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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Le trio de 'popra' Destino enchante le public / "Popera" trio Destino enchants audiences


Toronto, ON le groupe popra incontournable Destino prpare le lancement de son premier album Forte le 8 juillet, 2008. Le son du groupe, dit popra , mlange l'opra avec les styles de musique pop, R&B, soul, jazz et gospel. La musique est passionne et captivante, et a dj attir un grand nombre d'amateurs dvous. Un montage de douces harmonies mlodiques et de solos enflamms, le trio de Vancouver largit le paysage musical grce son unique son et aux voix puissantes des membres, mis en vidence sur leur premier extrait, Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart, crite par la sensation musicale Diane Warren.
Nous voulons largir le contexte et l'opinion des gens sur l'opra, et rendre cette musique plus accessible aux gens qui ne pensent pas l'couter. Notre son permet aux adeptes de l'opra et de la pop d'apprcier un mlange de diffrents styles musicaux, et c'est un style qu'ils n'auront pas sitt oubli ! dit Joey Niceforo.
Simplement, les voix de Destino continuent hypnotiser les auditoires lors de leurs prestations. Avec une gamme vocale si varie, Leon Leontaridis, Joey Niceforo et Paul Ouellette attirent et intriguent leurs fans avec leur unique superposition de voix classiques et apparences lgantes et styles. tant tous chanteurs d'opra formation classique, on ne peut ignorer leur prsence sophistique sur scne, alors qu'ils chantent en anglais, franais, italien, et espagnol. C'tait par chance que le trio s'est form lorsque les trois membres furent engags pour travailler sur un mme projet. Leur chimie est rapidement devenue vidente. Voyant que leurs talents naturels se compltaient bien, leur destin en tant que groupe tait dcid.
Sparment, chaque membre a connu du succs avant de se joindre Destino. Leontaridis, qui tudiait le chant ds l'ge de huit ans, a travaill avec des professeurs de renom tels la soprano Wendy Nielson et Theodore Baerg. Il a jou Giuseppe dans La Traviata, en plus d'avoir jou dans La Bohme et Filumena. Niceforo connu ses dbut sur scne lors de l'vnement Toronto Opera in Concert's Canadian Gala Concert. Il a rcemment partag la scne avec le tnor notoire Salvatore Licitra lors d'un gala New York. En plus de Destino, Ouellette fait partie de l'ensemble de tourne Vancouver Opera Touring Ensemble, et a donn 150 prestations en tant que Tamino, le personnage principal de l'opra allemande La flte enchante. Gagnant trois fois conscutives les auditions dans le district de l'Ouest du Metropolitan Opera National Council, Ouellette poursuit sa participation dans divers concerts, rcitals, films, et missions tlvises en Colombie Britannique.
Lancer son premier album, pour un musicien, c'est une initiation au monde musical. C'est un passage au niveau suprieur, d'un chanteur sur scne un artiste qui s'ouvre l'apprciation, les critiques, l'amour ou le dgot du monde entier, c'est un grand pas. C'est mouvant et effrayant en mme temps, dit Leontaridis.
Spectacles canadiens:
1 juillet Vancouver, BC Canada Place
12 juillet Peterborough, ON Parc Del Crary, Summer Festival of Lights
31 juillet Toronto, ON First Canadian Place
1 aot Elora, ON Festival Elora
Liste de pistes sur Forte:
1) Adagio
2) Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart
3) Il Canto
4) My Baby You
5) Una Furtiva Lagrima
6) Someday
7) Hymme a L'amore
8) Breath Again
9) Malinciona d'amore
10) Keep The Dream Alive
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Toronto, ON "Popera" powerhouse group Destino are set to release their new album Forte on July 8, 2008. The group's sound, coined "popera", combines pop and opera with the musical influences of R&B, soul, jazz and gospel. The music is passionate and captivating, and is already garnering the group a dedicated fanbase. A union of quiet, melodic harmonies and fiery solos, the Vancouver trio is expanding the musical landscape through the blending of their unique sound and incredibly commanding vocals, demonstrated with the first single "Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart", written by music sensation Diane Warren.
"We want to expand the scope and opinion that people have of opera music and make it more accessible to those who might not think about listening to it. Our sound allows fans of both opera and pop to enjoy a mix of different types of music, and it's a style they won't quickly forget!" says Joey Niceforo.
Simply put, the voices of Destino consistently mesmerize audiences with their live performances. With such a diverse vocal range, Leon Leontaridis, Joey Niceforo and Paul Ouellette allure and intrigue their fans with the unique amalgamation of their classic voices and stylish, elegant looks. All classically trained operatic singers, they exude sophistication on stage, performing in English, French, Italian and Spanish. It was only by a chance encounter that the trio first met when they were all hired to work on a project together. It wasn't long before their chemistry was apparent. Discovering that their individual talents complemented each other, their destiny as a group was sealed.
Each member of the group had enjoyed success on an individual level prior to Destino. Leontaridis, who has studied voice from the age of eight, has worked under such renowned instructors as soprano Wendy Nielson and Theodore Baerg. He has performed as Giuseppe in La Traviata, in addition to performing in La Boheme and Filumena. Niceforo made his professional stage debut in Toronto at the 'Toronto Opera in Concert's Canadian Gala Concert'. He recently shared the stage with notable tenor Salvatore Licitra at a gala in New York City. In addition to Destino, Ouellette is part of the Vancouver Opera Touring Ensemble and has performed in 150 shows as Tamino the lead character from the German Opera The Magic Flute. A three-time consecutive winner of the Western district level of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, Ouellette continues to participate in concerts, recitals, film and television work in British Columbia.
"Releasing a debut album as a musician is like an initiation into the music world. It's taking it to another level of just being a performer on a stage to exposing yourself worldwide for all to enjoy, criticize, love or hate and that's a big step of faith. It's exciting and scary at the same time", says Leontaridis.

