LSM Newswire

Monday, June 15, 2009

Bastille Day in Boston

The Beehive Makes Bastille Day Musical History

Boston, MA - Based Restaurant and Live Music Venue Makes Bastille Day Musical History

(Boston, MA)The Beehive, the uber-hip award-winning restaurant and live music venue, named one of the Top 100 Jazz clubs in the world by Downbeat Magazine, will be making musical history during their 2nd Annual Bastille Day Celebration on July 14, 2009 from 5:00PM – 2:00AM.

The Boston, MA-based “The Beehive”, known for their world-class talent and musical innovation, will once again be pushing the envelope as they present a special reunion/tribute concert to the iconic and often controversial French singer-songwriter, musician, actor and director Serge Gainsbourg. While Gainsbourg passed away in 1991 his legacy has lived on as an icon, often referred to as one of the world’s most influential musicians, and has become part of the fabric of French-pop culture.

Performed for the first time ever in North America by Gainsbourg Etcetera" - a musical collaboration of Gainsbourg’s wife Bambou Gainsbourg, son LuLu Gainsbourg and five of Gainsbourg’s former musicians including: Gary “Mr. La Javanaise" Georgett, Mike Rathke, Tony “Thunder” Smith, John Kumnick and Stan Harrison, this event is truly musical history in the making as the group performs renditions of Gainsbourg’s works and original arrangements by LuLu Gainsbourg.

“The impact that Gainsbourg had on not just French culture, or music culture, but on popular culture itself… is immeasurable. We’re honored to have been able to work with the incomparable Tony Smith, Bambou Gainsbourg, LuLu Gainsbourg and everyone involved to make this event happen. The event is truly about “La France Today” – these performers are not only world-class, but a strong representation of modern French pop culture,” Said Bertil Jean-Chronberg, General Manager of The Beehive and event organizer.

The event will be not only an all-star collaboration, but also a joint performance bringing in the contemporary French pop sensation ElodieO to the stage to both open the show and perform live with Gainsbourg Etcetera! ElodieO’s music has been described as an elegant mix of 60's Nico-esque pop
and 90's golden era trip-hop and down-tempo. Intermittent French Electro-Pop and Gainsbourg re-mixes will be provided by Christopher Muther Dj’ing for the event.

So as Boston becomes Paris for one night only, The Beehive will also feature casual-French inspired fare and specials via the restaurant, flowing champagne bubbles (with the most extensive champagne list in New England featured at The Beehive) and one of the most authentic and exclusive Bastille Day celebrations in the U.S.

Full dinner reservation guarantees you an “in” - Advanced tickets are only $25.00(USD) or a mere $10.00(USD) at the door if this event isn’t sold out by the time you are finished reading this! Call 617-423-0069 for more information or visit to get your tickets online!

This exclusive event is brought to you not only by The Beehive, but in-part by the in-kind sponsorship of: Kronenbourg, Absolut Vodka and The Lenox Hotel, Back Bay Boston.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Les Estivales de Musique au Coeur du Médoc


Festival de musique classique dans le Médoc

Du 2 au 16 juillet 2009

Pour leur sixième édition, les Estivales de musique au cœur du Médoc, association parrainée par le célèbre musicien et chroniqueur de France inter, Frédérique LODEON, organise une série de 6 concerts dans les hauts lieux viticoles.

Les châteaux prestigieux du Médoc (Lagrange, Branaire Ducru, Talbot, Lafite Rothschild, Malleret, Loudenne) dévoileront les prestations des lauréats des grands concours internationaux.

Leurs prestations seront clôturées par une dégustation de vins.

Ce festival, alliant musique et vin lors des concerts-dégustation a pour mission de faire découvrir au grand public les talents les plus prometteurs de la musique classique, rencontre d'excellence, d'exigence et de tradition.

Programmation 2009

Jeudi 02 juillet à 21H

Duo lyrique au Château Lagrange / Saint Julien Beychevelle

Isabelle Druet (Mezzo Soprane) et Szabolcs Brikner (Ténor)

1er et 2nd prix du concours reine Elisabeth Bruxelles 2008

Accompagnement piano : Stéphane Jamin.

Mardi 07 juillet à 21H

Récital d'alto au Château Branaire Ducru / Saint Julien Beychevelle

Arnaud Thorette

Lauréat concours Gênes, Paris, Nüremberg, Haverhill.

