new technologies." Darren Copeland, Artistic Director, New Adventures in Sound Art.
The month-long festival is launched with a whirlwind first week of activities beginning on May 1st with an open house at the NAISA space where the public and media are invited to experience radio and transmission first-hand as well as to sample upcoming highlights of the festival. Then on May 3rd in Mississauga the soundscape becomes the focus for International Dawn Chorus Day - a worldwide celebration of Nature's daily Miracle, the chorus of sound initiated by birds at sunrise. The environs provide the concert, as Mark Cranford from the South Peel Naturalists' Club will be on-hand to help identify the performers all of which will be recorded for later broadcast. Then on May 6th at Theatre Direct's Loop Studio and May 7th at the Gladstone Hotel, NAISA launches three installations: Phoning in the Answer by John Gzowski and Camellia Koo, the Radio Art Salon curated by Darren Copeland and GOWANUS: Over/Under-Water by Kevin T. Allen. When we think of communications technology there is always a physical component. The rotary telephone had its handset, the radio its dial. With the installations at Deep Wireless, listening becomes a physical encounter an ear to the handset, a gaze into a stereoscope with accompanying binaural soundscapes, and a listening lounge for radio art using a modified hair salon dryer dome.
On May 7th the NAISA space becomes both the venue and conduit for its annual translocal event in a realization of Quasimodo the Great lover, by Alvin Lucier and directed by Matt Rogalsky and Laura Cameron. Whale and bird sounds are transformed by their passage through acoustic spaces and connected via the internet across Lake Ontario and then down to the bottom of the Americas in Buenos Aires. Canadian performers include dreamSTATE at the NAISA space in Toronto, Gayle Young/Reinhardt Reitzenstein in Grimbsy, Laura Kavanagh/Ian Birse in Buenos Aires and Matt Rogalsky/Laura Cameron in Kingston.
The week ends with two cutting edge performances on May 8th and May 10th by Benot Maubrey (director of Die Audio Gruppe, Germany), as Feedback Fred and Toronto dancer Marie-Jose Chartier as the Audio Ballerina both perform wearing electronics clothes. FEEDBACK FRED, equipped with an oversized loudspeaker box on his back and a microphone-mask, "feeds back" his own voice through the interaction of his wearable PA system and physical gyrations throughout the performance space. This personality can be likened to a cross-cloning of Hamlet and an electronic-laden Hunchback of Notre-Dame. The AUDIO BALLERINA uses -- among other electronic instruments-- light sensors that enable her to produce sounds through the interaction of her movements and the surrounding light (PEEPER choreography). Via movement sensors, she can also trigger electronic sounds that are subsequently choreographed --or "orchestrated"-- into musical compositions as an audio ballet.
Threshold Theatre joins forces with NAISA to present i dont want to be an inside me anymore an adaptation of the radio documentary by Darren Copeland based on the autobiography i dont want to be inside me anymore by Birger Sellin and performed by German actor Sebastian Schfer. Birger Sellin is determined to throw off the loneliness that "like a great clod of earth" threatens to "weigh down his soul." But, despite the eloquence and power of his writing, he remains severely autistic; his world is unbelievably remote from ours. Yet the uncompromisingly honest messages he sends to "humanity-without-me" will touch all those who read them and serve as he hopes, as inspiration for others who must struggle to express ideas and emotions locked deep inside themselves.
May 27th the NAISA space is the venue for the annual RADiO iN AMBiENCE performances co-presented with the AMBiENT PiNG. Listen to Vancouver sound/radio artist Kristen Roos with Anna Friz and Nilan Perera as they coax the radio ether into an outer-worldly electro ambient chill.
The Radio Without Boundaries conference will close the month-long celebrations May 28 30, 2009 as it explores the many potentials, boundaries and artist perspectives of radio. Conference speakers include keynote speakers Gregory Whitehead (USA), Hank Bull (Can) and Brandon LaBelle (Germany/USA), Chris Brookes (Can), Andrea Dancer (Can), Paul Ingles (USA), Neil Sandell (Can) and many more. Workshops by Chris Brookes, Andra McCartney and others will be offered during the conference for attendees only. The weekend also includes performances that will surprise and delight audiences both familiar and unfamiliar with radio art. Kristen Roos (of Ghost Station fame at Nuit Blanche 2007) performs using radio transmitters, Italian Alessandro Bosetti performs using his Mask/Mirror, a sampler that processes recordings of spoken language in real time. And finally, performances that challenge disciplinary boundaries by the Deep Wireless Ensemble this year consisting of sound and media artist Jessica Thompson, musician and sound artist Franois Girouard, sound artist Brandon LaBelle, and actor and interdisciplinary artist Lisa Pijuan-Nomura. Also included are works commissioned by CBC Outfront by Paolo Pietropaolo, Hlne Prvost, Iain Reid and Andra McCartney.
NAISA will launch its 2-CD set Deep Wireless 6 Radio Art Compilation CD that includes radio art collected in response to the 2008 call for submissions on the theme Ecology: water, air, sound. This radio art compilation was curated from these submissions and represents the many talented radio and sound artists world-wide.
The Deep Wireless festival is partially funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council, and the SOCAN foundation.
New Adventures in Sound Art is a non-profit organization that produces performances and installations spanning the entire spectrum of electroacoustic and experimental sound art. Included in its Toronto productions are: Deep Wireless, Sound Travels, and SOUNDplay.
