LSM Newswire

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Artists Release Bach Sonatas for Viola Da Gamba by Audrey and Paul Cienniwa

Artful Bach Sonatas

Grace and beauty define the New England duo Audrey and Paul Cienniwa (SIN-uh-wah) as they perform these beloved pieces.

On this recording, Audrey Cienniwa fluently demonstrates that her "baroque", gut-string violoncello piccolo suits Bach's viola da gamba sonatas admirably. And, together with Paul Cienniwa's elegant harpsichord, offer the listener every reason to pay special attention to their performance.

This debut release for Whaling City Sound was performed in the acoustic majesty of Boston's First Church and deftly captured by engineer Angus Lansing. Paul and Audrey's gifted reading is further enhanced by the superior sonics evident on this disc.

Rounding out the CD are two cantata aria transcriptions. Written for cello piccolo, solo voice and continuo; they are the Cienniwa's own transcriptions, with the harpsichord providing the continuo part and solo voice.

Audrey and Paul began playing as a duo in 1998 after meeting in Brussels as students. Since then, they have performed regularly throughout New England and Europe, part of a new generation of early music performers, specializing in historical performances of the Baroque and pre-Classical periods.

Now a teacher at the Music School of the Rhode Island Philharmonic and Providence College, Audrey studied the baroque cello with the renowned Hidemi Suzuki.

Following undergraduate studies at DePaul University with harpsichordist Roger Goodman, Paul was awarded a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Yale in 2003, where he was a student of Richard Rephann. He is currently active on many fronts as the Music Director of Newport Baroque, Sine Nomine choral ensemble and First Church in Boston.

This gracious commentary by renowned harpsichord performer and instrument expert, Bach specialist, writer, educator, and recording producer Peter Watchorn brings it all into focus.

"This new recording of the three sonatas for viola da gamba and harpsichord, played on the 5-string cello piccolo by Audrey Cienniwa, and partnered by harpsichordist Paul Cienniwa provides a high level of artistry from both performers as well as the level of ensemble that comes only from long experience of playing together. It is well paced, thoughtful and flexible in the best sense. The readings combine virtuosity and gravitas, rhythmic precision and a fine sense of phrasing and architecture: the perfect mix in Bach performance.

"The use of the five-string cello provides a level of clarity and cutting-power from the string instrument that is hard to match on the viola da gamba, and its use is no less authentic. The disc is augmented by transcriptions by the performers of substantial movements from two Bach cantatas (BWV 175 & 183), a practice occasionally undertaken by Bach himself, for example in one version of the G major sonata for violin & harpsichord, where a movement reappears as an aria in cantata BWV 120. Good sound, excellent performances. A truly worthy release for all Bach lovers."

Audrey & Paul Cienniwa's Bach Sonatas for Viola da Gamba is a special gift to all music lovers.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Pour en finir avec les Brandebourgeois / The Brandenburgs completed

Jeudi 21 et vendredi 22 mai 2009
11 h et 17 h 45
Salle Tudor du magasin Ogilvy

Pour encadrer dignement les clbrations de son 25e anniversaire, I Musici de Montral a choisi de jouer, en dbut et en fin de saison, les six Concertos brandebourgeois de Bach. Les trois premiers nous ont donc t prsents il y a huit mois et lexcution des trois derniers conclut la srie Ogilvy. Sous la direction de Yuli Turovsky, les trois derniers concerti seront brillamment interprts par les solistes membres de lOrchestre Suzanne Careau (alto), Eleonora Turovsky (violon) auxquels se joindront les instrumentistes Jol Thiffault (clavecin), Elvira Misbakhova (alto), Heather Howes (flte) et Jean-Philippe Tanguay (flte). Accompagns de ces solistes mrites, I Musici de Montral dmontrera la magnificence du contrepoint de Bach.

Bach et le "Margrave" de Brandebourg
En 1718, Bach rencontra Christian Ludwig, margrave de Brandebourg. Ce mlomane qui rsidait au Palais Royal de Berlin lui commanda alors quelques uvres pour son orchestre de chambre. Trois ans plus tard, Bach lui a offert ses six Concerts avec plusieurs Instruments accompagns dune ddicace flatteuse et priant son Altesse Royale de ne vouloir pas juger leur Imperfection . Aprs la mort du margrave, les partitions ont t vendues pour presque rien. Les Concertos Brandebourgeois nont t publis quen 1850, soit prs dun sicle aprs leur composition.