Mercredi 08 juillet à 21H

Flûte et Harpe au Château Talbot / Saint Julien Beychevelle

Seiya Ueno et Rino Kageyama

Lauréats du concours Rampal Paris 2008 et Laskin Paris 2008

è Présence et commentaires de Frédéric Lodéon

Jeudi 09 juillet à 21H

Piano au Château Lafite Rothschild / Pauillac

Jean Frederic Neuburger

Lauréat des concours Long Thibaut, Valence, Etlingen et nominé aux Victoires de la musique 2007

Mercredi 15 juillet à 21H

Duo de violons au Château de Malleret / Le Pian Médoc

Sarah Nemtanu (révélation de l'année soliste aux Victoires de la musique 2007) et sa sœur Deborah Nemtanu

Lauréates des concours Ravel, Stradivarius.

è Exposition de l'artiste Cathy Schein (du 2 au 20 juillet au Château)

Jeudi 16 juillet à 21H

Quintette à vent au Château Loudenne / Saint Yzans de Médoc

L'ensemble à vent Aquillon, 1ier prix du concours ARD de Munich en 2006

En savoir plus :

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

CMBV: Pierre Vachon

French Classical String Quartet of Pierre Vachon newly published by the CMBV

The Editions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles just published in full scores and set of parts the 6 String Quartet opus 11 by the French classical composer Pierre Vachon.

Pierre Vachon, born in Avignon in 1738, was known as a virtuoso violinist who performed on the most famous European stages, including Paris, London, and Berlin. He became Konzertmeister of the Royal Berlin orchestra in 1786. He was also a brilliant composer, particularly innovative for instrumental music: symphonies, sonatas, duets, trios, as well as about 30th skilfully crafted string quartets, among the best in late 18th century in France.

French music publishers from this time used the label "quatuor concertant" for pieces which maintain the balance between the players: the 2 violins, the viola and the cello. They were sold to the "amateur", from the aristocracy or upper middle-class, usually players of high level, who found in these scores music that they could enjoy playing together.

All the string quartets from this opus 11 begin with a Moderato and include 3 movements, with varied modes and tempi. They last between 10 and 20 minutes, and have no written figured bass, unlike the opus 7, the number 2 of which has been published by the Éditions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles. This seems to indicate a performance without harpsichord. They could be played along with Gossec's string quartets, already available.
Each String Quartet is available both as condensed score (for 8 euros each) and set of parts (for 9,50 euros each).

For further information, see :

The Editions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles are available from:
The website (delivery all over the world)
In New-York at OMI (
In California at Theodore Front (
In England at Jacks Pipe and Hammers (
And can be ordered in any music shop

Six Quatuors à cordes de Pierre Vachon (1738-1803)

Les Editions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles viennent de publier en partition et en parties séparées les 6 Quatuors à cordes opus 11 de Pierre Vachon.

Pierre Vachon naquit à Avignon en 1738. Il fut un brillant violoniste qui se produisait sur les plus grandes scènes à Paris, Londres et Berlin. Il fut nommé en 1786 Konzertmeister de l'Orchestre royal de Berlin. C'est également un compositeur qui excellait dans la musique instrumentale : symphonies, sonates, duettos, trios et surtout une trentaine de quatuors à cordes de très belle facture, parmi les meilleures productions françaises en cette fin de 18e siècle.

Les éditeurs parisiens signalaient sous le terme de « quatuor concertant » des œuvres plus particulièrement composées dans un souci d'équilibre entre les deux violons, l'alto et le violoncelle, comme les 6 quatuors publiés ici. Ces œuvres mettent en valeur chacune des 4 parties dans une très belle texture contrapuntique. Elles étaient destinés aux « amateurs » (terme qui désignait alors des instrumentistes souvent de très bon niveau) qui prenaient plaisir à jouer ensemble.

Les 6 quatuors de l'opus XI sont tous très différents les uns des autres bien qu'ils soient tous en 3 mouvements faisant alterner les modes et les tempi et s'ouvrent sur un Moderato. Ces œuvres durent entre 10 et 20 minutes. Contrairement à l'opus VII, dont le numéro 2 est publié aux Éditions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles, ils ne comportent aucun chiffrage à la basse, ce qui semble privilégier une interprétation sans basse continue. On pourra rapprocher ces œuvres des quatuors déjà publiés de Gossec.

