LSM Newswire

Friday, September 18, 2009

Investissement de 1,5 millions de dollars Le cinma IMAXTELUS entirement revitalis!

Montral tonnant! poustouflant! Plus vrai que nature! Voil quelques-uns des qualificatifs utiliss rgulirement pour dcrire le visionnement d'un film IMAX. Et voici que le cinma IMAXTELUS du Centre des sciences de Montral, afin d'assurer aux spectateurs de ses films grand format la meilleure exprience cinmatographique, accorde ses quipements une grande cure de revitalisation. Du 14 septembre au 30 octobre 2009, le cinma entreprend une srie d'intenses travaux pour insuffler une nergie renouvele ses installations, lui assurant ainsi de conserver sa longueur d'avance en tant qu'un des cinmas IMAX les plus performants au monde.

Une cure de revitalisation grand format
La fermeture temporaire du cinma IMAXTELUS l'automne 2009 touche un ensemble de ses systmes et composantes. Dj, en 2007, un tout nouveau systme de son avait t install, dont la capacit de 36 000 watts en faisait l'un des plus puissants de sa catgorie. Produit des plus rcentes technologies de pointe, ce systme ambianceur dot de puissants hauts-parleurs et amplificateurs plonge le spectateur au cur de l'univers IMAX et contribue faire du visionnement d'un film IMAX une exprience compltement immersive. Pour optimiser la qualit visuelle des images, voici maintenant que l'cran gant sera entirement remplac par un quipement neuf. Cette opration spectaculaire requiert d'ailleurs les services d'une grue mcanique pour faire entrer le nouvel cran dans la salle de projection : et implique que celui-ci se balancera un bon moment au-dessus du fleuve! Cet cran, d'une dimension de 18,5m par 24,5m, est en fait une immense toile gaine d'une peinture argente spciale dont les proprits rflchissantes optimisent la polarisation et la brillance de l'image. Notez que la toile est galement perfore de millions de petits trous pour laisser passer le son des 4 hauts-parleurs qui sont installs derrire, contribuant ainsi la cration de l'exprience ambiophonique en salle. Une fois en place, le nouvel cran du cinma IMAXTELUS du Centre des sciences de Montral assurera une qualit d'image incomparabel et avec laquelle aucun autre cinma du Qubec ne pourra rivaliser!

D'autres quipements seront galement mis jour et optimiss, notamment les immenses et complexes projecteurs IMAX et des ajustements seront apports au systme de son, le rendant sera encore plus performant. En tout, c'est 1,5 millions de dollars qui seront investis dans cette revitalisation afin de procurer tous les spectateurs une qualit d'image et de son littralement ingale et ingalable. Ainsi le cinma IMAXTELUS demeure l'avant-garde et conserve sa longueur d'avance, tant par sa technologie la fine pointe du progrs que par l'excellence de ses films!

Dernire chance!
Rappelons qu'il ne reste que quelques jours pour voir Merveilles des mers en 3D, le succs de l't, produit par l'quipe de Sous les mers 3D! Ce film est une exprience immersive d'une vivacit sans pareille qui nous transporte vers les sites sous-marins les plus exotiques et les plus isols du monde, dont l'Australie-Mridionale, la Grande Barrire de Corail et la Papouasie Nouvelle-Guine. S'ensuivent des rencontres face--face avec des cratures marines des plus mystrieuses et fascinantes!
Un dpaysement total et dlicieusement rafrachissant, ne pas manquer avant notre fermeture temporaire, en vigueur le 14 septembre 2009!

Les amateurs de musique et de concerts rock s'en mettent plein la vue et les oreilles avec le mga film-spectacle U23D, prsent en supplmentaire et qui quittera dfinitivement l'cran le 14 septembre prochain. Acclam comme l'un des meilleurs concerts films sur scne et offrant une exprience 3D incomparable, U23D a attir les foules et ralis les meilleures recettes au monde ici-mme, au cinma IMAXTELUS : c'est dire le pouvoir d'attraction de U2 et l'apprciation qu'en ont fait les spectateurs. Pas besoin de parcourir la plante pour les voir sur scne : vous serez littralement avec Bono, sur scne!
voir absolument, les super idoles du rock sur cran gant et en super forme au cinma IMAXTELUS jusqu'au 14 septembre prochain!

Le 31 octobre : une date retenir!
C'est bien le 31 octobre que le cinma IMAXTELUS du Centre des sciences de Montral rouvre ses portes, prt accueillir son public pour de nouveaux rendez-vous cinmatographiques encore plus poustouflants! Des images d'une brillance extraordinaire et d'une incroyable prcision, une sonorit ingale par sa clart et son ambiophonie, les meilleurs films IMAX disponibles sur le march, en plus de la technologie 3D son meilleur : voil ce que promet le cinma IMAXTELUS ds son ouverture. Prparez-vous vivre des expriences incomparables, inoubliables, colossales, renversantes Ķ!

Tous les renseignements sur l'horaire et la tarification des films IMAXTELUS sont disponibles la billetterie du Centre des sciences de Montral, par tlphone en composant le 514 496-IMAX ou le 1 800 349-IMAX ou au

Le Centre des sciences de Montral tient remercier les partenaires du cinma IMAXTELUS : Telus, partenaire en titre et Mouvement Desjardins partenaire prsentateur de la programmation rgulire, de mme que les partenaires prsentateurs du CSM Telus et Hydro-Qubec.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Youth by Youth Cinema Series



The Calgary International Film Festival's (CIFF's) 3rd Annual Youth by Youth Cinema Competition is looking for young directors to submit their work and compete in the 2009 YYC Competition! Youth by Youth Cinema (YYC) is part of the Calgary International Film Festival and is an open competition for young filmmakers from grades 4 through 12. Over $2000.00 in cash and prizes will be awarded at the event and all finalists will be treated to a one of a kind opportunity as delegates and VIP's of the festival.

Competition Guidelines:

Films must be between 30 seconds and 7 minutes in length.

Both fiction and non-fiction films are accepted.

Films must have been completed after August 2008.

Films must be directed by youth aged 9 18 at the time of the film's completion.

Any one applicant may submit up to three films (including group projects).

All applicable copyrights (music/image/text sources) must be secured by the filmmaker(s).

Preview screeners accepted ONLY on DVD formats.

Preview screeners must be labeled with title, director name, contact email address, and running time.