What: Deep Wireless Where: Various venues at the Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie Street including: the NAISA Space (#252), Theatre Direct's Loop Studio (#170), the LOOP Centre for Lively Arts and Learning (#176) as well as The Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St W When: May 1 - 31, 2009 Singles tickets: $5-$15 Conference Pass includes Radio Without Boundaries plus 6 performances: $150/130 Performance Pass includes 6 performances: $40/30 Passes and tickets can be purchased online at
Labels: festival, radio, Toronto
Duo Concertante to appear in Classical 96 lobby concert April 8 - launches "It Takes Two"
IT'S A TORONTO CD LAUNCH FOR NEWFOUNDLAND'S DUO CONCERTANTE; CD RELEASE: "IT TAKES TWO"; LIVE PERFORMANCES AT THE NEW CLASSICAL FM 96.3 AND THE COC'S FREE CONCERT SERIES Toronto, ONTARIO - East coast violin/piano pair Duo Concertante (violinist Nancy Dahn and pianist Timothy Steeves) is thrilled to release its fourth CD, entitled "It Takes Two", a Marquis Classics/EMI Canada recording of encore chestnuts to please and delight any classical music fan. Excerpts from the CD will be performed and broadcast live at The New Classical 96.3 FM on Wednesday, April 8, at 1:20 PM and classical music fans can tune in or watch on the internet at The Duo will also perform on Tuesday, May 5 at the Canadian Opera Company's Free Concert Series from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM at the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts. The uniqueness of this album originates with the arrangements. When violinist Nancy Dahn and pianist Timothy Steeves wanted to release an album of encore pieces, they approached Canadian composer Clifford Crawley for inspiration - and the collaboration was mutually rewarding. "We wanted to present encore pieces which featured both instruments equally," explain Nancy and Timothy. "When we approached Clifford about arranging some materials, we suggested some of our favourite opera arias, jazz tunes, and orchestral pieces. He had great ideas and for the next year created the 14 arrangements that comprise this disc. We are indebted to his great skill, enthusiasm, and generous spirit. The title of the disc should really be 'It Takes Three.'" Duo Concertante's previous recordings, all under the ATMA Classique label, reveal the pair's wide range: "Wild Honey" (2003), highlighting Canadian composers Kelly-Marie Murphy, Chan Ka Nin, Omar Daniel, Jean Lesage, and Andrew Paul MacDonald; "Of Heart and Homeland" (2002), was a disc of Jancek, de Falla, Shostakovich, Michael Parker, Smetana, Dvork, and Piazzolla; and " Deux" (1998), which featured Beethoven, Stravinsky, Ravel, and Brahms. "It Takes Two" repertoire list: de Abreu: Tico Tico; Gershwin: Lady Be Good (medley); Saint-Sans: Mon coeur s'ouvre ta voix; Khachaturian: Sabre Dance; Grieg: Solveig's Song; Gillespie: A Night in Tunisia; (trad): The Lark; Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet; Sibelius: Valse triste; Rodgers: "It's a Grand Night for Falling in Love with the Most Beautiful Girl on a Carousel"; Bonf: Black Orpheus; Tchaikovsky: June - Barcarolle; Mozart: Rondo alla Turka; and Puccini: Humming Chorus. "It Takes Two" will be available April 14, 2009 and available online at Since forming in 1997, Duo Concertante has been acclaimed for performances characterized by brilliance, subtlety, and passion, across North America and abroad. Hailed for their "artistry, poetry, impeccable technique", and "exceptional warmth and intimacy", violinist Nancy Dahn and pianist Timothy Steeves are renowned for their extraordinary teamwork and powerfully-charged performances which them apart from more conventional violin/piano collaborations. The San Francisco Classical Voice wrote, "Brilliant, saucy and soulful . . . you hear splendid sweet nuances everywhere; Duo Concertante makes a powerful case for thinking of violin/piano sonatas as duo music, rather than as music for a pianist and a violinist." Clifford Crawley was born in 1929 and educated in England. Affiliated with the Canadian League of Composers and the Canadian Music Centre, he has over 80 published compositions. He believes "originality is not necessarily something new, but often [the result of] looking at the familiar in a different way," which perfectly sums up his contribution to "It Takes Two." He is Professor Emeritus at Queen's University, having taught composition and music education there from 1973 to 1993. He has worked as a music consultant in Central America and Asia, and participated in many Composer/Artist in the Classroom programs. He now lives and enjoys an active musical life in St. John's, Newfoundland. Labels: CD, maritimes, piano, radio, violin