Chaque quatuor à cordes est disponible séparément, aussi bien en conducteur (à 8 euros l'exemplaire) qu'en set de parties séparées (à 9,50 euros le set).

Pour plus d'information vous pouvez consulter le site des Editions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles :

Les publications des Éditions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles peuvent être commandées sur leur boutique en ligne ( et sont en stock dans le réseau des librairies partenaires (liste disponible : Elles peuvent par ailleurs être commander dans toute librairie musicale.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

New publication in French classical music/Nouvelle partition du répertoire classique français

New publication: Concerto for Harpsichord in C, Op. 12 by J F Edelmann

The full score of the Concerto for harpsichord in C, Op 12 by J F Edelmann, just published by the Editions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles in the Orchestre series continues CMBV's journey discovering French classical music.

A composer born in Alsace in 1749, Jean-Frédéric Edelmann is one of the first French keyboard soloists. Sensitive to the spirit of the French Revolution, he was committed to a Jacobin club. He died under the guillotine, leaving a pregnant widow.

This concerto is an excellent example of his work: sometimes brilliant, notably in the fast movements, sometimes expressive in the slow section, he is at the mid-point between the Galant style and early Romanticism. Ideal for a concert, it could also be used to teach the concerted style, played as a sonata, and can also be performed on a forte piano. The score and parts are available online, or from music shop partners Theodore Front Musical Literature (Van Nuys, California, USA), or Jacks Pipes and Hammers, Early Music Publisher and Stockists (Hebden Bridge, United Kingdom).

For further information, see

Nouvelle parution : Concerto pour clavecin en ut majeur op. 12 de J.F. Edelmann

La partition du Concerto pour le clavecin en ut majeur, op. XII de J.-F. Edelmann, qui vient d'être publiée par les Éditions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles dans la collection Orchestre, poursuit la découverte du répertoire classique français. Compositeur alsacien né en 1749, Edelmann est l'un des tout premier soliste au clavier. Animé par l'esprit de la Révolution, c'est un Jacobin engagé : il finit guillotiné en 1794, laissant une veuve enceinte. Ce concerto pour clavecin est un bel exemple de son œuvre : tantôt brillant, notamment dans les mouvements rapides, tantôt expressif dans les sections lentes, il se situe à mi-chemin entre le style galant et le préromantisme. Il peut être utilisé pour enseigner le style concertant, joué à la manière d'une sonate et s'adapte également au pianoforte.

Concerto pour le clavecin en ut majeur, op. XII de J.-F. Edelmann, transcription cmbv

Collection Orchestre, © 2008, 36 pages, 21x29,7 cm, conducteur broché,
ISMN M-56016-180-8. Avec introduction (français).

cah-180 Concerto pour le clavecin en ut majeur, op. XII, conducteur......................................................... 13,00 €
cah-180-rc Concerto pour le clavecin en ut majeur, op. XII, partie de clavecin.................................................. 7,80 €
cah-180-mo Concerto pour le clavecin, op. XII, materiel en vente (Hb, Cor, Clav, Vn1, Vn2, Basses).................. 40,50 €

Les publications des Éditions du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles peuvent être commandées sur leur boutique en ligne ( et sont en stock dans le réseau des librairies partenaires (liste disponible : Elles peuvent par ailleurs être commander dans toute librairie musicale.
Pour en savoir plus :

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

MIDEM Classical Awards 2009 Nominations

MIDEM 2008 -  The world's music community MIDEM: 18-21 January 2009 | MidemNet Forum: 17-18 January 2009 | Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France


Carlo Bergonzi
Julia Fischer
Philippe Jaroussky

Paris, 17 December 2008 – The fifth edition of the MIDEM Classical Awards will take place on Tuesday 20 January 2009 at 8pm in the Debussy auditorium of the Palais des Festivals, Cannes, during the 43rd MIDEM music market.

The MIDEM Classical Awards are the only international awards dedicated entirely to classical music. Professionals from the record and music publishing industries have submitted some 646 recordings from 127 labels and 23 companies for consideration.