Submission Deadline: July 31, 2009

Submissions to:

Juan Delgado - YYC Coordinator

Calgary International Film Festival

1320 15th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta T3C 0X7

P: 403.209.5908 F: 403-457-3784


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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Series 2009


The much-anticipated performance of operas megastar Rene Fleming at Covent Garden is one of the many highlights of DigiScreens Summer Opera/Ballet/Concert Cinema Series, which will screen at selected theatres throughout Canada in July and August. Theatres will present an opera, a ballet and a classical music concert from the great stages of London, England.

The summer series opens on July 25th & 26th, when cinema audiences have the pleasure of experiencing, for the first time in Canada, the excitement of the BBCs LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS from The Royal Albert Hall in London.

On August 15th, Shakespeare meets Mendelssohn meets Balanchine at Sadlers Wells for the enchanting ballet A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM.

Saturday August 29th and August July 30th will be Dont miss Rene Fleming at Covent Garden! days.

On Saturday July 25th and 26th, DigiScreen and the BBC present a first: Canadian audiences will finally experience the exuberance of LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS. The Proms at The Royal Albert Hall has a special place in the hearts of British people and all fans of classical music around the world. The September feast of music is the highlight of the symphonic season, which culminates with the hottest concert ticket in London, LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS! Lucky audiences are treated to the works of leading international artists and an all-embracing classical music programme, introducing new works alongside much-loved classics. Sir Roger Norrington makes his first Last Night appearance leading an all-star dazzling final concert.

On Saturday August 15th, select theatres across Canada will present the enchanting ballet A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM. Choreographed by an artistic genius, George Balanchine and performed by the Pacific Northwest Ballet, Shakespeares comedy of magic and loves delusions set to the music of Felix Mendelssohn is a guaranteed audience pleaser. The Pacific Northwest Ballet displays all the vitality, brilliance and versatility of its wonderful dancers in this awardwinning production of Balanchines first original full-length ballet. Balanchines pure dance magic, Shakespeares stage wizardry and Mendelssohns bewitching tunefulness make for a special experience.

For two presentations only in August (29th and 30th), cinema audiences will be able to enjoy beloved American soprano Rene Fleming on Londons Covent Garden stage starring in The Royal Operas production of Verdis best-loved work LA TRAVIATA. Captured live by Opus Arte in London on June 30th, audiences will see her performance replayed in select theatres throughout Canada. Richard Eyres 2009 production is a revival of his highly acclaimed 1994 staging which dazzled audiences with its striking visual feast. Rene Fleming and company soar with some of the most poignantly tuneful music in all of opera.

Tickets are available at $19.95 + tax per adult, $16.95 + tax per senior and $9.95 + tax per child. For cinema locations and to purchase advance tickets throughout Canada visit For Landmark Cinemas in Alberta and BC, go to For independent theatres in Vancouver and Waterloo, please visit,

About DigiScreen Corporation

DigiScreen is a digital network for the distribution and presentation of independent film and alternative content. DigiScreen launched the network in 2007 with an exclusive collaboration with Opus Arte and the Royal Opera House in London. Thanks to this collaboration, the company is able to showcase the worlds most prestigious contemporary performing arts companies in an ongoing series of spectacular operas and ballets. These productions are captured live, in High Definition, from locations such as Covent Garden (London), Palais Garnier (Paris), Teatro Real (Madrid), Liceu (Barcelona), War Memorial (San Francisco) and other great stages of the world. DigiScreen Corporation, in partnership with Opus Arte, releases 16-20 HD productions throughout the year. These HD productions are presented exclusively by DigiScreen and its partners to audiences in more than 300 cinemas across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Japan and Australia. Presentations in South Africa and other territories will be starting shortly.

For photos, more information or to find a participating theatre near you, please visit or contact Blair Haynes, 514-847-3537 ext 4520

                      About The Royal Opera House

The Royal Opera House is the home of three world class performing companies - The Royal Ballet, The Royal Opera, and The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. It is a focal point for Englands national and international artistic excellence, where the evolving traditions of opera and ballet are taken to the highest levels. It is a shining symbol of excellence without compromise since 1732.

About Opus Arte

Opus Arte, owned by the Royal Opera House, has been recording in High Definition for the past decade and has amassed a substantial catalogue of outstanding productions from around the world. Opus Arte led the way by being the first company to release a Classical HD-DVD, and also the first to release a Classical Blu-ray disc into the world market. Working closely with top organizations such as the BBC and TVE, Opus Arte has enabled a large number of people to share the magic of seeing an opera or ballet from the worlds top opera houses.

About BBC Worldwide

BBC Worldwide is the main commercial arm and a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The company exists to maximise the value of the BBCs assets for the benefit of the licence payer and invest in public service programming in return for rights. The company has seven core businesses: BBC Worldwide Channels, BBC Worldwide Content & Production, BBC Worldwide Digital Media, BBC Worldwide Global Brands, BBC Worldwide Sales & Distribution, BBC Magazines and BBC Home Entertainment. In 2007/08, BBC Worldwide generated profits of 117.7million on sales of 916.3million.

For more about The Pacific Northwest Ballet, please go to:

For more about The Royal Opera House, please go to:

For more about Opus Arte, please go to:

Bravo! is the proud television sponsor for the DigiScreens Summer Cinema Series. For more information on Bravo! please visit

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Last Night of the Proms

For The First Time, Cinema Audiences Can Experience the Excitement of Londons Extraordinary Symphonic Event of the Season:


From The
Royal Albert Hall!

DigiScreen and the BBC present


at Empire Theatres across Canada and other select cinema locations

On Saturday July 25th and 26th, DigiScreen and the BBC present a first: Canadian audiences will finally experience the exuberance of LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS. The Proms at The Royal Albert Hall has a special place in the hearts of British people and all fans of classical music around the world. The September feast of music is the highlight of the symphonic season, which culminates with the hottest concert ticket in London, LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS! Lucky audiences are treated to the works of leading international artists and an all-embracing classical music programme, introducing new works alongside much-loved classics.

Look for LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS in high definition and full surround sound at Empire Theatres locations across Canada and other select cinema locations.

The Proms, a British musical tradition for more than a century, is one of the most popular classical music concerts in the world, watched and listened to by an audience of many millions around the globe. The two-month celebration of timeless classics and exciting new works culminates in one extraordinary evening - the internationally renowned Last Night of the Proms at The Royal Albert Hall! "Last Night" encapsulates the spirit of the Proms in one party-filled night.

LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS 2008 brings together the different themes of the season under the helm of Sir Roger Norrington who makes his first "Last Night" appearance, leading an all-star dazzling final concert. As usual, the line-up is an eclectic mix of new pieces and the old classics, including the world premieres of the BBC commissions from Chris Hazzell and Anna Meredith. The world's most famous feast of classical music features Beethoven's The Creatures of Prometheus and Fantasia in C minor, star turns from Puccini's Tosca and Verdi's Falstaff, orchestral movements from Wagner's Tannhuser, Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March No.1and Vaughan Williams' Sea Songs. The programme also celebrates traditional folk music from Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Featuring Bryn Terfel (bass-baritone), Hlne Grimaud (piano), BBC Singers, BBC Symphony Chorus, BBC Symphony Orchestra.

LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS was captured live at The Royal Albert Hall in High Definition and Full Surround Sound in September 2008.

An exuberant and irreverent romp! Enthralling! A Last Night to remember!
Geoffrey Norris, The Telegraph

Tickets will be available at $19.95 + tax per adult, $16.95 + tax per senior and $9.95 + tax per
child. For cinema locations and to purchase advance tickets throughout Canada visit

For Landmark Cinemas in Alberta and BC, go to For independent theatres in Vancouver and Waterloo, please visit,

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Finalistes des prix Gmeaux 2009 neuf mises en nomination pour des membres de l'APFC

Alliance des producteurs francophones du Canada

Finalistes des prix Gmeaux 2009 - neuf mises en nomination pour des membres de l'APFC

Une rcolte encore jamais vue pour des productions indpendantes de la francophonie canadienne

Ottawa, le 12 juin 2009 - Alors qu'elle vient d'annoncer qu'elle fte ses 10 ans d'existence, l'Alliance des producteurs francophones du Canada se rjouit d'apprendre que quatre productions de ses membres sont finalistes aux prix Gmeaux. En tout, ce sont neuf mises en nominations dans huit catgories : du jamais vu.

Les sries Belle-Baie II (Productions Phare-Est), Destination Nor'Ouest II (Les Productions R. Charbonneau & Les Productions Rivard), et Mto + (Les Productions R. Charbonneau), ainsi que le documentaire Frdric Back - La nature avant tout (Productions Phare-Est) ont tous le privilge de figurer parmi les finalistes de ces prix, qui seront remis en septembre. Les catgories dans lesquelles ses nominations figurent sont jointes en annexe.

C'est la dmonstration tangible que les productions indpendantes des communauts francophones en situation minoritaire sont apprcies du grand public. Lorsqu'elles sont diffuses en heures de grande coute, les gens sont au rendez-vous et aiment ce que nous leur offrons, mentionne Mark Chatel, prsident de l'APFC. Nous croyons que nos productions prsente une perspective diffrente et un regard privilgi sur notre culture, nos ralits. C'est une richesse dans le paysage mdiatique canadien, qu'il n'y aurait pas sans le travail des producteurs, artistes et artisans de l'industrie que nous reprsentons.

Depuis 1987, les prix Gmeaux sont remis annuellement aux meilleures productions tlvisuelles de langue franaise du Canada. Pour plus de renseignements :

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The UK National Theatre's Performances Now Playing Live in High-Definition

The UK National Theatres Performances Now Playing

Live in High-Definition Exclusively in Canada at Cineplex Entertainment Theatres

Four-part series begins June 25th with Phdre, starring Helen Mirren,

Dominic Cooper and Margaret Tyzack

TORONTO, ON, May 20, 2009 (CGX.UN) Cineplex Entertainment, the National Theatre, London and BY Experience, Inc. are pleased to announce a new series of theatrical performances will be presented live from the stage of the National Theatre exclusively in Canada at select Cineplex Entertainment theatres. The first performance in the four-part series, Phdre, starring Helen Mirren, will be shown on Thursday, June 25th at 7 pm EST & PST/8 pm MST/6 pm CST in High-Definition (HD) and digital surround sound.

The NT Live events are designed to bring what we do on the stages of the National to a far greater number of people than we would ever be able to reach otherwise, says Nicholas Hytner. Through high definition broadcasts, we have the technology at our disposal to present our productions beyond the four walls of the National, to reach passionate theatre-goers all over the world, and to do it really well.

Of her performance in Phdre to be sent via satellite to Cineplex Entertainment theatres, Helen Mirren says, I am very happy to have the opportunity to play Phdre - a rich, complex and demanding role and to be part of NT Live, this grand new adventure for the National Theatre.

We are delighted to offer our guests a new series of theatrical performances live from the UK National Theatre, said Pat Marshall, Vice President, Communications and Investor Relations, Cineplex Entertainment. This series further extends the entertainment options available at our theatres from the MET opera performances, to the Stratford Shakespeare Festival and live concerts. In the first of four performances, Helen Mirren takes on another regal role in Phdre that is sure to wow our guests when they experience it exclusively on our big screens across the country.

Lloyd Dorfman, Chairman of Travelex, says: NT Live is a major innovation in theatre. Were enormously proud to be part of it the result of a seven year partnership with the National Theatre, one of the worlds most respected theatres. Day-to-day, Travelex is committed to helping connect people and businesses across the globe. We really hope that this initiative makes world class theatre accessible for those connected by a love of the stage on a truly worldwide scale.

Advance tickets are now available online at as well as at participating theatre box offices. Admission for children ages 3 12 is $16.95 + tax, seniors is $17.95 + tax and general admission is $19.95 + tax. A special group rate is also available for groups of 20 or more at $16.95 per person. For more information on group rates, call 1-800-313-4461.

Mirren will play the title role in Racine's Phdre. In the play, based on earlier treatments of the Greek myth by Euripides and Seneca, Phdre is the wife of Theseus, king of Athens, who develops a fatal and unrequited passion for her stepson, Hippolyte. Dominic Cooper will play Hippolytus and Margaret Tyzack will co-star as Oenone, Phdre's nurse. Nicholas Hytner, artistic director of the National, will direct.

Following Phdre, the remaining plays in the series include Shakespeares Alls Well That Ends Well with Clare Higgins on October 1, 2009; and in early 2010, Nation, based on the a novel by Terry Pratchett and adapted by Mark Ravenhill as well as Alan Bennetts new play, The Habit of Art, with Michael Gambon, Alex Jennings and Frances de la Tour.

NT Live events are distributed outside the U.K. through New York-based BY Experience, Inc.

NT Live is supported by Travelex, in partnership with Arts Council England and NESTA.