Concerto brandebourgeois no 6 en si bmol majeur, BWV 1051
Concerto brandebourgeois no 4 en sol majeur, BWV 1049
Concerto brandebourgeois no 5 en r majeur, BWV 1050

Pour en finir avec les Brandebourgeois, les jeudi 21 et vendredi 22 mai 11 h et 17 h 45. Un intermde musical savourer avant le dner ou pour dbuter merveilleusement une soire en compagnie de maestro Turovsky et dI Musici. Salle Tudor du magasin Ogilvy. 1307, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, 5me tage. Renseignements et billetterie : 514 982-6038, ou Pour en savoir davantage sur notre prochaine 26me saison :

The Brandenburgs completed
Thursday and Friday, May 21 and 22, 2009
11 am and 5:45 pm
Ogilvy Tudor Hall

Montral, May 15, 2009 As a fitting framework for its 25th-anniversary season, I Musici de Montral is performing all six of Bachs Brandenburg Concertos. Nos. 1-3 opened the season eight months ago; now Nos. 4-6 are heard as a closing gesture to the Ogilvy Concert Series. Under the direction of Yuli Turovsky, the core ensemble of 15 musicians will be joined by Jol Thiffault (harpsichord), Elvira Misbakhova (viola), Jean-Philippe Tanguay (flute) and Heather Howes (flute). Along with these great soloists and also soloists from its own ranks Suzanne Careau (viola), Eleonora Turovsky (violin) , I Musici and Yuli Turovsky will explore Bachs magnificent contrapuntal excursions.

Bach and the Margrave of Brandenburg
Sometime during 1718, Bach met Christian Ludwig, the Margrave of Brandenburg, who resided in the Royal Palace in Berlin. The music-loving Margrave requested from Bach some works for his court orchestra. Three years later, Bach presented him with six Concerts avec plusieurs Instruments along with an effusive, obsequious dedication and begging Your Highness most humbly not to judge their imperfection. After the Margrave's death, the Concertos were auctioned off in a miscellaneous job lot of seventy-seven pieces. The music was not published until 1850, well over a century after its composition.


Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in B-flat major, BWV 1051
Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G major, BWV 1049
Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major, BWV 1050

The Brandenburgs completed on Thursday and Friday, May 21 and 22, 2009 at 11 am and 5:45 pm. Before a gourmet lunch or as a start to a marvellous evening join Maestro Turovsky and I Musici in the Ogilvy Tudor Hall, 1307 Sainte-Catherine West, 5th floor. Information and tickets: 514 982-6038 or at For further information on our upcoming 26th season:

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Les Ides heureuses - Concert annuel de la Passion - Vendredi saint

Concert annuel de la Passion : le Vendredi saint 10 avril 2009 17 h l'glise du Ges

avec la soprano Suzie LeBlanc

Montral, le 19 mars 2009 l'occasion de la semaine sainte qui commmore la Passion du Christ, Les Ides heureuses prsente un concert le Vendredi saint 10 avril 17 h l'glise du Ges. Suzie LeBlanc, la clbre soprano canadienne, est l'une des interprtes vedettes de ce programme de musique religieuse baroque. Matthew Jennejonh, hautbois d'amour, se joint comme soliste aux musiciens de l'ensemble des Ides heureuses dans plusieurs pices de ce programme. Depuis 2005, Les Ides heureuses souhaite tablir une tradition au centre-ville de Montral en prsentant dans sa srie rgulire les Vendredis saints aprs-midis, un concert dont les pices se rfrent au Carme et la Passion.

Suzie LeBlanc

Partageant son temps entre le concert, la scne lyrique, l'enregistrement, l'enseignement et la recherche, Suzie LeBlanc a explor et enregistr nombre de rpertoires indits, notamment une collection d'airs romains du 17e sicle, Amor Roma (ATMA Classique) et Lagrime Amare (Teldec). Sa discographie rcente comprend des lieders de Mozart avec Yannick Nezet-Seguin (ATMA), Die Zauberflte (Pamina) avec La Petite Bande (BAYER) et Membra Jesu Nostri de Buxtehude (ATMA) avec Les Voix Baroques sous la direction d'Alexander Weimann, gagnant du Prix Opus pour la musique ancienne, ainsi que Chants de terre et de ciel (Olivier Messiaen), disponible en octobre 2008 sur ATMA Classique. Elle assure la direction artistique de l'ensemble Le Nouvel Opra en rsidence au Conservatoire de musique de Montral et enseigne le chant baroque la Facult de Musique de l'Universit de Montral. Le rcent film de Rodrigue Jean, Lost Song, dans lequel Suzie LeBlanc joue le rle titre fminin a remport le Prix du meilleur long mtrage canadien du Festival international du film de Toronto (FIFT) et le Prix de la meilleure uvre acadienne moyen ou long mtrage au Festival international de cinma francophone en Acadie.