A prestigious international jury from the world's leading specialist magazines, radio stations and organizations will discern the year's best artists and recordings. The jury includes Aarno Cronvall, Classic Radio (Finland), Bernadette Beyne, Crescendo (Belgium), Björn Woll, Fono Forum (Germany), Attila Retkes, Gramofon (Hungary), James Jolly, Gramophone (UK), Christian May, IAMA (World), Franz Patay, IMZ (World), Matthias Brixel, (Germany), Martin Hoffmeister, MDR – Figaro (Germany), Stephen Hastings, Musica (Italy), Andrea Meuli, Musik & Theater (Switzerland), Christian Scheib, ORF Ö1 (Austria), Rémy Franck, Pizzicato (Luxembourg) and Luis Sunen, Scherzo (Spain).

During the ceremony, special homage will be paid to Carlo Bergonzi who will receive a special MIDEM prize in recognition of his outstanding career. It is hard to imagine a more enchanting timbre than that of French counter-tenor Philippe Jaroussky, voted "Singer of the Year", or that of the extraordinary talent of violinist Julia Fischer, "Instrumental Artist of the Year". German tenor Jonas Kaufmann will also attend as a special guest, invited to present the trophy to Carlo Bergonzi and to present his latest DVD, Carmen, published by Decca in October 2008. Finally, the Sony Masterworks label will be presented with the "Label of the Year" award. The winners at the MIDEM Classical Awards 2009 will be announced at a press conference on Sunday 18 January at 5pm on the MIDEM Classical Awards stand, located at Riviera R38.03.

On stage at this year's MIDEM Classical Awards will be the Orchestre de Cannes Alpes Provence Côte d'Azur conducted by Philippe Bender, with James Jolly as host. Several personalities from the international music scene will also honour this, the fifth edition of the MIDEM Classical Awards, with their presence.

The high attendance of professionals from the world of classical music at MIDEM, as well as the desire by jury members to pay special attention to broadcasting and promoting the winners, make the MIDEM Classical Awards an exceptional launch pad for all prize-winning artists.

Click HERE and discover the nominees of the MIDEM CLASSICAL AWARDS 2009

For more information about MIDEM:

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Highlights at MIDEM Jazz 2009

MIDEM 2008 -  The world's music community MIDEM: 18-21 January 2009 | MidemNet Forum: 17-18 January 2009 | Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France


Dave Stapleton
Magnus Lindgren
Titi Robin Trio

Paris, 10 December 2008 – Every year, MIDEM Jazz provides an opportunity to discover contemporary jazz artists from all around the world. This year's MIDEM Jazz event will be held in the Salon Diane in the Majestic Hotel, Cannes, from 18-20 January 2009.

Now in its second year, the MIDEM Talent Jazz series offers two concerts a day from Sunday through Tuesday, at 6.30pm and 7.30pm. Don't miss young French drummer Anne Paceo and her band "Triphase", nominated at the 2008 Django d'Or awards in the "New Talent/Stage Revelation" category, or the Dave Stapleton Quintet, bringing their rock-strength talent from the British jazz scene.

On Monday 19 January, Australian trio Misinterprotato will be intermingling close-knit improvisations with ethereal moods, borrowing both from modern jazz, ambient music, rock and contemporary sounds. This will be followed by a special visit from Andalusian pianist David Peña Dorantes, the flamenco musician of the 21st century, along with special guest star, cantaor Arcàngel.

Drawing on influences from the likes of Wayne Shorter, JS Bach, Kenny Wheeler, Messiaen and Astor Piazzolla, Frøy Aagre is Norway's hottest saxophone talent, and will be performing on 20 January. Also not to be missed is saxophonist, clarinetist and flautist Magnus Lindgren, a key figure on the Swedish jazz scene and just back from Brazil with his latest project Batucada Jazz, accompanied on stage by the Rio Groove Masters, directed by Sebastian Notini.

Over the three-day event, fans of the MIDEM Jazz Club series of late night concerts will be transported to Holland, will be treated to a special SACEM selection and will get an insider's view of a unique label that publishes some unforgettably haunting sounds. On Sunday 18 January from 10pm-midnight, Buma Cultuur and MIDEM have programmed two great Dutch performances: saxophonist Yuri Honing's electro-rock formation Wired Paradise, whose complex and sensual music is inspired by recent Hollywood classics such as L.A. Confidential, Kill Bill and The Usual Suspects; and the up-and-coming New Cool Collective, with their unique blend of jazz, salsa and Latin music.