About Travelex

Travelex is the world's foreign exchange and business payments specialist. With operations spanning 35 countries, the business operates three divisions focusing on retail foreign exchange, cross border business payments and outsourcing partnerships.The company serves a customer every other second and, through an expansive network covering 115 airports, has a global annual audience of 1.8bn people.

About Cineplex Entertainment

As the largest motion picture exhibitor in Canada, Cineplex Entertainment LP owns, leases or has a joint-venture interest in 130 theatres with 1,333 screens serving more than 63.5 million guests annually. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Cineplex Entertainment operates theatres from British Columbia to Quebec and is the largest exhibitor of digital, 3D and IMAX projection technologies in the country. Proudly Canadian and with a workforce of approximately 10,000 employees, the company operates the following top tier brands: Cineplex Odeon, Galaxy, Famous Players, Colossus, Coliseum, SilverCity, Cinema City and Scotiabank Theatres. The units of Cineplex Galaxy Income Fund, which owns approximately 99.5% of Cineplex Entertainment LP, are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol CGX.UN). For more information, visit

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Table ronde - Double voix double

Front des ralisateurs indpendants du Canada (FRIC)

Table ronde - Double voix double : le rapport entre l'artiste-cinaste et l'artiste-sujet avec les cinastes Rodolphe Caron, Marie Cadieux, Marlene Millar et Nadine Valcin

Le Front des ralisateurs indpendants du Canada prsente la Cinmathque qubcoise une table ronde avec les ralisateurs Rodolphe Caron, Marie Cadieux, Marlene Millar et Nadine Valcin. Cette table ronde aura lieu le mardi 24 mars 2009 de 14h 16h la Salle Fernand-Seguin de la Cinmathque qubcoise (335, boul. De Maisonneuve Est, Montral). Elle aura comme sujet les rapports possibles entre l'artiste cinaste et l'artiste sujet/participant la ralisation. L'entre est libre.

Quel rapport s'tablit entre le cinaste et son sujet quand ce dernier est aussi artiste? Comment se dvoile le rle des deux artistes, comment le cinaste russit-il intgrer la vision esthtique du sujet la sienne, de reprsenter sa faon le travail, la vie du sujet? Le film est-il un vhicule pour montrer la crativit du ralisateur ou celle du sujet reprsent? Les participants tenteront de rpondre ces questions en puisant mme leurs expriences filmiques rcentes.

Marie Cadieux (Moncton) termine en ce moment un troisime long mtrage documentaire L'loge du chiac, Part two et vient de publier un premier recueil de nouvelles Enfance et autres fissures. En plus de raliser double tour et Sentence vie, deux documentaires produits par l'ONF, elle a scnaris quelques sries documentaires et une srie dramatique de 36 pisodes pour TFO. Elle travaille parfois en troite collaboration avec d'autres ralisateurs. C'est le cas pour Le matois ou L'effet Laurie Henri, prsent au FIFA en 2008, et Mon pays (portrait de Patrice Desbiens), prim au FIFA en 1992.

Rodolphe Caron (Moncton) est n Lac Baker, au Nouveau-Brunswick. Il est membre fondateur de Cinmarvie Coop Lte (1980) et de Productions Appalaches (2004). Sa filmographie comprend notamment, cheval sur une frontire, Avec le coeur, Au pays du Madawaska..., Le champion. En 2006, le Festival international du cinma francophone en Acadie lui attribue le prix La Vague de la meilleure oeuvre acadienne pour son documentaire Lonard Forest cinaste et pote. Sa dernire ralisation est prsente cette anne au FIFA: Marie-Hlne en dialogue avec la pierre. Avec la prsence de Marie-Hlne Alain.

Forme en cinma, en danse et en design, Marlene Millar (Montral) a conu et prsent des oeuvres documentaires et exprimentales au Canada et aux tats-Unis depuis le dbut des annes 1990. En 2001, Marlene Millar et Philip Szporer ont fond la maison de production Mouvement Perptuel, pour crer et produire des documentaires axs sur l'art, ainsi que des films danss: Au fils du mouvement, The Hunt, a soft place to fall, Butte, Byron Chief-Moon: le cavalier au cheval gris, The Greater the Weight. Ce dernier est prsent au FIFA cette anne.

Depuis plus d'une quinzaine d'annes, Nadine Valcin (Toronto) scnarise, ralise et produit des missions, des magazines pour la tlvision et des documentaires. Parmi ses ralisations, on retrouve les documentaires Black, Bold and Beautiful (1999), Une cole sans frontires (2005) et Derrire l'image, un portrait de Sylvie Blanger (2007). La cinaste aborde aujourd'hui la fiction. En 2008, elle s'est mrite un des Drama Prize du National Screen Institute pour le court mtrage bilingue Entre deux/In Between. Elle dveloppe aussi son premier long mtrage intitul Trajectoires.

L'animation de la table ronde est assure par Michel Coulombe.

Le Front des ralisateurs indpendants du Canada (FRIC) est un regroupement de ralisatrices et ralisateurs francophones venant de partout au Canada. Depuis 2004, le FRIC s'emploie reprsenter ses membres sur la scne politique et culturelle du Canada; il participe aux diffrentes initiatives de l'espace culturel francophone et travaille au dveloppement professionnel et au rayonnement de ses membres.

Le FRIC remercie le Festival international du film sur l'art, la Fdration culturelle canadienne-franaise et Patrimoine canadien pour leur appui l'organisation de cette activit.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Experience Music Project/Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame opens 2009 on a high note

EMP|SFM opens 2009 on a high note

High attendance at free and low cost events and steady paid admissions, make for a promising start to 2009

SEATTLEExperience Music Project|Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame (EMP|SFM) has opened the new year on a high note with a promising start to 2009. In January, EMP|SFM welcomed 3,300 guests to its public programs, including an All Access Night on New Years Day, three Oral History Live! events with David Bryan, Jim Sherraden and Al Kooper; an Exposed: Inside Film screening of Pi and EMP|SFMs annual Jazz in January programming.

Excellent attendance during these January events put January 2009s overall attendance numbers seven percent over January 2008s attendance numbers. In total, just over 18,000 people came through the museums doors via paid museum admission or to enjoy EMP|SFMs public programs. Yearly overall attendance for 2008 was up three percent over 2007.

EMP|SFM will continue to provide free and low cost programming in 2009 with programs such as Oral History Live!, Exposed: Inside Film, Pop Conference and its Sound Off! underage battle of the bands competition.