JAZZ.FM91 and Don Valley North Lexus presentĶ JAZZ LIVES 2009 Thursday, May 7, 2009, 8:00PM Convocation Hall JAZZ.FM91 Celebrates 5th Anniversary of JAZZ LIVES Toronto, Ontario Celebrating its 5th year as Canada's premier jazz concert, JAZZ LIVES 2009 will continue its tradition for showcasing top local and international emerging and established jazz performers, Thursday, May 7, 2009 at Convocation Hall in Toronto. Plans for the 5th Anniversary concert were announced today on JAZZ.FM91 by President and CEO Ross Porter who promised "a show to beat them all" when describing this year's spectacular line-up of acclaimed musicians and performers. "When we first started JAZZ LIVES we had no idea it would grow to become such a popular, groundbreaking event. The accolades we have received from the international jazz community and support we feel from our audience who continue to make the concert a sold-out event each year, is truly inspirational," said Ross Porter. "Our 5th anniversary show will be a tribute to all the musicians, sponsors, volunteers and of course the fans that have supported JAZZ LIVES for the last 4 years." Headlining JAZZ LIVES 2009 are: guitar virtuoso, Larry Coryell; Order of Canada member and one of Canada's most popular jazz vocalists, Ranee Lee; legendary pianist, composer and jazz encyclopedia, Gene DiNovi; award-winning singer-songwriter, Jill Barber; pre-eminent jazz violinist and Juno Award winner, Lenny Solomon; crooner, Colin Hunter; the JAZZ.FM91 Youth Big Band; trombone giant Russ Little; and a special performance by Joe Sealy and Dan Hill from Sealy's Juno Award-winning CD Africville Suite. Tickets range in price from $20 - $60 and are available now from, 416-978-8849 or by visiting the UofTtix Box Office located at Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle at the University of Toronto. The Executive Producer of JAZZ LIVES 2009 is Ross Porter, Producer is Jaymz Bee and the Musical Director is Russ Little. JAZZ LIVES 2009 would not be possible without the support of Presenting Sponsor Don Valley North Lexus and secondary sponsors Northwest Mutual Funds, Robert Lowrey's Piano Experts and Sunwing Vacations. JAZZ LIVES was created in 2005 to spotlight the leading jazz musicians of the past and present whose music and careers are promoted on Canada's Premier Jazz Station, JAZZ.FM91, and as a fundraiser for Canada's only registered not-for-profit radio station dedicated to the jazz community and music education. Labels: jazz, radio, Toronto
Louise Harel, Claude Lafortune, et Claire Pimpar donnent avec coeur !
Louise Harel, Claude Lafortune, et Claire Pimpar donnent avec coeur! C'est avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme que Louise Harel, femme engage, Claude Lafortune, magicien du papier et Claire Pimpar, comdienne, coprsideront le 14e radio-don de Radio Ville-Marie. Cette grande fte des ondes se tiendra les 1-2 et 3 mai sur les cinq frquences du rseau de la station travers le Qubec. Sous le thme Donnons avec cur!, plus de 200 personnalits se joindront aux porte-parole au cours des cinquante heures d'animation et de festivits. Il y aura aussi des Coups de cur du public, des cadeaux et des prix gagner. Un vnement unique sur le plan radiophonique, une fte pour les oreilles et le cur. Radio Ville-Marie, la radio la plus culturelle du Qubec Cette quatorzime dition soulignera de faon marque la participation du public au maintien de cette radio unique au Qubec. Ce mdia spcialis aborde quotidiennement les grands enjeux sur les plans social, humanitaire, culturel et spirituel. Radio Ville-Marie, la radio du cur et des valeurs Tous les auditeurs des rgions desservies par la station, Montral (91,3FM), Rimouski (104, 1 FM), Sherbrooke (100,3 FM), Trois-Rivires (89,9 FM), Victoriaville (89,3 FM), sont invits participer activement et gnreusement cet vnement magique. L'objectif est de recueillir 135 000$ au cours de la fin de semaine. Soyez de la fte! Radio Ville-Marie, plus qu'une radio! Labels: montral, radio, rimouski, Sherbrooke, trois-rivires
CMQ - Alain Lefvre et le Concerto No.4
LE PIANISTE ALAIN LEFVRE ET SON ENREGISTREMENT DU CONCERTO NO 4 D'ANDR MATHIEU DANS UNE DIFFUSION NATIONALE de performance today SUR LES RSEAUX AMRICAINS Montral, 9 mars 2009 Performance Today, l'mission radio de musique classique numro 1 aux tats-Unis, met aujourd'hui en lumire l'enregistrement Analekta salu d'Alain Lefvre du Concerto no 4 pour piano et orchestre d'Andr Mathieu, avec le Tucson Symphony Orchestra sous la direction de George Hanson. Cette mission radio sera entendue lundi le 9 mars sur 245 stations publiques partout aux tats-Unis. La liste complte des heures de diffusion est disponible au L'mission, suivie par 1,1 million d'auditeurs chaque semaine, sera galement disponible sur le site Internet de Performance Today pendant sept jours.
Rappelons que l'enregistrement Analekta s'tait hiss au deuxime rang du palmars amricain classique moins d'une semaine aprs son lancement en septembre 2008. Lefvre a cr le Concerto Tucson en mai 2008 et en a donn la premire europenne en octobre dernier, lors d'une reprsentation triomphale au mythique Thtre des Champs-lyses Paris avec l'Orchestre National de Paris. De plus, le concert a t diffus en direct partout en Europe par Radio-France. En dcembre, Lefvre partageait son amour pour la musique d'Andr Mathieu lors d'une entrevue tlvise avec le prestigieux Charlie Rose, entretien qui a t diffus sur plus de 200 stations PBS affilies partout aux tats-Unis. Pour consulter les archives vido, visitez le
Avec passion et conviction, Alain Lefvre poursuit sa mission de diffuser la musique du compositeur qubcois Andr Mathieu (1929-1968), faisant revivre les uvres du gnie oubli tant au concert que sur disque. La courte vie de Mathieu, le Mozart canadien , reste nimbe de mystre. Lefvre a galement enregistr le Rhapsodie romantique de Mathieu, sur Rhapsodies, un enregistrement avec l'Orchestre symphonique de Montral. Cet enregistrement Analekta a t l'un des albums classiques les plus vendus au Canada en 2007 et BBC Music Magazine a considr son achat comme tant essentiel .