Cette anne, le programme fait place trois compositeurs baroques allemands majeurs et contemporains : J.S. BACH (1685 1750), C. GRAUPNER (1683 1760) et G.P. TELEMANN (1681 1767). Il met l'emphase sur le hautbois d'amour (un hautbois en la, c'est--dire la tierce mineure infrieure par rapport au hautbois) dont la sonorit sombre et chaleureuse, douce et envotante, convient particulirement au temps liturgique de la Passion. Son qualificatif "d'amour" provient de sa tendresse un peu mlancolique qui se marie si bien avec la musique caractre pastoral. Son panouissement se fait surtout en Allemagne dans la premire moiti du XVIIIe sicle et sa premire utilisation rfrence avec son nom est dans une cantate Graupner compose en 1717 (un an avant la cantate au programme).

C. Graupner

De C. Graupner, Les Ides heureuses interprtera une cantate compose en 1718 pour le quatrime dimanche du Carme, pour soprano solo, cordes et hautbois d'amour oblig. Le pome de Conrad Lichtenberg est bas sur le psaume 102. Il s'agit de la 26e cantate de Graupner du rpertoire de l'ensemble depuis 2002. On entendra aussi des extraits de la cantate pour le Vendredi saint compose la mme anne pour la mme formation. Compositeur prolixe de musique d'glise (mille quatre cent vingt-trois cantates), Graupner joue sur une grande intriorit, o l'criture mle austrit et accents intimes.

G.P. Telemann

G. P. Telemann a crit au fil de sa vie 46 Passions sur les textes des vanglistes Marc, Matthieu et Luc. Un air avec flte bec oblig et soprano de sa Passion selon saint-Luc de 1737 est au programme.

J.S. Bach

La suite en do mineur pour clavecin de J.S. BACH peut sembler hors-propos, mais ses diffrents mouvements (prlude fugue sarabande gigue et double), intercals entre les pices vocales se rvleront tre de vritables moments de mditation. Selon la brillante thse du musicologue qubcois Guy Marchand[1], la fugue de cette suite serait en fait un microcosme de la Passion selon saint-Matthieu et le cur emblmatique de la pense musico-religieuse de Bach. Le complexe thmatique de cette fugue illustre l'interprtation luthrienne de la Passion. Le thme de la sarabande s'avre par ailleurs une paraphrase du dernier chur de la Passion selon Saint-Matthieu.

glise du Ges

L'glise du Ges (Jsus en italien), o Les Ides heureuses se produit pour la premire fois, est la seule glise entirement de style baroque Montral. Elle a t construite en 1865. Ce cadre magnifique, dans le centre-ville de Montral, convient parfaitement au moment de recueillement musical propos en ce jour de commmoration de la mort du Christ.

Les Ides heureuses

Fond en 1987, Les Ides heureuses a produit plus de 100 concerts dans dans sa srie rgulire au centre-ville de Montral. Une centaine d'autres concerts ont t diffuss dans les maisons de la culture de l'le de Montral, aux tats-Unis, ainsi que, depuis 2004, dans les plus importants festivals de musique baroques europens (Bruges, Bruxelles, Ambronay, Pontoise, Picardie, Modena, etc.). Plac sous la direction artistique et musicale de Genevive Soly, Les Ides heureuses se distingue par sa recherche de rpertoire baroque indit, interprt devant un public sduit par la redcouverte et par ses concerts comments.

C. GRAUPNER : Choral Jesus dein Kreutz will ich halten et Air Ans Kreutz zum Todt pour soprano, hautbois d'amour et continuo, extraits de la cantate Christus hat uns erlset - pour le Vendredi saint (Darmstadt, 1718) ; Herr, hre mein Gebet, cantate pour soprano, hautbois d'amour, 2 violons, alto et continuo pour le dimanche Laetare (1718) ;

J.S. BACH: Suite en do mineur (BWV 997) ;

G.P. TELEMANN : Aria Bringe mich zu deinen Herden pour soprano, flte bec soprano, cordes et continuo, extrait de la Passion selon Saint-Luc (Hamburg, 1737).