EMP|SFM is proud to host the West Coast premiere of Jim Hensons Fantastic World. This highly anticipated exhibition, organized by The Jim Henson Legacy and the Smithsonian Institution will be on view this spring and summer in the science fiction galleries at the museum.

Exhibitions opening in 2009

Jim Hensons Fantastic World

May 23-August 16, 2009
Jim Henson (1936-1990)artist, puppeteer, film director and producercreated elaborate imaginary worlds filled with unique characters, objects, environments and even languages and cultures. His work is enjoyed in dozens of languages in more than 100 countries. Jim Henson's Fantastic World offers a rare peek into the imagination and creative genius of this multitalented innovator and creator of Kermit the Frog, Big Bird and other beloved characters.

The exhibition features 100 original artworks, including drawings, cartoons and storyboards that illustrate Hensons talent as a storyteller and visionary. Among the variety of exhibition objects are puppets, television and movie props, photographs of Henson and his collaborators at work and original video productions, including excerpts from Hensons early career and experimental films.

Jim Henson's Fantastic World was organized by The Jim Henson Legacy and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in cooperation with the Henson family, The Jim Henson Company, The Muppets Studio, LLC, and Sesame Workshop.
This exhibition is made possible by The Biography Channel. Additional support has been provided by The Jane Henson Foundation and Cheryl Henson.

Spaced Out: The Final Frontier in Album Covers

August 15, 2009-Jan. 3, 2010

Organized by EMP|SFM, Spaced Out: The Final Frontier in Album Covers presents 117 spaced-themed record album covers released between the 1940s and 1969the dawn of the space age. In the post-war years, humanity seemed on the verge of taking a giant leap into space. Futuristic themes filled popular culture. Space was the place, and everyone wanted to be there. Musicians thronged to the fad, and space themes invaded album covers of every genre including pop, jazz, folk and classical.

These album covers embody the fantasy and mystery of spacewhat we imagined it to be, what we hoped it would be.


Sweet Deal Sundays

Sundays in February, EMP|SFM visitors can park for free in the new Seattle Center Garage on 5th Ave. N and Harrison St. Visitors can bring their parking stub with them to an admission desk, and EMP|SFM will deduct their $7 parking fee from a regular paid admission.

All Access Nights

In January 2007, EMP|SFM began offering free admission and live music from 5 to 8 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month. Since its inception, the museum has welcomed more than 42,000 visitors during All Access Nights. All Access Nights are sponsored by The Boeing Company.

Family Days

EMP|SFM hosts Family Days on the third Saturday of every month. Family Day activities can include interactive art projects, live music from local bands, free instrument workshops and more. Family Days are sponsored by IKEA.

Oral History Program

EMP|SFM is proud to have an oral history archive of more than 800 interviews filled with tales from musicians, producers, authors, filmmakers and artists who have shaped American popular music and science fiction. More than a hundred of these interviews are featured in the Sound and Vision: Artists Tell Their Stories exhibition currently on display at the museum. In addition, the Oral History Live! series at EMP|SFM features intimate interviews before a live audience. Recent guests have included, Al Kooper, Krist Novoselic, Billy Cox and Clive Barker. Oral History Live! is sponsored by Wells Fargo and The Boeing Company. Upcoming Oral History Live! events include: Stockpiling Star Wars: Inside Gus and Duncans Comprehensive Guide to Star Was Collectibles Feb. 23 and Perspectives in Poster Design March 11.

Exposed: Inside Film

Through its Exposed: Inside Film series, EMP|SFM screens cult favorites and classic sci-fi films. Each screening is followed by a behind-the-scenes look through an interactive discussion with local filmmakers and experts in the subject matter, or with actors, directors or screenwriters associated with the film. Upcoming films include: Outlander Feb. 17 and Of All the Things April 21.

Sound Off! 2009

Sound Off! is the Pacific Northwests largest battle of the bands. A launching pad for musical careers, Sound Off! has enjoyed hosting many young up-and-coming bands over the years including Schoolyard Heroes, Idiot Pilot, Mon Frere, The Lonely H, Dyme Def, The Lonely Forest, Natalie Portman's Shaved Head and New Faces.

Early last year, EMP|SFM crowned New Faces as winners of Sound Off! 2008, since then, theyve been propelled into Seattles music scene. Just a few months after their win, they were signed by Loveless Records, released their first album, Two Yearswhich was just named top local release of 2008 by Three Imaginary Girls, and played to adoring fans at Bumbershoot.

This years semifinalists include Dearboy, Dyno Jamz, Love Trucker, Schoolboy Gutbuster, Brier Rose, Free City Collective, Makeup Monsters, The Mission Orange, Cyrus Fell Down, Kids Get Hit by Buses, Razpy & The Vigilantes and Sol. Upcoming semifinal concerts are held Feb. 21 and 28, 2009 and the finals are held March 7, 2009.

Sound Off! 2009 is sponsored by IKEA, ShureThe Official Microphone of EMP|SFM, 107.7 The End, KEXP 90.3, KORG USA, Epiphone, Bumbershoot, The Stranger,, Orbit Audio, Glenn Sound Studio, London Bridge Studio, Northwest Folklife, The Vera Project and Redmond's Old Firehouse Teen Center.

Science Fiction + Fantasy Short Film Festival

EMP|SFM, in partnership with SIFF, presented the Science Fiction + Fantasy Short Film Festival Feb. 7, 2009 at the Seattle Cinerama Theater. The annual festival brings together industry professionals in filmmaking and the genres of science fiction and fantasy to encourage and support new, creative additions to science fiction and fantasy cinema arts.

After Hours

EMP|SFM is proud to partner with the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) to present After Hours, a new all-ages event at EMP|SFM designed by teens for teens. After Hours is an exciting, new all-ages event that takes place three times throughout the year. The evening features a dance party with a local DJ in Sky Church and can include access to gallery spaces, live music by local bands and film previews from student filmmakers. The next After Hours event is March 27.


Experience: The Band

Experience: The Band began in fall 2007 as a partnership between EMP|SFM and the Berklee College of Musics City Music Network.

This year-long, innovative, full scholarship program integrates instrumental and vocal instruction in rock and jazz, ensemble performance and musicianship classes with state-of-the-art online learning materials.

Experience: The Band rehearses together every Saturday from late September to early June, with several public performances scheduled throughout the year. Band members are also eligible to be considered for scholarships to Berklee College of Musics five-week summer performance program, as well as full tuition scholarships to Berklee College of Music. Experience: The Bands next showcase is March 21 at 1 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public. Experience: The Band is supported by JP Morgan Chase Foundation and Puget Sound Energy Foundation.