Alain Lefvre enregistrera prochainement pour Analekta le Concerto no 1 pour piano et trompette de Chostakovitch et le Concertino no 2 de Mathieu, opus 13, avec les London Mozart Players. Le disque sera lanc lors d'un concert au Cadogan Hall de Londres le 7 octobre 2009.
Un interprte sensationnel (Washington Post), le pianiste et compositeur Alain Lefvre mne une carrire internationale blouissante, en tant qu'invit des orchestres les plus rputs, dans plus de trente pays. Pour plus d'information, consultez le et Labels: analekta, CD, cmq, radio
I Musici de Montral sur scne, la radio et sur le Web!
 | LOrchestre de chambre I Musici de Montral Sur scne, la radio et sur le Web Et portrait de Yuli Turovsky la tlvision Montral, le 2 mars 2009 Sous la baguette de Maestro Yuli Turovsky, LOrchestre I Musici de Montral proposera le 11 mars 2009 20 h, la Salle Pollack, le concert Mangez, buvez et faites la fte! Au menu : les Inestimables Chroniques du bon gant Gargantua de Franaix et la Symphonie de chambre de Dvork sauront assurment sustenter les mlomanes. De plus, en cette deuxime semaine de mars, nous invitons les auditeurs syntoniser Espace musique pour la diffusion du concert Charbons ardents touches de feu avec, comme soliste invit, le laurat de prestigieux concours internationaux de piano : Richard Raymond. Et, comme troisime rendez-vous lagenda, le public aura loccasion de dcouvrir un parcours peu connu de Yuli Turovsky sur la chane tlvisuelle HISTORIA.
Sur scne : Mangez, buvez et faites la fte! avec I Musici de Montral Vritable virtuose du piano, Jean Franaix (1912-1997) nous a lgu un volumineux catalogue duvres de chambre. Celui qui composa pour la scne et le cinma se distinguait par une joyeuse fantaisie. Rien dtonnant que luvre-phare de Rabelais, Gargantua, ait sduite ce compositeur dexception. crite en 1971, Franaix adapta le message humaniste du grand auteur de la Renaissance avec beaucoup dloquence. Son Gargantua, une transcription pour un narrateur et un orchestre cordes pouse merveille le texte original rabelaisien, un chef-duvre de la littrature satirique.  Edgar Fruitier | Pour dguster loisir les mots de lcrivain plaisantin, lhomme de thtre et communicateur mrite Edgar Fruitier assumera la narration. Comdien depuis plus de 50 ans et mlomane passionn, Edgar Fruitier est sans aucun doute une figure emblmatique au Qubec. Nomm Chevalier de lOrdre national du Qubec en juin 2008, cet autodidacte rudit sest associ aux Productions Octave pour la ralisation de trois coffrets de musique classique : Les grands classiques dEdgar. Les deux premiers coffrets ont connu un succs de vente phnomnal, plus de 150000 copies !
galement au programme de la soire figure la Symphonie de chambre en la bmol majeur dAntonn Dvork (1841-1904), une transcription de Yuli Turovsky du Quatuor cordes no 14, opus 105. Ce quatuor de Dvork a t crit en 1835 son retour en Bohme la suite dun sjour de trois ans dans le Nouveau Monde. Dernire uvre de musique de chambre compose par le compositeur, sa Symphonie voque tantt une danse traditionnelle tchque pleine dentrain, tantt une construction symphonique la Bruckner. la tlvision : entrevue de Yuli Turovsky sur la chane HISTORIA Depuis janvier, Nos familles, une srie documentaire consacre des personnalits connues issues de diverses communauts culturelles, est lantenne de la chane HISTORIA. Lmission portant sur la Russie sera diffuse compter du lundi 9 mars. Maestro Yuli Turovsky, originaire de Moscou et tabli au Qubec depuis une trentaine dannes, nous racontera son histoire personnelle et nous fera dcouvrir la communaut russophone de Montral. Produite par Orbi-XXI, la srie Nos familles est une ralisation de Marie-Hlne Grenier. Sur les ondes et sur le Web: Charbons ardents touches de feu Les mlomanes auront le plaisir dentendre le concert de LOrchestre I Musici de Montraldans lintimit de leur salon. Prsent dans le cadre des Soires classiques sur les ondes dEspace musique, la radio musicale de Radio-Canada (100, 7 FM Montral), Charbons ardents touches de feu sera diffus le mardi 12 mars 20 h. Enregistr le 18 dcembre dernier la Salle Pollack, le concert mettait en vedette le soliste Richard Raymond. Le pianiste virtuose a jou la Rapsodia sinfnica de Turina et le Concerto de chambre pour piano et cordes de Franck. Quant LOrchestre, il interprtait La Jeune Fille et la Mort de Schubert et les Danses paennes sur des charbons ardents de Vania Angelova. Prsente en premire mondiale, cette cration dpeint un univers ancestral, paen et mystique de la Bulgarie. Le concert Charbons ardents touches de feu sera galement disponible pour coute sur demande sur la webradio Espace classique Animation : Michel Keableݬ Ralisation l'enregistrement : Richard Lavalle Ralisation-coordination : Pascale Labrieݬݬ Prise de son : Pierre Lger Premire directrice d'Espace musique : Christiane LeBlanc Horaires de diffusion ݬ Lundi 9 mars 20 h : Nos familles, HISTORIA ݬ Rediffusion: mardi 10 mars 6 h, mercredi 11 mars 10 h et 3 h,vendredi ݬ 13 mars ݬ18 h, samedi 14 mars 5 h, dimanche 15 mars݈ 19 het lundi ݬ 16 mars 4 h ݬݬCharbons ardents touches de feu ݬݬMardi 12 mars 20 h ݬ Soires classiques sur Espace musique (100, 7 FM) et sur demande ݬ sur la webradio Espace classique Mangez, buvez et faites la fte! un concert ne pas manquer la Salle Pollack, le 11 mars 2009. Renseignements et billetterie: 514 982-6038 ou Pour en savoir davantage sur notre 25e saison: I Musici de Montral Chamber Orchestra