Canadian shows:
July 1st Vancouver, BC Canada Place
July 12th Peterborough, ON Del Crary Park, Summer Festival of Lights
July 31st Toronto, ON First Canadian Place
August 1st Elora, ON Elora Festival
Forte Track List:
1) Adagio
2) Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart
3) Il Canto
4) My Baby You
5) Una Furtiva Lagrima
6) Someday
7) Hymme a L'amore
8) Breath Again
9) Malinciona d'amore
10) Keep The Dream Alive
Weblinks: or

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Friday, May 23, 2008

CD launch: Whirlwind at Jello Bar, Fri. May 23, 5pm

Nilia Berkin releases Whirlwind, her debut CD,

with a record launch party:

Friday, May 23 @ 5pm

Jello Bar -151 Ontario East

(Martinis and goodies will be served!)

And at midnight, when you're chasing sheep across the sky and aching for a lullaby,

Let me be, please let me be, let me be the one to sing to you,

To you, to sing to you, to you, to sing to you, to you, to you. -Dusty White Moon

Nilia Berkin's debut show at the Sala Rossa on May 2 was a great success with Matt Lipscombe and Subcollisions playing after her set to a packed crowd and glowing reviews. She is thrilled to launch her debut CD, Whirlwind, on Friday, May 23 at Jello Bar at 5pm.

Nilia is a singer/songwriter based in NDG. She grew up in Sherbrooke, Quebec and came to the big city to realize her musical aspirations studying classical piano at Vanier College and Concordia University.

Nilia has also studied jazz under the tutelage of Lorraine Desmarais and has been performing in a jazz duo with her partner, TJ Plenty (ex-Asexuals) since 1998.

In early 2000, after a musical contract in a hotel in Japan, Nilia returned to Montreal and started writing the 12 songs for her debut CD.

Whirlwind is Nilia's first album and an intensely intimate work. "The songs are mostly musings of the world and question what happens in the spaces we can't see. Where do we go when we fall asleep, when we die, when we daydream? I've always been interested in symbols and coincidences. Sometimes when you're perfectly still, the world starts to reveal itself in ways you can't pick up on when you're distracted by all this living."

Whirlwind was recorded at the church where she sang as a soloist for over a decade and in her home. TJ Plenty produced and played guitars. The CD is available online from Nilia's website as well as which describes Whirlwind as 'Indie pop creations that are a blend of pop, jazz and classical with a sprinkle of punk-rock. The music is sultry, mysterious, retro.' It is also available at independent record stores around the city.

Nilia will be playing songs from this album on May 23rd with help from backup singers Stefanie Buxton and Danielle Desormeaux as well as guitarist TJ Plenty at Jello Bar, 151 Ontario East (between Saint- Laurent and Saint- Denis).

Come early and get a good seat- martinis and goodies will be served.

For more information and to hear clips from Whirlwind:

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