Pop Conference

The Pop Conference at EMP|SFM, now in its eighth year, joins academics, critics, performers and writers of all kinds to discuss popular music. This years conference topic is Dance Music Sex Romance: Pop and the Body Politic. The conference runs April 16-19, 2009.

Lessons & Workshops

Lessons & Workshops at EMP|SFM are weekend and evening classes for adults and teens 16 and older. This series provides in-depth, hands-on training on a specific music or science fiction-related topic. Lessons & Workshops are added throughout the year. Guitar 102 begins Feb. 18 and Stayin' Alive: Rock Band for Adults begins April 27.

Camps and Teen Artist Workshops

EMP|SFMs Camps and Teen Artist Workshops take youth on a journey of artistic exploration and self-discovery during their spring and summer breaks. Visit for a complete list of 2009 camps and workshops offered by EMP|SFM and partners Pacific Science Center and Seattle Childrens Theater.

2008 Wallace Excellence Award

In November, EMP|SFM was granted a 2008 Wallace Excellence Award. EMP|SFM was among eight other Seattle arts organizations to receive the prestigious award, including On The Boards, One Reel, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Opera, Seattle Repertory Theater, Seattle Youth Symphony and SIFF. EMP|SFM is thrilled to be among this impressive list of local arts organizations and to be honored by The Wallace Foundation.

EMP|SFM received a $585,000 grant to expand and enhance youth-driven programming that leverages the museums unique collections and offerings to generate online content for the public. The museum will announce its specific plan to implement the grant later this year.


Museum Hours:

EMP|SFM is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. from September 2, 2008 through May 21, 2009 and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. from May 22, 2009 through September 7, 2009.

Museum Admission:

General adult admission to both Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame (EMP|SFM) is $15. Admission for seniors, youth, military and students (w/ID) is $12, and admission for children under 5 is free. One ticket gives access to both museums.

Web site:


325 5th Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109

Box office:


Current exhibitions include:

American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print
October 11, 2008 July 16, 2009
American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print illustrates the fascinating fusion of art with popular culture and music history. Featuring the work of one of the nation's oldest operating printing shopsNashville, Tennessee's Hatch Show Printthe exhibition highlights the uniquely American posters produced to advertise everything from vaudeville shows, state fairs and stock car races to the Grand Ole Opry, Elvis Presley and Herbie Hancock.

Founded in 1879 in Nashville, Tenn., Hatch Show Print is still a working letterpress and design shop, creating posters today using the same letterpress methods as yesterday. American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print features historical and contemporary posters and original wooden print blockssome never before seen by the public.

The exhibition, organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) and the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, is supported by America's Jazz Heritage, a Partnership of The Wallace Foundation and the Smithsonian Institution. The exhibition is supported locally by 4Culture.

Robots: A Designer's Collection of Miniature Mechanical Marvels
May 16, 2008 April 19, 2009

Robots: A Designer's Collection of Miniature Mechanical Marvels celebrates our long fascination with humankind's technological version of itself. This exhibition draws from a one-of-a-kind assemblage of toy robots, which noted designer Tom Geismar has been collecting for decades. Inspired by antique tin and wooden toys, samurai warriors and mid-20th century Japanese film characters, these intricately detailed and beautifully designed miniatures are set against EMP|SFM's backdrop of life-sized robots, androids and cyborgs from the world of science-fiction film and television.

Jimi Hendrix: An Evolution of Sound
April 26, 2008 April 11, 2010
Jimi Hendrix: An Evolution of Sound illustrates Hendrix's musical evolution from his early days in Seattle, to his time as a journeyman musician touring the southern "chitlin' circuit" and in New York City, to his explosion on the popular music scene in London and beyond. The exhibition and the visitor experience weave together the various musical styles and cultures that Hendrix soaked up throughout his all-too-short journey.

About the EMP|SFM Building
Since EMP opened in 2000 and SFM in 2004, EMP|SFM has welcomed more than 4.3 million visitors through its doors. From its museum planning stages in 1998 through 2007, EMP|SFM has been a key economic driver among Seattle nonprofit arts and culture organizations, with combined EMP|SFM institutional expenditures and EMP|SFM audience-member spending resulting in $580 million dollars of local economic impact. EMP|SFM is housed in a 140,000 square foot Frank O. Gehry-designed building. This spectacular, prominently visible structure has the presence of a monumental sculpture set amid the backdrop of the Seattle Center.

About Experience Music Project
Experience Music Project (EMP) is dedicated to the exploration of creativity and innovation in popular music. By blending interpretative, interactive exhibitions with cutting-edge technology, EMP captures and reflects the essence of rock n roll, its roots in jazz, soul, gospel, country and the blues, as well as rocks influence on hip-hop, punk and other recent genres. Visitors can view rare artifacts and memorabilia and experience the creative process by listening to musicians tell their own stories.

About Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame
The Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame (SFM) is the world's first museum devoted to the thought-provoking ideas and experiences of science fiction. SFMs exhibitions promote awareness and appreciation of science fiction literature and media while encouraging visitors to envision new futures for humanity. In the Science Fiction Hall of Fame, the museum pays homage to the most respected of science fiction practitionerswriters, artists, publishers and filmmakers.

Experience Music Project

Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame

t: (206) 262-3245 f: (206) 770-2727

330 Sixth Avenue North Suite 200 Seattle WA 98109


Current Exhibitions

American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print

October 11, 2008 July 16, 2009

Jimi Hendrix: An Evolution of Sound

April 26, 2008 April 11, 2010

Robots: A Designer's Collection of Miniature Mechanical Marvels

May 16, 2008 April 19, 2009

Upcoming Exhibition

Jim Hensons Fantastic World

May 23 August 16, 2009

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Casse-Noisette est de retour en direct et en haute dfinition dans les cinmas Cineplex Divertissement

La production Casse-Noisette du Ballet national du Canada est de retour en direct et en haute dfinition en exclusivit dans 79 cinmas Cineplex Divertissement

Toronto, ON 2 dcembre 2008 (TSX: CGX.UN). la suite du trs grand succs de la toute premire diffusion de la production Casse-Noisette du Ballet national du Canada, Casse-Noisette en direct et en haute dfinition (HD) est de retour en exclusivit dans encore plus de cinmas Cineplex Divertissement partout au pays. Cette reprsentation unique du ballet Casse-Noisette sera diffuse dans les cinmas Cineplex Divertissement participants le 13 dcembre 2008 14 h HNE. La prvente de billets a dbut en ligne sur et la billetterie des cinmas participants.