Suzie LeBlanc, soprano, Hlne Plouffe et Olivier Brault, violons - Jacques-Andr Houle, alto - Isabelle Bozzini, violoncelle - Nicolas Lessard, contrebasse - Natalie Michaud, flute bec - Matthew Jennejohn, hautbois d'amour - Genevive Soly, orgue continuo, clavecin solo et direction musicale.

glise du Ges, 1202 rue de Bleury, mtro Place-des-arts

Billets : rgulier : 30 $ - an (65 ans et plus) : 25 $ - tudiant : 10 $

INFORMATION : 514 843 5881 -

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Symphony Nova Scotia presents the 2009 Library Series

Symphony Nova Scotia presents the 2009 Library Series

Halifax, NS Symphony Nova Scotia is once again back at the Halifax Public Library for a series of fun and informative chamber music performances. Please bring your lunch and join us for wonderful music and entertaining stories about the composers from host Max Kasper. All concerts are free of charge, and begin at 12:00 noon.

Still Movements

Wednesday, April 29 Spring Garden Memorial Branch, Halifax

Friday, May 1 Alderney Gate Branch, Dartmouth

In this concert, the Library Players explore the evolution of the "movements" of a piece of music. Most symphonies and quartets that we know all follow a familiar four-movement pattern. Using the music of Haydn, Mozart, Bach and Purcell, we will illustrate the differences and evolution of the string quartet movements.

The Library Players are:

Yi Lee violin

Anita Gao-Lee violin

Jane Levitt viola

Max Kasper bass

Christmas in May

Thursday, May 14 Spring Garden Memorial Branch, Halifax

We're pleased to welcome back Halifax's own Rjouissance as they once again play at the Library. Join us for some festive Baroque music on period instruments. Though most of the music was written for the Christmas holidays, it's wonderful to hear anytime of the year (...and it's never too early to start preparing for Christmas!).

Rjouissance is:

Karen Langille baroque violin
Ivor Rothwell baroque bassoon, recorder
Shawn Whynot harpsichord
Hilary Brown baroque cello

The Best Music You've Never Heard of...

Thursday, May 28 Spring Garden Memorial Branch, Halifax

Friday, May 29 Alderney Gate Branch, Dartmouth

Most of us have only heard about 5% of the composers out there. Even the ones that were very famous in their time and wrote wonderful music have somehow become overshadowed by the "Greats." It's time to hear some of these composers again. The music is well worth it! Join the Gatto Dolce Duo as they perform music by Pleyel, Matthews, Aslan, Neher, Boismortier, Corrette and Romberg, to name a few!

The Gatto Dolce Duo is:

Colin Matthews cello

Max Kasper Bass

About Symphony Nova Scotia
Expect the Unexpected with Symphony Nova Scotia from Baroque to Berlioz to bluegrass! Each year the 37-member ensemble performs for more than 40,000 audience members (including 14,000 young music lovers) in communities across Nova Scotia. Under the inspirational leadership of Bernhard Gueller, Symphony Nova Scotia is recognized as one of the finest orchestras in the country. Join the orchestra in celebrating its 25th anniversary this season!

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Symphony Nova Scotia presents Bach to Bach: A Choral Celebration

Symphony Nova Scotia presents Bach to Bach: A Choral Celebration
Halifax, NS Conductor Jeff Joudrey and the Halifax Camerata Singers combine with Symphony Nova Scotia and soloists Shannon Mercer (soprano), Christianne Rushton (mezzo soprano), Ryan Billington (tenor), Peter Groom (bass), and Richard Simoneau (trumpet) to bring you the timeless choral works of J.S. Bach on Sunday, March 22 at 2:00 pm at St. Andrew's Church.

The program of music exclusively by Bach includes Cantata no. 4, Mass in G Major, and Cantata no. 51, "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen."

"I can't wait to share this incredible music with our baroque audience!" says chorus master Jeff Joudrey.

"The great Cantata no. 4 for Easter Sunday with its solos, duets, and fantastic choruses is a perfect contrast to Cantata no. 51 "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen" (Praise God in every Nation), written for soprano soloist and trumpet. The Lutheran Mass in G major will round out the program perfectly."

Don't miss this opportunity to experience music that has stood the test of time, performed by world-class singers and musicians from across our region.