On stage, on the radio and on the Web Ķand a portrait of Yuli Turovsky on television
Montral, March 2nd, 2009 Under the baton of Yuli Turovsky,I Musici de Montral Orchestrapresents Eat, Drink and be Merry! on March 11, 2009 at 8 pm in Pollack Hall. On the menu: the Inestimables Chroniques du bon gant Gargantua by Franaix and the Chamber Symphony by Dvork a really interesting mix for music lovers. In addition, during this second week of March, we invite you to tune into Espace musique on the French network of CBC to hear the concert Hot Coals - Hot Key with the winner of many international prizes pianist Richard Raymond. And, a third rendez-vous to put in your calendar, you will have an opportunity to discover some unknown sides of Yuli Turovsky on the HISTORIA television channel. On stage: Eat, Drink and be Merry! with I Musici de Montral Veritable piano virtuoso, Jean Franaix (1912-1997) left a huge catalogue of chamber works. Those that he composed for the cinema were distinguished by a joyful fantasy. It is not surprising that the most famous work of Rabelais, Gargantua, attracted this exceptional composer. Written in 1971, Franaix eloquently adapted the humanist message of the great Renaissance author. His Gargantua, a version for narrator and string orchestra, is marvellous in its use of the original satirical Rabelaisian text along with music.  Edgar Fruitier | To bring this humorous feast of words to us, the narrator is none other than our man of the theatre and a great communicator Edgar Fruitier. An actor for more than 50 years and a passionate music lover, Edgar Fruitier is, without doubt, a Quebec legend. Named Chevalier de lordre national du Qubec in June, 2008, this self taught erudite is now associated with Productions Octave in producing the boxed sets: Les grands classiques dEdgar. The first two sets have had phenomenal success selling more than 150,000 copies! |
Also on the program is the Chamber Symphony in A-flat Major by Antonn Dvork (1841-1904), in a transcription by Yuli Turovsky of the String Quartet No 14, Op. 105. This quartet was written in 1835 on his return to Bohemia at the end of a three year stay in the New World. This was his last chamber music work a work evokes at once the traditional Czech dance music full of melodic movement, and at other times displays the kind of symphonic structure that leans toward Bruckner. On television: an interview with Yuli Turovsky on the HISTORIA channel Starting in January, Nos familles, (Our families) is a documentary series consecrated to well known personalities in diverse cultural communities. The program on Russia will be broadcast starting on Monday, March 9. Maestro Yuli Turovsky, originally from Moscow and now living in Quebec for thirty years, recounts his personal history and helps us discover the Russian community in Montreal. Produced by Orbi-XX1, the series Nos familles is directed by Marie-Hlne Grenier. On air and on the Web: Hot coals Hot keys Music lovers will have the pleasure of hearing an I Musici de Montralconcert in the intimacy of their own living room. Presented in the series Soires classiques on Espace musique the music network of Radio-Canada (100,7 FM in Montral). Hot coals hot keys will be broadcast on Tuesday, March 12 at 8 pm. Recorded last December 18 at Pollack Hall, the concert featured piano soloist Richard Raymond. This native Montreal virtuoso played Rapsodia sinfnica de Turina and Chamber Concerto for piano and strings by Franck. I Musici de Montral also performed Death and the Maiden by Schubert and the Danses paennes sur des charbons ardents (Pagan dances on burning coals) by Vania Angelova. This world premier depicted an ancestral universe of pagan ritual in Bulgaria. The concert Hot coals hot keys will also be available for listening on demand on web radio Espace classique at Host: Michel Keableݬݬݬ Producer and recording: Richard Lavalle Production coordination: Pascale Labrieݬݬ Sound engineer: Pierre Lger Broadcast schedule ݬ Monday, March 9 at 8 pm: Nos familles, HISTORIA Rerun: Tuesday, March 10, 6 am, Wednesday, March 11 at 10 am and 3 am, ݬ Friday, March 13 at 6 pm, Saturday, March 14 a 5 am, Sunday, March 15 ݬ at 7 pm and Monday, March 16 at 4 am. Hot coals Hot keys Tuesday, March 12 at 8 pm ݬ Soires classiques on Espace musique (100, 7 FM) and on request ݬ on web radio Espace classique. Eat, drink and be merry! a concert not to be missed at Pollack Hall, March 11, 2009 at 8 pm. Information and tickets: 514 982-6038 or And to know more about our 25th anniversary season: |
|  | Si vous avez de la difficult visualiser, visionner ce courriel dans votre fureteur. Vous n'tes plus intress ? Dsabonnez-vous l'instant. Ce courriel a t propuls par l'outil de marketing relationnel | Labels: I Musici, montral, radio
Yoav Talmi on Art & Fine Living with Jona
Conductor Yoav Talmi on Art & Fine Living with Jona March 2009 By Jona Rapoport Jona Rapoport, Art & Fine Living with Jona February 27, 2009
Next program will air on March 1st at 7pm and March 3rd at 11pm features an interview with conductor Yoav Talmi.The conductor reflected on this milestone in his career and elaborated on the creation of his composition, Dachau Reflections to be performed on March 18, 2009 in the upcoming Celebrating the Maestro! concert.