Je suis trs fire de pouvoir partager notre production de Casse-Noisette avec les Canadiens et Canadiennes partout au pays. Cette anne, encore plus de cinmas y participent, et nous pourrons faire dcouvrir cette grande tradition des ftes un nombre encore plus grand de familles, a affirm Karen Kain, directrice artistique.

Nous sommes trs heureux de prsenter cette anne encore Casse-Noisette aux spectateurs de nos cinmas partout au Canada, a affirm Pat Marshall, vice-prsidente, Communications et relations avec les investisseurs, Cineplex Divertissement. Le ballet Casse-Noisette est une tradition des ftes que le plus de gens possibles devraient avoir la chance de dcouvrir. Nous avons ajout des cinmas afin de rendre ce spectacle le plus accessible possible.

Casse-Noisette en direct et en haute dfinition est un partenariat entre le Ballet national du Canada, Cineplex Divertissement et Bravo!. la suite de la diffusion le 13 dcembre, Casse-Noisette sera prsent sur les ondes de Bravo! une date ultrieure qui sera annonce sous peu.

Casse-Noisette en direct et en haute dfinition est rendue possible grce TD Waterhouse, et la participation financire additionnelle de John et Claudine Bailey.

Le ballet Casse-Noisette sera film au Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts de Toronto, au moyen de six camras en haute dfinition, et sera diffus en direct dans des cinmas partout au Canada, y compris les 11 cinmas suivants du Qubec :

Cinma Cineplex Odeon Brossard

9350, boul. Leduc

Brossard, Qubec

Cinma Colise Kirkland

3200, rue Jean-Yves

Kirkland, Qubec

Cinma Cineplex Odeon Quartier Latin

350, rue mery

Montral, Qubec

Cinma Cineplex Odeon Beauport

825, rue Clemenceau

Beauport, Qubec

Cinma Galaxy Sherbrooke

4204, boul. Bertrand-Fabi

Sherbrooke, Qubec

Cinma Galaxy Victoriaville

1121, boul. Jutras Est

Victoriaville, Qubec

Cinma Colossus Laval

2800, rue du Cosmodme

Laval, Qubec

Cinma Banque Scotia Montral

977, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest

Montral, Qubec

Cinma Starcit Montral

4825, ave. Pierre-de-Coubertin

Montral, Qubec

Cinma Cineplex Odeon Ste-Foy

1200, boul. Duplessis

Ste-Foy, Qubec

Cinma Fleur-de-Lys

4520, boul. des Rcollets

Trois-Rivires, Qubec

Voici le prix des billets : enfants de 3 12 ans : 9,95 $, ans : 17,95 $ et adulte : 19,95 $ (les taxes sont en sus). Nous offrons aussi un forfait familial au prix de 49,95 $, qui comprend deux billets dentre pour adulte ou pour an et deux billets dentre pour enfant. Le forfait familial est seulement offert la billetterie des cinmas participants. Visitez le pour de plus amples dtails sur les billets et les cinmas participants.


La production de Casse-Noisette du Ballet national du Canada fait dornavant partie de la tradition des ftes. Se droulant dans la campagne russe du 19e sicle, Casse-Noisette allie les paysages naturels dtaills et les paysages feriques et extravagants o le monde recouvert de glace scintillante de la reine des neiges et les splendeurs du palais dor de la fe Drage se ctoient. La prestation daprs-midi du 13 dcembre est dune dure de 115 minutes et comprend un entracte de 20 minutes.

Casse-Noisette : chorgraphie et libretto par James Kudelka, musique par Pyotr Ilyich Tchakovski, conception des dcors et des costumes par Santo Loquasto et conception de lclairage par Jennifer Tipton.

La production Casse-Noisette du Ballet national du Canada sera prsente du 6 au 28 dcembre au Four Seasons Centre de Toronto. Prire de visiter pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements.

Casse-Noisette sera aussi mis en scne par diverses compagnies de ballet au Canada durant la priode des ftes dont Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montral. Veuillez visiter le pour plus de dtails.

Pour obtenir une liste de toutes les productions de Casse-Noisette mises en scne au Canada, prire de visiter le

propos de Cineplex Divertissement LP

Cineplex Divertissement LP est la plus importante entreprise dexploitation de salles de cinma au Canada. Elle possde, loue ou exploite en coentreprise 130 cinmas totalisant 1 325 crans et accueille chaque anne quelque 61 millions dinvits. Cineplex Divertissement LP, dont le sige social est situ Toronto au Canada, exploite des cinmas de la Colombie-Britannique jusquau Qubec. Elle est la plus importante entreprise dexploitation de cinma numrique, 3D et de films en version IMAX au pays. Fire dtre canadienne, lentreprise de plus de 8 000 employs exploite les cinmas des marques reconnues suivantes: Cineplex Odeon, Galaxy, Famous Players - qui inclut les cinmas Colise, Colossus et StarCit - en plus de la chane Cinema City et les cinmas Banque Scotia. Les parts du Cineplex Galaxy Income Fund, qui dtient environ 76 % de Cineplex Divertissement LP, sont ngocies la Bourse de Toronto sous le symbole CGX.UN. Pour plus de dtails, visitez

propos de Bravo!

Bravo! est un oasis dans le paysage tlvisuel o les spectateurs se donnent rendez-vous avec les arts, que ce soit de lopra classique, un documentaire sur lart, un concert film dans la salle de spectacle Bravo! ou un film lavant-garde, Bravo! donne loccasion aux spectateurs de vivre des expriences enrichissantes qui portent la rflexion. Donnez-vous rendez-vous avec les arts chaque soir sur les ondes de Bravo! ( Bravo! est la proprit de CTV Limited, une division de CTVglomedia, compagnie multimdia numro un du Canada.

La saison 2008-2009 est prsente par CTV et The Globe and Mail.

TD Waterhouse est le commanditaire prsentateur de la production torontoise de Casse-Noisette prsente au Four Seasons Centre.

Casse-Noisette est rendue possible grce la participation financire des assureurs de production Sandra et Jim Pitblado, Lawrence et Ann Heisey et un ami anonyme du Ballet national.

Le Ballet national du Canada est reconnaissant de la participation de : ACTRA, Canadian Actors Equity Association, I.A.T.S.E., Toronto Musicians Association, Local 149 et A.F.M.