Get your tickets now! General admission seats to Symphony Nova Scotia concerts at St. Andrew's United Church are $47.50 (HST included), or you can pick up a subscription and save up to 30%. Student and group discounts are also available. Call 494.3820 or 1.800.874.1669, or visit

About Jeff Joudrey

Conductor Jeff Joudrey is highly regarded for his vision, musical leadership, and standards of excellence in choral music. Founder of the First Baptist Girls' Choir (1983) and Halifax Camerata Singers (1986), his leadership has provided challenging and rewarding choral opportunities for many Nova Scotia singers. In addition to being Director of Music at First Baptist Church, Jeff is Chorus Master of the Symphony Nova Scotia Chorus and is in demand as a guest conductor, choral clinician, teacher, and adjudicator.

About the Halifax Camerata Singers

The Halifax Camerata Singers are an auditioned ensemble of dedicated singers from across Nova Scotia. They are the province's leading chamber choir, performing an extensive repertoire covering all periods and styles. Camerata has a reputation for performance excellence that sets a high standard, even in a province known for its rich musical tradition.

About Shannon Mercer

Shannon Mercer is taking on the opera world as one of Canada's most promising young stars. Critically acclaimed by the international press for her musical artistry, she has been hailed as "one of Canada's most promising young sopranos" and a "Leader of Tomorrow" (Maclean's). She has been particularly praised for her performances of baroque and contemporary music.

About Christianne Rushton

Recognized as a rising talent in a new generation of Canadian artists, mezzo-soprano Christianne Rushton's recent performances have included the title roles of Orpheus in Gluck's Orpheus and Eurydice with Opera Nova Scotia and l'Enfant in Ravel's L'Enfant et les Sortilges, with the Juilliard Opera Center. Christianne is currently head of the voice faculty at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia where she teaches voice, vocal pedagogy and opera history.

About Ryan Billington

Ryan Billington is an assistant professor at St. Francis Xavier University, where he teaches voice, vocal improvisation, arranging, and vocal jazz ensembles, while conducting a growing family of university choirs. He is currently building a comprehensive performance program at St. FX for vocal musicians, which includes classes in voice pedagogy, diction for contemporary singers, vocal arranging, art song literature, and conducting.

Peter Groom, baritone

Baritone Peter Groom moved to Sackville, New Brunswick in 2006 from Regina, Saskatchewan, where he was head of the Voice Department at the University of Regina Conservatory of Performing Arts. A frequent performer in oratorio and recital, Peter has performed works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Vaughan Williams and others with the Regina Symphony Orchestra and other Western Canadian ensembles.

About Richard Simoneau

Principal trumpet with Symphony Nova Scotia since 1996, Richard Simoneau has become well-known as a soloist with Symphony Nova Scotia audiences. Born in 1970 in Quebec City, he pursued his studies at the Quebec and then Montreal Conservatories, graduating in May 1994. Richard has since played with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Hamilton Philharmonic and the National Arts Center Orchestra in Ottawa before moving to his current position with Symphony Nova Scotia.

About Symphony Nova Scotia
Expect the Unexpected with Symphony Nova Scotia from Baroque to Berlioz to bluegrass! Each year the 37-member ensemble performs for more than 40,000 audience members (including 14,000 young music lovers) in communities across Nova Scotia. Under the inspirational leadership of Bernhard Gueller, Symphony Nova Scotia is recognized as one of the finest orchestras in the country. Join the orchestra in celebrating its 25th anniversary this season!

Symphony Nova Scotia is grateful to the Canada Council for the Arts, Nova Scotia Tourism, Culture, and Heritage, and the Halifax Regional Municipality for their continued support.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Concert anniversaire - Cantates de Bach

Tellement frais et professionnel. Et quel bon son! Bravo et grand merci pour les explications vivantes!ݬ

Quel directeur artistique dou d'humour! Chapeau!ݬ

ݬSublime, quelle matrise vocale et quelle musicalit! [Ķ] Merci pour ces instants magiques.ݬ

L'ensemble vocal VivaVoce de Montral clbre son 10e anniversaire avec classe,

exploitant les cantates de jeunesse de Jean-Sbastien Bach

Qu'il mange du gteau! L'ensemble vocal VivaVoce, sous la direction de Peter Schubert, clbrera son 10e anniversaire la salle de concert Redpath, vendredi le 3 avril 2009 19h30. Pour souligner cet vnement commmoratif, l'ensemble vocal invite son auditoire vivre avec lui une exprience unique, soit un concert mettant en valeur les cantates de jeunesse de Jean-Sbastien Bach, commentes de faon instructive et divertissante, sans oublier le gteau d'anniversaire qui sera partag pour conclure la soire.