On Monday 19 January, MIDEM Jazz Club will be presenting a special SACEM selection with music that draws inspiration from a wide variety of influences. The Titi Robin Trio explores new sounds through some unexpected combinations and offers a delicate, sensitive and virtuoso dialogue of Brazilian guitar, accordion and percussion. Bozilo delivers a unique blend of Balkan music, North American rhythms and Afro-American groove through three renowned musicians, Bojan Z, Karim Ziad and Julien Lourau.

On Tuesday 20 January, the focus is on the 20-year-old Buda Musique label, with their Ethiojazz collection, "Les Ethiopiques", that the audience will have the chance to discover through Eténèsh et Le Tigre des Platanes, where a French jazz combo from Toulouse meets Ethiopian azmari Eténesh Wassié. Finally, the 26-year-old virtuoso clarinetist YOM will perform from the repertoire of Naftule Brandwein, the celebrated klezmer clarinetist from the early 20th century. The self-proclaimed "New King of the Klezmer Clarinet" never spoke a truer word. The event is sponsored by FCM.

For more information about MIDEM Classical & Jazz, go to:

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Highlights of MIDEM Classical 2009

MIDEM 2008 -  The world's music community MIDEM: 18-21 January 2009 | MidemNet Forum: 17-18 January 2009 | Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France


Paris, 5 December 2008 – MIDEM Classical will put the spotlight on musical encounters of all shapes and sizes at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes from 18-21 January 2009. This wide-ranging event is designed to help professionals understand how the market is moving and allow them to discover a generation of young artists alongside major international performers, notably singers.

MIDEM Classical 2009 will pay homage to celebrated Italian tenor Carlo Bergonzi, internationally renowned for his phenomenal career, which includes starring alongside Maria Callas and Herbert von Karajan and his famous performances of the works of Verdi. A screening of previously-unseen images from his career and a press conference with the singer will take place on Tuesday 20 January from 11.30am-1.00pm in auditorium K, at the Palais des Festivals.

In a world first to celebrate the 75th birthday of Polish composer and conductor Krzysztof Penderecki, MIDEM Classical will be screening the concert version of Seven Gates of Jerusalem on 18 January 2009 from 6.30-7.30pm in Auditoriums I and J. This work will be accompanied by animations by Tomek Baginski, who achieved an Oscar nomination for his short film The Cathedral in 2002. Krzysztof Penderecki, Tomek Baginski and many other artists will be present at the event.

MIDEM Classical will be continuing its mission to discover new young talent by organising the third Nuit d'Opéra on Monday 19 January in the Debussy Auditorium at 8pm. The special guest at the event will be Cuban-American soprano Eglise Gutiérrez, who will shortly perform in Madrid alongside Juan Diego Florez and at London's Covent Garden in three new productions. She will be accompanied by young singers from Marseille's classical singing training centre CNIPAL, including French soprano Sophie Desmars, Chinese mezzo Ai Wu, South Korean tenor Ji Hyun Kim, French baritone Ronan Debois and the Orchestre Régional de Cannes Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur directed by Philippe Bender. The programme contains a wide range of arias, ensembles and orchestral extracts from Vivaldi to Reynaldo Hahn and from Haydn to Puccini.

The fifth edition of the MIDEM Classical Awards will take place on Tuesday 20 January 2009 at 8pm in the Debussy Auditorium. The ceremony crowns the best recordings and classical artists of 2008. During the event, Carlo Bergonzi will receive a special MIDEM prize in recognition of his career. It is hard to imagine a more enchanting timbre than that of French counter-tenor Philippe Jaroussky voted "Singer of the Year", or of the extraordinary talent of violinist Julia Fischer, "Instrumental Artist of the Year". German tenor Jonas Kaufmann will also attend as a special guest, invited to present the trophy to Carlo Bergonzi and to present his latest DVD, Carmen, published by Decca in October 2008. Finally, the Sony Classical label will be presented with the "Label of the Year" award. The winners at the MIDEM Classical Awards 2009 will be announced at a press conference on Sunday 18 January at 5pm on the MIDEM Classical Awards stand, located at Riviera R38.03.