Also on the program, music from Ernest Bloch's Avodath Hakodesh, to be presented by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra in Montreal on March 30 and 31, 2001.
Segment Sponsors/Closed Captioning by:
a. The Montreal Symphony Orchestra
b. The Opera de Montreal - Starmania
c. The Centaur Theatre Company - Doubt
d. I.D. Foods Corporation
e. Composer Lori Laitman
Cultural Spotlight:
Quebec Symphony Orchestra Celebrating the Maestro!, Pro Musica Prazak Quartet, Arte Musica Foundation - Haydn 2009 , Centaur Theatre Doubt, Montreal symphony Orchestra Adams, Josefowitz concert, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens Celis/Wei, Montreal Symphony Orchestra Bloch Avodath Hakodesh.
Personal Promo: James Ehnes, Eve Tanhelson, Jenny Pozniak, Ben Heppner
Music Selections:
Chandos Classics Ernest Bloch Avodath Hakodesh, Demo: Paul-Andre Bempechat: Beethoven The Final Piano Sonatas, MSR Mainstreet Brass (By Request), Analekta: Karina Gauvin: Proper Records Jelly Roll Morton Doctor Jazz , Atma - Bataclan
click here to go to my radio show:
Guests who appeared on Art & Fine Living with Jona include, among many others, the prolific piano virtuoso Lang Lang, Playwright Vittorio Rossi, Singer Sean Lennon, Violinist Gil Shaham, Actor/Director Maurice Podbrey, Pianist Elena Bashkirova, Soprano Natalie Dessay, Film director Mike Newell, Cellist/Conductor Yuli Turovsky, Poet David Mason,Soprano Measha Brueggergosman, Ritz Chef Paul Little, Actress Caroline Cave, Saxophonist Walter Blanding, Choreographer Peter Quanz, Director Bryna Wasserman, Conductor Yoav Talmi, Saxophonist Bill Prouten, Opera Atelier director, Chantal Lambert, Conductor Jacques Lacombe, Grand Ballets Alain Dancyger, Composer Lori Laitman, Violinist Jonathan Crow, Conductor Yannick Nezet-Seguin, Playwright Daniel Lillford, Comedy duo Bowser & Blue, Bassist Alain Caron, Bass Denis Sedov, Soprano Suzie Leblanc, Recital series director Richard Turp, Dancer Callie Robinson, Choreographer Stijn Celis, Director Peter Hinton, Violinist James Ehnes, Choreographer Shen Wei, Tenor Richard Margison, Photographer Varda Pollak-Sahm, Choreographer Ohad Naharin, Composer Ofer Ben-Amots, Director Roy Surette, Tenor Marc Hervieux, Composer Ofer Ben-Amots, Film Producer George Weiss, Cellist Denise Djokic, Dancer/Choreographer Margie Gillis, Conductor Bernard Labadie, Jazz Vocalist Sophie Milman, Artist Boaz Kaizman Tenor Ben Heppner and dozens of other fine artists!