Le directeur artistique, Peter Schubert, dcrit ainsi la dimension que prendra ce concert: Nous avons choisi de prsenter au public quelques-unes des pices composes par Bach alors qu'il tait g dans la vingtaine. Ces uvres exploitent remarquablement des transitions dramatiques entre diverses motions et ce, contrairement aux uvres avec lesquelles il s'est illustr au cours de sa carrire adulte. Nous apprcions exposer notre auditoire une varit de programmes, leur donnant ainsi l'opportunit de dcouvrir de nouvelles balises musicales suscitant leur intrt.

VivaVoce se dmarque d'autres chorales professionnelles canadiennes grce son rpertoire vari et souvent audacieux, offrant des prestations dans divers genres musicaux, du chant grgorien la musique la plus fascinante du XXIe sicle. L'approche originale adopte par ce chur lui a valu une fidlit de son auditoire tout au cours de la dernire dcennie, ainsi qu'une reconnaissance dans le milieu de la musique classique: VivaVoce a reu neuf nominations dans six catgories diffrentes dans les Prix Opus, ayant remport un prix en 2004.


Avec Marie Magistry, soprano; Jose Lalonde, alto; Nils Brown, tnor; Normand Richard, baryton; Hank Knox, orgue, Orchestre de chambre

VENDREDI LE 3 AVRIL 2009 19h30

Salle de concert Redpath, Universit McGill, 3461, rue McTavish, Montral

Billets disponibles la billetterie de l'cole de musique Schulich au 514-398-4547

ou ADMISSION au 514-790-1245, ou en ligne au

Pour plus de renseignements, prire de visiter le site

"Spectacular crystal voices! Thank you!"

"I love the 'difference' from other choirs."

"Absolutely wonderful concerts! We love the music, professional singers & the commentary. We will be back for more! "

Montreal's VivaVoce Chamber Choir celebrates 10th birthday

with cantatas from Bach's early years

Let them eat cake! Montreal's VivaVoce Chamber Choir, conducted by Peter Schubert, will be celebrating their 10th anniversary at Redpath Hall, Friday April 3rd, 2009 at 7:30 pm. To commemorate this milestone event, the celebrated chamber choir invites the audience to a night of Bach cantatas, humorous commentary, and, of course, birthday cake.

Conductor Peter Schubert explains about this show: "For this show, we decided to go with some of Bach's earlier work from his twenties. It is more obviously dramatic than the later music that he is better known for. We like to expose our audience to different things, so they can discover something new that appeals to them."

VivaVoce stands out amongst other Canadian professional choirs for their varied and often daring repertoire; they perform commentated concerts tackling any musical genre from Gregorian chant to 21st-century music. The choir's original approach has earned it a loyal following during its first decade along with recognition in the classical music milieu: it has received nine Opus nominations in six categories, winning a first prize in 2004.

BACH: THE EARLY YEARS Cantatas 4, 131 and 182

With Marie Magistry, soprano; Jose Lalonde, alto; Nils Brown, tenor; Normand Richard, baritone; Hank Knox, organ, chamber orchestra

Friday April 3rd, 2009 at 7:30 pm

Redpath Hall, 3461 McTavish Street

Tickets available by calling 514-398-4547 (Schulich School of Music Box Office)

or ADMISSION: 514-790-1245 or online at

For more information, please visit

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Eddins and Kulesha conduct invigorating repertoire in Masters Series concerts - Feb. 20 and Feb. 21

Classic Landmarks Masters

William Eddins and Gary Kulesha both at the forefront in virtuosic evening of Bach and Beethoven

Friday, February 20th 7:30 pm; Saturday, February 21st 8:00 pm

Edmonton, AB Ķ In a rare gesture, Canadian composer Gary Kulesha takes the baton to lead the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (ESO) in his own composition, Symphony No. 3. William Eddins will also command the role of conductor, but from the harpsichord, in Bachs Fifth Brandenburg Concerto. Also featured in this treasured Baroque masterpiece are ESO Concertmaster Martin Riseley, and Principal Flute Elizabeth Koch. Pianist Jon Kimura Parker takes the solo role in the evenings concluding work, Beethovens First Piano Concerto, a remarkable work marked with the bold strokes and propulsive energy of an emerging titan.