Once again, several premieres and conferences will be hosted by IMZ, the Vienna-based organization that specialises in music and dance press promotion. Through these events, IMZ is promoting some 390 productions involving classical music, jazz, world music and dance programs. Within this framework, Jonas Kaufmann will be making a special presentation of the film "Jonas Kaufmann, A Perfectly Normal Hero" (Clasart Classic) on Tuesday 20 January 2009, Auditorium I and J, between 5.30-6.30pm.

Lastly, five conferences will help us better understand the fields of classical music and jazz, with selected participants including Nicholas Payne, Director of Opéra Europa and Alexander Pereira, Director of the Zurich Opera.

For more information on MIDEM Classical & Jazz:


Monday, March 17, 2008

[Paris] Le Concours International de Cor de Paris-Ville d'Avray - Résultats

Le Concours International de Cor de Paris-Ville d'Avray a récompensé, le 16 mars 2008, les interprètes suivants :
1er Prix (Prix du Conseil Général des Hauts de Seine) : Kevin RIVARD (USA)
2ème Prix (Prix de la Commune de Ville d'Avray) : Mathieu ROMAND (France).
Mathieu Romand remporte aussi le Prix de l'Association Française du Cor pour le meilleur "jeune espoir français"
Prix du Public : Kevin RIVARD
Mention spéciale à Anna Magdalena EUEN (Allemagne).


Jean-Louis Petit
34 Avenue Bugeaud, 75116 PARIS
téléphone : 08 77 11 14 57
portables : - 06 11 75 20 63

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Les Étés de la danse / Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal


Pour diffusion immédiate





Montréal, le 15 janvier 2008 - En juillet prochain, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal seront les invités des Étés de la danse de Paris, l'un des plus prestigieux festivals de ballet au monde.

Sous la présidence de Mme Jacques Chirac, Les étés de la danse enrichissent Paris durant la saison estivale d'une grande manifestation entièrement dédiée à la danse depuis sa fondation en 2005. L'événement, dirigé par M. Valéry Colin, reçoit chaque année une seule compagnie de réputation internationale et mobilise tout autant la France entière, par le biais d'une vaste campagne publicitaire, que les médias internationaux. Le San Francisco Ballet, l'Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater et le Ballet National de Cuba y ont déjà été reçus.

Les Grands Ballets, qui ne se sont pas présentés à Paris depuis trois décennies, ont été conviés à se produire en plein coeur de la capitale française, du 9 au 29 juillet 2008, pour une résidence de plus de 3 semaines et un total de 16 spectacles dans le cadre de la 4e édition de la manifestation. La compagnie devient ainsi le premier organisme culturel du Québec et du Canada à avoir été retenu pour illustrer l'excellence, le dynamisme et l'innovation en danse.

« Je suis particulièrement fier de présenter le nouveau visage des Grands Ballets dans une vitrine aussi exceptionnelle que ce festival », affirme le directeur artistique, Gradimir Pankov. «Cette invitation est une consécration pour tout le travail, les efforts et l'énergie consentis par tous les artistes, danseurs, concepteurs et artisans. Elle sera sans conteste l'un des grands moments de notre histoire », ajoute le directeur général, Alain Dancyger.

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal présenteront trois programmes différents, réunissant des oeuvres récemment créées pour la compagnie, dont Minus One de Ohad Naharin, Toot de Didy Veldman, Noces de Stijn Celis et Les Quatre Saisons de Mauro Bigonzetti. Les spectacles seront donnés sur une scène entièrement construite dans la partie centrale du Grand Palais, bâtiment patrimonial et lieu mythique situé entre La Seine et les Champs Élysées. Ils constitueront l'un des grands événements marquants des célébrations du 400e anniversaire de la ville de Québec dans la capitale française. Plus de 45 000 spectateurs y sont attendus !

Un grand gala, sous la présidence d'honneur de l'Ambassadeur du Canada, M. Marc Lortie, et du Délégué général du Québec à Paris, M. Wilfrid Guy-Licari, et en présence de personnalités des mondes politiques et artistiques français, québécois et canadiens, marquera la soirée d'ouverture le 9 juillet 2008.