Le Ballet national du Canada tient remercier les organismes suivants de leur appui continu : le Conseil des Arts du Canada; lOffice du dveloppement conomique et lOffice du dveloppement et de la culture de la Cit de Toronto; lHonorable James Moore, ministre fdral du Patrimoine canadien et des Langues officielles; le gouvernement de lOntario; la Fondation des arts de lOntario et la Fondation Trillium de lOntario.


The National Ballet of Canadas The Nutcracker Live in High-Definition Returns Exclusively to 79 Cineplex Entertainment Theatres

Toronto, ON December 2, 2008 (TSX: CGX.UN) Due to the tremendous success of last years first-ever presentation of The National Ballet of Canadas The Nutcracker, The Nutcracker live in High-Definition (HD) returns exclusively to an expanded number of Cineplex Entertainment theatres across the country. The one-time only presentation of The Nutcracker will be shown in select Cineplex Entertainment theatres on December 13, 2008 at 2:00 pm EST. Advance tickets are on sale now online at as well as at participating theatre box offices.

I am extremely proud to be able to share our production of The Nutcracker with Canadians nationwide. And this year, we will expand our reach even more, bringing this great holiday tradition to a greater number of communities across the country, says Karen Kain, Artistic Director.

We are excited to once again present The Nutcracker to our theatre audiences across the country, says Pat Marshall, Vice President, Communications and Investor Relations, Cineplex Entertainment. The Nutcracker is a holiday tradition that should be experienced by as many people as possible and we have expanded the number of theatres to ensure everyone can enjoy it.

The Nutcracker live in HD is a three-way partnership between The National Ballet of Canada, Cineplex Entertainment and Bravo!. Following the simulcast on December 13, The Nutcracker will be broadcast on Bravo! at a later date that will be announced shortly.

The Nutcracker live in HD is presented by TD Waterhouse, with additional funding by John and Claudine Bailey.

The Nutcracker will be captured by six HD cameras at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto and transmitted live via satellite to the following theatres throughout Quebec:

Cineplex Odeon Beauport Cinemas

825, rue Clemenceau

Beauport, PQ

Cineplex Odeon Brossard Cinemas

9350, boul. Leduc

Brossard, PQ

Colise Kirkland Cinemas

3200 rue Jean Yves

Kirkland, PQ

Starcit Montreal Cinemas

4825, ave. Pierre de Coubertin

Montreal, PQ

Galaxy Cinemas Sherbrooke

4204, boul. Bertrand-Fabi

Sherbrooke, PQ

Galaxy Cinemas Victoriaville

1121, boul. Jutras-Est

Victoriaville, PQ

Colossus Laval Cinemas

2800 Cosmodome Street

Laval, PQ

Scotiabank Theatre Montreal

977, Ste-Catherine W

Montreal, PQ

Cineplex Odeon Latin Quarter Cinemas

350, rue Emery

Montreal, PQ

Cineplex Odeon Ste. Foy Cinemas

1200, boul. Duplessis

Ste. Foy, PQ

Galaxy Cinemas Trois-Rivieres

4520 boul. des Rcollets

Trois-Rivieres, PQ

Admission for children ages 3-12 is $9.95, for seniors is $17.95 and general admission is $19.95, plus applicable taxes. A special Family Pack price is also being offered for $49.95, plus applicable taxes, which includes two adult or two senior admissions and two child admissions. The Family Pack is available at participating theatre box offices only. A special group rate is also available for groups of twenty or more at $16.50 per person (general admission) and $8.50 per child. For more information on group rates, call 1-800-313-4461. For more information on tickets and theatre locations, visit

The Nutcracker

The National Ballet of Canada's The Nutcracker is a magical holiday tradition. Set in the rustic world of rural 19th-century Russia, The Nutcracker blends an affectionately detailed natural setting with an extravagant dreamscape of wonders, from the glittering, ice-coated world of the Snow Queen to the awe-inspiring splendour of the golden palace of the Sugar Plum Fairy. The December 13 matinee performance runs 115 minutes, with a 20 minute intermission.

The Nutcrackers choreography and libretto are by James Kudelka, music is by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, set and costume design are by Santo Loquasto and lighting design is by Jennifer Tipton.

The National Ballet of Canada's The Nutcracker is live on stage in Toronto from December 6 28, 2008 at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts. Visit for more information and to buy tickets.

Ballet companies across Canada perform their own productions of The Nutcracker this holiday season, including Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montral. For details, visit

For a listing of all presentations of The Nutcracker on stage across Canada, visit

About Cineplex Entertainment LP

As the largest motion picture exhibitor in Canada, Cineplex Entertainment LP owns, leases or has a joint-venture interest in 130 theatres with 1,325 screens serving approximately 61 million guests annually. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Cineplex Entertainment operates theatres from British Columbia to Quebec and is the largest exhibitor of digital, 3D and IMAX projection technologies in the country. Proudly Canadian and with a workforce of more than 8,000, the company operates the following top tier brands: Cineplex Odeon, Galaxy and Famous Players including Colossus, Coliseum and SilverCity, in addition to Cinema City and Scotiabank Theatres. The units of Cineplex Galaxy Income Fund, which owns approximately 76% of Cineplex Entertainment LP, are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol CGX.UN). For more information, visit

About Bravo!

Bravo! is an oasis in the television landscape where viewers make a regular appointment with the arts. Whether its a classic opera, an art documentary, a concert performance in the Bravo! Concert Hall, or a cutting-edge film, Bravo! gives viewers an opportunity for enriching and thought-provoking experiences. Make an appointment with the arts each night on Bravo! ( Bravo! is owned by CTV Limited, a division of CTVglobemedia, Canada's premier multi-media company

The 2008/09 Season is presented by CTV and The Globe and Mail.

TD Waterhouse is the presenting sponsor of the Toronto production of The Nutcracker at the
Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts.

The Nutcracker is made possible by generous financial support from production underwriters Sandra & Jim Pitblado, Lawrence & Ann Heisey and an anonymous friend of the National Ballet.

The National Ballet of Canada gratefully acknowledges ACTRA, Canadian Actors Equity Association, I.A.T.S.E., Toronto Musicians Association, Local 149 and A.F.M.

The National Ballet of Canada gratefully acknowledges the ongoing support of the Canada Council for the Arts; the Ontario Arts Council; the City of Toronto through the Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Department; The Government of Canada through the Honourable James Moore, Minister, the Department of Canadian Heritage; the Government of Ontario; the Ontario Arts Foundation; the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

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