Labels: jona, radio
OSM / It's better with Orchestra! : Dress rehearsal open to the public
It's Better with Orchestra! : Dress rehearsal open to the public
Be the first to experience a unique encounter between the worlds of radio and classical music
Tickets at $30 / $15 for 15 to 30 year olds
In light of the strong demand for tickets to the concert It's Better with Orchestra!, the OSM is unusually opening its dress rehearsal to the general public. That rehearsal will be held on Sunday, March 22, 2009, at 10 a.m. in Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier at Place des Arts. Under the direction of Maestro Kent Nagano, this will be the sole opportunity, for those who have been unable to obtain tickets for the concert itself (taking place that same afternoon), to hear the world premiere of the Concerto for radio host and orchestra. Inspired by the radio program C'est bien meilleur le matin and its intimate and friendly formula, the work, commissioned by the OSM from composer Simon Leclerc (music of Dracula and of the movie Le dernier continent) will feature three big names from French-language radio: host Ren Homier-Roy along with journalists Catherine Perrin (entertainment) and Marc Laurendeau (press review) from the same program, which has aired on the Premire Chane service of Radio-Canada since 1997. The three guest "soloists" will blend their voices with those of the instruments of the Orchestra in a dialogue, in music and words, on subjects of current interest. "The first time Kent Nagano talked to me about the project I thought he was joking," confesses composer Simon Leclerc. "Mr. Nagano explained to me that he was fascinated by the virtuosity of the host and by the musicality that the show C'est bien meilleur le matin gave off. He wanted to transpose that world to an original work for symphony orchestra. After thinking about it for a few months, I suggested I compose a concerto for radio host and orchestra, a work inspired both by the concerto grosso and by the symphonic poem. He was excited by the idea." From current affairs to the performing arts by way of sports and the weather, Homier-Roy, Perrin and Laurendeau will guide listeners through a work in which instruments also have "something to say." "Surprisingly," says host Ren Homier-Roy, "I never thought it was a joke. The Maestro's extreme intensity when he was making those strange remarks that what we were doing was something like music, that the rhythm of the show had a musicality of its own, and likewise our voices his seriousness and the sparkle I saw in his eye led me to believe, right away, that this crazy idea he had in his head was infinitely interesting. And it turns out I was right..." The stage at Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier will be set up like a radio studio with microphones and the traditional half-moon desk, helping bring to life the complete experience of a radio morning show for music lovers. The ninety-minute program will begin with the outstanding violinist Viviane Hagner in a performance of the Beethoven Violin Concerto, a composition both spiritual and intense. Rounding off the program will be Ottorino Respighi's remarkable symphonic poem The Pines of Rome, one of the OSM's biggest hits on disc. Tickets for this dress rehearsal in the Musical Sundays series are available now at a cost of $30. A new feature this year at the OSM: those between the ages of fifteen and thirty can attend all concerts in the regular-season programming for only $15 per concert. To get your tickets and not miss out on this very special rendezvous, contact the box office at (514) 842-9951 or visit our website at Labels: Kent Nagano, montreal, osm, radio
Tribute to my Mom
Special Tribute to Fanny Milstein on Art & Fine Living with Jona Feb 22 , 25, 2009 By Jona Rapoport Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls: the most impressive characters are seared with scars... Khalil Gibran
A special tribute to my late mother,Fanny Milstein on the 35th anniversary of her passing,will air on Art & Fine Living with Jona on Radio Shalom on February 22, 25, 2009. It is currently on the archive page of the program and can be heard on your computer anywhere in the world:
My mother's memory and extraordinary life are celebrated in this hour, with stories and poetry, and music she loved, heard and was inspired by throughout her life.
Featured guest: My grandmother, Zina Milstein.
The program will air on February 22nd at 7pm and on the 25th at 3pm.
Music : Philips - Galina Gorchakova (Tchaikovsky); Naxos - Milken Archive (Great Songs of the Yiddish Stage); DG - Violin Concerti (Nathan Milstein); Proper - Edith Piaf; Hataklit - Israel Songs; Analekta - Red Army Chorus; Delos - Dmitri Hvorostovsky (Where are you, my brothers?); Lori Laitman - My Garden (unpublished).
You can tune in to the show on the radio; livestream; archives:
Jona Rapoport Producer & Host Art & Fine Living with JonaLabels: radio
Art & Fine Lliving with Jona Partners with OSM Bloch Concert March 30-31
Art & Fine Living with Jona Partners Nagano OSM in Bloch's Avodath Hakodesh
By Jona Rapoport Jona Rapoport Artist Management/Radio Host February 16, 2009
The Montreal Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Kent Nagano, will perform Ernest Bloch's magnificent oratorio, Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service), on March 30th and 31st at Salle Wilfrid Pelletier of Place des Arts in Montreal.
This rarely performed work of soaring beauty and subdued lyricism brings together world-famous baritone Dwayne Croft, narrator Sherill Milnes and the OSM Chorus for an exceptional celebration of Jewish liturgy.Brahms Second Piano Concerto is also on the program, with Yefim Bronfman a soloist.
Jona Rapoport is honoured to partner with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra for this presentation. Her radio show, Art & Fine Living with Jona, is currently the media partner of The Centaur Theatre Company and The Opera de Montreal.
The concert will receive extensive coverage on Jona Rapoport's radio show throughout the months of February and March.
Don't miss this extraordinary event call 514-842-9951 or visit for tickets and information.