Ticket prices for this performance range from $20-$69 (agency fees apply). Student and senior $20 rush tickets are on sale, subject to availability, two hours prior to performance time. Afterthoughts, following Fridays performance, will feature conductors William Eddins and Gary Kulesha. Saturday evenings 7:15 pm Symphony Prelude features Allan Gilliland and Gary Kulesha.

Special $10 Friday morning ESO/Eddins concert on February 20th 10:00 am

In addition to the Friday and Saturday night concert events, the ESO invites you to explore The Shapes and Shades of Music on Friday, February 20th at 10:00 am. During this highly interactive concert, host William Eddins, Gary Kulesha and Jon Kimura Parker will delve deep into live excerpts of musical works, enlightening audience members through discussion of tuneful aspects underlying the music. The excerpts from Bach, Beethoven, and Kulesha to be presented at the morning demonstration will be performed in their entirety both Friday and Saturday evenings. Dont miss this unique symphonic opportunity! Tickets for The Shapes and Shades of Music are only $10 (agency fee applies) and are available by calling the Winspear Centre Box Office at (780) 428-1414.

The next performance of The Masters takes place on March 7th and 8th, with conductor William Eddins and cellist Pieter Wispelwey in Music that Changed the World, featuring Beethovens 5th Symphony, arguably the most well-known composition of classical music.

This series is generously supported by Classic Landmarks Master Builder.

Media Sponsor: CKUA Radio Network and the Edmonton Journal


Media contact:

Pamela Pecush, Publicist

Edmonton Symphony Orchestra

Office: (780) 401-2532; Cell: (780) 952-2532

Winspear Centre Box Office:

(780) 428-1414 or 1-800-563-5081

#4 Winston Churchill Square


William Eddins is Music Director of the Edmonton SymphonyBuffalo, N.Y., he currently resides in Minneapolis with his lovely wife Jen, a clarinetist, and their two boys Raef and Riley. Orchestra. A native of

Bill has been playing piano since he was five when his parents bought a Wurlitzer Grand piano at a garage sale. He started conducting during his sophomore year at the Eastman School of Music, and most of the '80s were spent trying to decide whether to pursue a career in conducting or piano. In 1989, Bill decided to study conducting with Dan Lewis at the University of Southern California, from whence he managed to land assistant conductor posts with the Chicago Symphony and the Minnesota Orchestra in 1992.

Bill is committed to bringing classical music to the greater public. He has started a podcast Classical Connections which is dedicated to exploring the history of classical music and highlights live chamber music performances in which Bill has taken part. He has also produced a solo piano CD Bad Boys, Volume I which features Beethoven's "Hammerklavier" Sonata and Albright's Nightmare Fantasy Rag.

Although principally a composer, Gary Kulesha is active as both a pianist and a conductor, and as a teacher. His music has been commissioned, performed, and recorded by musicians and ensembles all over the world. Mr. Kulesha's first opera, Red Emma, was included in Opera America's book of "Operas which should be performed more often", beside works by Copland, Bernstein, and Weill.

In 1988 to 1992, Gary Kulesha was Composer in Residence with the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra. He was Composer in Residence with the Canadian Opera Company from 1993 to 1995. In September 1995, he was appointed Composer-Advisor to The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, where his duties include composing, conducting, and advising on repertoire. In February 1998, the TSO premiered his Symphony for two conductors and orchestra, with Jukka Pekka Saraste and Gary Kulesha conducting. Symphony was awarded a prize at the Winnipeg Symphony New Music Festival in 2001 as Best Canadian Orchestra Composition of the 1990s. In March of 2005, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra premiered Second Symphony. In November of 2006, Shauna Rolston premiered Concerto for Cello and Orchestra with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. In May of 2007, the National Arts Centre Orchestra premiered Third Symphony, the work which the ESO will perform at these concerts.

In 1990, Mr. Kulesha was nominated for a Juno award for his Third Chamber Concerto. He was nominated again in 2000 for The Book of Mirrors. In 1986, he was named Composer of the Year by PROCanada, the youngest composer ever so honoured. His conducting activities are extensive, and he has premiered literally hundreds of works. He has guest conducted frequently with several major orchestras throughout Canada, and has recorded for radio and CD. Mr. Kulesha is on the fulltime faculty of the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto. He lives in Toronto with his wife, composer Larysa Kuzmenko.