Les GBCM sont heureux d'être associés aux partenaires de prestige que sont Alcan, Power Corporation, Tourisme Montréal et le ministère du Tourisme du Québec, dans le cadre de cet événement. La compagnie est particulièrement fière de compter Air Canada comme partenaire privilégié et transporteur officiel. Les GBCM remercient également la Délégation générale du Québec et l'Ambassade du Canada, à Paris, de leur aimable collaboration.

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal font vibrer leur ville au rythme de leurs créations chorégraphiques depuis 1957. Interculturelle et plurielle, telle est la stature de l'institution. En 2000, celle-ci a pris un grand virage sous l'impulsion éclairée de son nouveau directeur artistique, Gradimir Pankov, fort d'une longue expérience internationale. Dès son arrivée, il a fait des GBCM une compagnie de création et de répertoire reflétant les tendances actuelles en ballet, et toujours très active au pays comme à l'étranger. Vivier propre à l'éclosion de talents nouveaux, elle incarne aujourd'hui la créativité et l'audace. Elle offre une vision différente du monde par la danse, une vision plus que jamais émotive, théâtrale et passionnante.

Les GBCM bénéficient du généreux soutien du Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, du Conseil des Arts du Canada, du Conseil des arts de Montréal, des Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada et de Patrimoine canadien.

- 30 -

Renseignements : Francine Arsenault, communications

(514) 849-8681, poste 227 /



For immediate release




Montréal, January 15, 2008 - In July, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal will be the featured guest company of Les étés de la danse de Paris, one of the world's most prestigious ballet festivals.

Since 2005, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Jacques Chirac, Les étés de la danse has crowned the summer season in Paris with a major event dedicated entirely to dance. The event, directed by Valéry Colin, hosts one internationally acclaimed company each year, and attracts the attention not only of the international media but also all of France thanks to a major advertising campaign. The San Francisco Ballet, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and Ballet Nacional de Cuba have preceded Les Grands Ballets as featured guest companies at this festival.

Les Grands Ballets, which has not performed in Paris for three decades, has been invited to perform in the heart of the French capital from July 9 to 29, for a three-week and a half, 16-show residence as part of the event's 4th edition. Les Grands Ballets is the first cultural organization from Québec and Canada to be chosen for this event to illustrate excellence, dynamism and innovation in dance.

"I am particularly proud to present the new face of Les Grands Ballets in such an exceptional showcase as the festival," says the company's Artistic Director, Gradimir Pankov. Adds its Executive Director Alain Dancyger: "This invitation is a testament to all the work, effort and energy invested by all our artists, dancers, creators and artisans. It will be, without any doubt, one of the milestones in our history."

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens will perform three different programs, bringing together several works recently created for the company, including Minus One by Ohad Naharin, Toot by Didy Veldman, Noces by Stijn Celis and Four Seasons by Mauro Bigonzetti. The shows will be performed on a stage entirely constructed in the central part of the Grand Palais, a legendary heritage building situated on the lower part of the Champs Élysées. Les Grands Ballets shows will constitute one of the main celebrations in the French capital marking the 400th anniversary of the founding of Québec City. More than 45,000 spectators are expected to attend!

A gala event will mark the opening night on July 9, with Ambassador of Canada, Mr. Marc Lortie, and Québec's Delegate General in Paris, Mr. Wilfrid Guy-Licari, as honorary chairs, and guests including notable political and artistic figures from France, Québec and the rest of Canada.

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens is pleased to be associated with prestigious partners Alcan, Power Corporation, Tourisme Montréal and the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec for this festival. The company is particularly proud to have Air Canada as a special partner and official carrier. Les GBCM would also like to thank the Délégation générale du Québec and the Canadian Embassy, in Paris, for their valued contribution.

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens has enriched Montréal with its choreographic creations since 1957. Intercultural and pluralistic, this is the nature of the institution. In 2000, Mr. Pankov took the helm as Artistic Director; under his guidance and because of his extensive international experience, the company took a new turn. From the moment of his arrival, he has transformed Les Grands into a creative and repertory company that reflects current trends in ballet, and that remains very active both at home and abroad. An incubator for new talent, the company today embodies innovation and daring. Les Grands Ballets offers an alternative vision of the world through an art form it holds dear: one that is more emotional, theatrical, and exciting, than ever.

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal receives generous support from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts de Montréal, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and Canadian Heritage.


Information: Francine Arsenault, Communications

514 849-8681, ext. 227 /

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