Find Art & Fine Living with Jona on Labels: jona, Kent Nagano, montreal, osm, radio
Art & Fine Living with Jona Partners with OSM Bloch Concert March 30-31
Art & Fine Living with Jona Partners Nagano OSM in Bloch's Avodath Hakodesh By Jona Rapoport Jona Rapoport Artist Management/Radio Host The Montreal Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Kent Nagano, will perform Ernest Bloch's magnificent oratorio, Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service), on March 30th and 31st at Salle Wilfrid Pelletier of Place des Arts in Montreal. This rarely performed work of soaring beauty and subdued lyricism brings together world-famous baritone Dwayne Croft, narrator Sherill Milnes and the OSM Chorus for an exceptional celebration of Jewish liturgy.Brahms Second Piano Concerto is also on the program, with Yefim Bronfman a soloist. Jona Rapoport is honoured to partner with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra for this presentation. Her radio show, Art & Fine Living with Jona, is currently the media partner of The Centaur Theatre Company and The Opera de Montreal. The concert will receive extensive coverage on Jona Rapoport's radio show throughout the months of February and March. Don't miss this extraordinary event call 514-842-9951 or visit for tickets and information. Find Art & Fine Living with Jona on jona, Kent Nagano, osm, radio
Fred Sherratt receives the 2009 Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award
FRED SHERRATT RECEIVES THE 2009 WALT GREALIS SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Broadcasting pioneer and former chief of CHUM Limited to be honoured at The 2009 JUNO Awards Toronto, ON (December 2, 2008) - The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS) is pleased to announce broadcasting pioneer Fred Sherratt as the recipient of the 2009 Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award. The Award recognizes an outstanding individual who has contributed to the growth and advancement of the Canadian music industry. Sherratt will be presented with the Award during the JUNO Gala Dinner & Awards on Saturday, March 28, 2009 in Vancouver, BC. "I am extremely honoured that CARAS has named me this year's recipient of the Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award and that my name will be inscribed alongside the Canadian music greats who preceded me," said Fred Sherratt. "My entire broadcasting career has been 'mainly about the music' and it has been a privilege to participate in the dynamic growth of the Canadian music industry." "Fred Sherratt has dedicated a lifetime to ensuring the highest broadcast standards in Canadian radio and television as well as the delivery of quality music and entertainment programs across the country," said Melanie Berry, President of CARAS. Earlier this year, CARAS and CTVglobemedia jointly established annual music scholarships named after Fred Sherratt. The MusiCounts Fred Sherratt Awards were given out to 11 outstanding post-secondary graduates of Canadian music education programs. Sherratt is perhaps best known as the former Vice Chair and Chief Operating Officer of CHUM Limited and is credited for helping to build the organization into one of Canada's leading media conglomerates. Fred Sherratt's significant contributions to the broadcasting industry have garnered him recognition and numerous awards over his distinguished career. In 2008, Sherratt became the inaugural recipient of the Ontario Association of Broadcasters Lifetime Achievement Award and was inducted to the Broadcast Hall of Fame in 1995 by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters. He has also been awarded the CAB Distinguished Service Gold Ribbon Award in 1984, and in 1993 received the Ted Rogers Senior/Velma Rogers Graham Award for his pioneering spirit and contributions to the broadcasting system. Sherratt began his broadcasting career in 1948 as an announcer in Truro, Nova Scotia, before moving to Ontario to work in the broadcasting division of the Thomson newspapers. In 1956, he co-founded and launched a brand new radio station in Simcoe, Ontario, AM 1560 CFRS. By 1960, Sherratt became associated with CHUM Limited operating its newly acquired station, CKPT in Peterborough, ON. He returned to Nova Scotia in 1965 when CHUM Limited acquired CJCH Radio Halifax. In 1969, he was appointed Vice President Programming and Operations and a Director of CHUM Limited and moved to Toronto. In 1971, Sherratt partnered with CHUM Limited and a group of Nova Scotia investors to purchase CJCH-TV, which he subsequently developed into the Atlantic Television System (ATV). After a decade of building the brand, ATV launched the Atlantic Satellite Network (ASN), the first advertiser-supported, satellite-delivered television service of its kind that essentially operated without any broadcast transmitters. ASN also served as the Educational Television Service in Atlantic Canada through a unique public/private partnership of universities, governments and CHUM. Sherratt continued to work as a Director of CTV Television Network Limited during the years that CHUM owned ATV. After nearly four decades since becoming involved with CHUM Limited, Sherratt retired from his role as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in September 2000 when he was appointed Vice Chair of the company, a position he held for three years. Sherratt continues to actively participate in industry affairs and has served on the boards and committees of most major broadcasting associations in Canada. He was a Director and member of the Executive Committee of Canadian Association of Broadcasters as well as the Television Bureau of Canada, and served a three-year term as Chairman of the Board of BBM, Bureau of Broadcast Measurement. He was also a Director of Balmur Entertainment Ltd., founded by Canadian songbird Anne Murray, overseeing its music television properties, song catalogue and record production activities. Sherratt currently serves on the Board of Governors of Trent University. For a complete list of Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award recipients, go to A high-resolution photo of Fred Sherratt is also available for download on the JUNO Awards website. Sponsors of The 2009 JUNO Awards include FACTOR, Canada's Private Radio Broadcasters and the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage's "Canada Music Fund," The Province of British Columbia, The City of Vancouver, Music BC and Radio Starmaker Fund. Broadcast sponsors of The 2009 JUNO Awards are Garnier, Pepsi, Pontiac and Rogers. About CARAS: The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences/L'academie canadienne des arts et des sciences de l'enregistrement (CARAS) is a not-for-profit organization created to preserve and enhance the Canadian music and recording industries and to contribute toward higher artistic and industry standards. The main focus of CARAS is the exploration and development of opportunities to showcase and promote Canadian artists and music through vehicles such as The JUNO Awards. For more information on the 38th Annual JUNO Awards or The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences' (CARAS) please visit our websites at and About CTV: CTV, Canada's largest private broadcaster, offers a wide range of quality news, sports, information, and entertainment programming. It has the number-one national newscast, CTV NATIONAL NEWS WITH LLOYD ROBERTSON, and is the number-one choice for prime-time viewing. CTVglobemedia Inc. is Canada's premier multi-media company which owns CTV Inc. and The Globe and Mail. CTV Inc. also owns radio stations across the country, and leading national specialty channels. Other CTVglobemedia investments include an interest in Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, and in Dome Productions, a North American leader in the provision of mobile high definition production facilities. More information about CTV may be found on the company website at Labels: awards, radio