This is Mr. Kuleshas debut as a conductor of the ESO. Previous compositions by Mr. Kulesha performed by the ESO are Dreams (October 1989) and Essay for Orchestra No. 2 (April 1986).

Internationally acclaimed concert pianist Jon Kimura Parker's extraordinary career has taken him from Carnegie Hall and London's Royal Festival Hall to Baffin Island and Zimbabwe. A true Canadian ambassador of music, Mr. Parker has given two command performances for Queen Elizabeth II, special performances for the United States Supreme Court, and has performed for the Prime Ministers of Canada and Japan. He is an Officer of The Order of Canada. He has performed as guest soloist with the New York Philharmonic, The Cleveland Orchestra, The Philadelphia Orchestra, the Warsaw Philharmonic, the NHK Tokyo Orchestra, and with major orchestra in Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, Dallas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Montral, San Diego, Salt Lake City, and Toronto.

Jon Kimura Parker is Professor of Piano at The Shepherd School of Music at Rice University in Houston. Mr. Parker is the E. Stephen Purdom Distinguished Visiting Artist at the Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University, as well as Honorary Co-Chair of the Piano Pedagogy Research Laboratory at the University of Ottawa. "Jackie" Parker received all of his early education in Canada, training with his uncle, Edward Parker and his mother, Keiko Parker. He studied with Lee Kum-Sing at the Vancouver Academy of Music and U.B.C., Marek Jablonski at The Banff Centre, and with renowned pedagogue Adele Marcus at The Juilliard School, where he received his doctorate. He won the Gold Medal at the 1984 Leeds International Piano Competition. Mr. Parker has recorded for Telarc with Yoel Levi, Andre Previn and Peter Schickele. He was born, raised, and educated in Vancouver. He lives in Houston with his wife, violinist Aloysia Friedmann and their daughter Sophie.

Mr. Parker last appeared with the ESO in March 2007.

Originally from the Philadelphia area, Elizabeth Koch has been Principal Flute with the ESO since 1987. She studied at the New School of Music in Philadelphia, the Cleveland Institute of Music and the Blossom Festival School (summer home of the Cleveland Orchestra). Her teachers include David Cramer (Assistant Principal Flute, Philadelphia Orchestra), Jeffrey Khaner (Principal Flute, Philadelphia Orchestra) and Adeline Tomasone (Principal Flute, Philadelphia Opera). In the summer of 1987, Elizabeth was the only American flutist to play in the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival Orkester under Leonard Bernstein.

Since arriving in Edmonton, Elizabeth Koch has been in demand as a soloist with the ESO, the Alberta Baroque Ensemble, ECHO and the Arden Ensemble. Elizabeth was a founding member of the woodwind trio Take 3 which was heard regularly on CBC Radio from 1992-1998. She is on faculty at King's University College and maintains a private studio. She is married to ESO violinist Murray Vaasjo. They have one son - and several cats.

A native of New Zealand, Martin Riseley began violin studies at the age of six, and gave his first solo concert when he was ten. After several years of study with the English violinist Carl Pini, he entered the University of Canterbury School of Music in 1986. In 1988 he won the Television New Zealand Young Musicians Competition and Australian Guarantee Corporation Young Achievers Award. Upon graduating with a Bachelor of Music degree he went to the Juilliard School in 1989 where he studied with Dorothy DeLay and Piotr Milewski, and was coached in chamber music by Samuel Rhodes and Joel Smirnoff of the Juilliard Quartet, and by Felix Galimir. Riseley graduated from Juilliard in 1996 with his Doctorate of Musical Arts degree.

Mr. Riseley assisted Dorothy DeLay as a teaching fellow in the Pre-College Division of Juilliard while in New York, and taught at the 92nd Street 'Y'. He was also soloist and concertmaster with the Chamber Players of the Juilliard School in their Merkin Hall debut, and in Alice Tully Hall as part of the Mozart Bicentennial celebrations at Lincoln Center.

Martin Riseley has been Concertmaster of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra since 1994, and his solo and chamber concerts have appeared on CBC radio. He gave the North American premiere of the violin concerto "The Bulls of Bashan" by Gavin Bryars, and played the Chaconne from The Red Violin by John Corigliano at the ESO's Enbridge Symphony Under the Sky festival. He also premiered a concerto by the ESO's Composer in Residence, Allan Gilliland in 2002.

He served as Interim Associate Concertmaster of the National Arts Center Orchestra for the 2002-2003 season, and was guest concertmaster of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra during 2003.

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